January 19, 2023

Technocrats-At-Work: Medical Profession Implements WHO’s Digital Diagnosis Code For The Unvaxxed

(Chant) We Will. We Will. Track You! There has been no clear way to identify those who chose to not take the experimental mRNA shots – until now. The US has just approved and adopted the WHO’s new digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed.

When you make your next visit to a medical facility, for any reason, you will be asked if you took the “vaccine” and boosters. Your answer will be coded on the spot and the data uploaded to the all-seeing medical cloud. Technocrats lust for data like this. They also lust for opportunities to practice their social engineering skills. ⁃ TN Editor


A set of international codes are used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, but it’s not just about billing.

These codes are part of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) system set forth by the United Nations World Health Organization and they’re about to get far more invasive.

This system was originally created after World War II for the purpose of tracking the diagnosis of major diseases within a population. But over the years, there have been 11 major revisions, and with each revision the data being collected on each individual has become more precise and all-inclusive.

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