January 14, 2023

The Scorpio Show 2023.01.04

Scorpio and Mike Sledge discuss their views on the next American election and much more.

Feel free to email Scorpio at drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


  1. I hope nobody here is falling for this we are about to be nuked by Russia psy-op being pushed by some operatives within the so called alternative media. It's hard to believe they are resurrecting this old boogieman, especially with a controlled from the top conflict like the 'war' in Jewkraine.

    Spoiler alert: Putin is in on the act, just like Donald J(ew) Trump.

    1. enjoyed listening to the richard kary show today with you, mike, and bb9 as guests today!

  2. B-b-but Scorp!!! Putin has given his FINAL warning...

  3. 49 minutes in.

    In this country, jew gotta make the money first. Then when jew get the money, you get the power. Then when jew get the power, then jew get the women. LOL

  4. dam...The show is going to be like listening to old news...10 days old...Do you have a website where we can catch your shows when current Scorpio? Thanks

  5. The next time that Scorpio sends me a show to edit, I wont go to bed and post it the next day, I'll wait an extra week.

    Fucking assholes. LOL

  6. @57:00-1:06 it appears Mike Sledge took the advice of many that the work of Adam Green (KNOW MORE NEWS) on Odysee in the last year is that "sacred cow" that needs looking into. Scorpio will avoid this christian subject so he does not rub Mike Gaddy the wrong way. Adam wants to be interviewed to expose this worship of of "their" messiah.

  7. Did Noors Sun/Wed comix site get deleted?

  8. Some Interesting Points ...

    Mike has some talent, and can be funny ...

    ridicule is a very Powerful (((weapon))) ...

    but, I think Scorpio has gone down a Dead-End Path with Mike, simply because Mike is a Drunk,, etc, in his personal-life, and hence un-reliable, and basically: stupid/retarded ..... afteralll ... what Actually-SERIOUS person does such dishonorable and irresponsible "things"....

    Yes! Watching ni88er-ball IS indeed worse-than-"Retarded" .....

    and, Yes! -- "Routing" for ANY: WHITES to DIE from the: (((POISON)))-DEATH-Injections is INSANE (if you are WHITE!) ...

    but, with Mike, ... I wouldn't be surprised if such VALID-Points, are not mostly: "projecting"! ;-)

    -- Anyway, MY post, this time is Prompted by:

    That FACT: that the "PAYWALL" .....

    is "Retarded" ...... Scorpio seemed like a GOOD-Guy .....

    (And OBVIOUSLY: "AO" is indeed a ni88er-scum!)

    But, much as I "RESENT" even Having to SAY it:

    (FAT, unhealthy-looking! "Medical Expert") Giuseppe was a GOOD: Anchor/influence/"Foil" for Scorpio .........

    and alas, I am "spidey-sensing": that Mike is NOT so! :-o

    --> WHAT is the "POINT" of Doing-Podcasts .... if NOT to HELP us ALL: Come CLOSER to the TRUTH of Things!??????

    -- "MONEY"!? ---> I Don't Think so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    (And soooo much of WHO Mike actually-IS in Private-Life ..... that such: "Omissions" ....

    End-Up BEING: LYING-by-Omissions ..... as Mike is NO: "Leader"! :-o )


    MY 2-cents-worth .... anyway! ;-)

  9. Well, on to Listening to:


    with Scorpio + Mike! ;-)

  10. At some point one has to realize that podcasts are something to kill time with instead of listening to music you’ve heard a thousand times before. How much insight, wisdom and direction do you expect for something that’s free? Go watch Max Igan and you get more out of it, as he is more serious. Sledge wants the system gone, but he works for Fortune 500? His sarcasm is unbearable.

  11. "Current affairs" and "news" is becoming one occult ritual after another. Maybe it has always been that way? The noise is at crescendo levels, at least from my perspective. Alternative media has been saturated with operatives selling you a narrative. I think the most current push is for the vaccinated to become a mass of psychosomatic hypochondriacs. I don't see the deaths or vaccine injured in my circles. Do any of you guys have people in your lives that have died or been injured from the vaccine? There seems to be a role out celebrity deaths related to the vaccine to create worry and uncertainty among the profane. No?

    1. Oh yeah. I see it in northern VA. Lots lots sicknesses. Denying things doesn't make them go away. Lots of denial going on. As a landlord with a lot of properties I make money while people eat cat food on a crate. Those with the assets make out well while the broke are in denial. Denial that they could be swindled on a wholesale level. They're too smart.

  12. I've been thinking lately that I should reduce my "alternative" podcast consumption because of the demoralizing effect it seems to have. A paywall on the Scorpio Show will make that easier to do.

  13. @windmiller


    Starting to Listen to it NOW:



    "A paywall on the Scorpio Show will make that easier to do."

    Perhaps Igan is BETTER now ..... but, after some-of-the-Woppers that he's already-Told .... and the "Streets-of-SF-Carl-Mulden"-BUTT-NOSE (And general-LOOK of having "experimented"-with: some "Strong"-Stuff" .......

    I Prefer to Listen to FAR Smaller-Listenership: 100%-GENUINE-(and-FREE!)-Folks:
    Like: "Enochered" ;-) :-)

  14. A paywall for any of these shows is big LMAO, are you shitting me? You don’t do this for the money if you’re genuine. Complaints? Quit making podcasts then.

  15. Miden Seculovich is the REAL name of: Karl Mulden !!!


    WHITE Power George-Lincoln-Rockwell


    Read by Alex Linder

    THIS is CERTAINLY a SUPER-MUST: Listen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    --> jews are biological-Parasites ...... and CANNOT be "converted"

    (Just as Much: as a LION CANNOT: "become": a "vegetarian" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  16. Followed until the Sledge's blasphemous comment.Thank you, but no, thank you.

  17. @Adanac - Way back in Ottawa with the Trucker's protest, I was told I had to pull my truck off the road and put my flag up the right way!

    I had several talks with what's her name, the lady in charge - who told me I would be removed from the parade if I persisted.

    I explained how the upside down flag is the international symbol for a nation in distress!

    She didn't care, she thought I was putting Canada in a bad light! How hilarious is that?

    "I was putting Canada in a bad light" ..... ha,ha,ha, ha.

    I think we were had!

  18. @Albert, my EX Wife used to call everyone else in the world an Alcoholic!

    I got dragged to many AA meetings, what I have discovered: In 99.9999999999 % of the cases - when someone calls someone else out for having Alcohol issues, ( especially someone they don't even know) the person making the accusation is a Drunk!

    Fortunately Albert's liver won't allow him to keep on commenting nonsense for too much longer!

    Get some help Albert!

  19. I made a Meme:

    With the Sheep, sheep-dog, and Human ...

    The Sheep are "psycho-analyzing" the TRUTH-telling-Sheep: Who is Correctly-SAYING: that the dog is Working-WITH the Human ... and the "mutton" that they eat-each-day: is THEIR "missing"-Lambs! :-o

    And some of the Sheep as-a-"clever"-jab retort-Back SAY:
    "Wethinks Thou Doth KNOW 'too much'! -- Maybe YOU'RE the 'wolf' Trevor!"


    --> One of the Things that is SOOOO-Apt: About: the ((("wolves"))) and "Sheep"/"Lambs" analogy:

    ----> Is that "wolves" CANNOT EAT: Grass etc! ... and thus MUST: Viciously-ravenously-EAT: Cute-Lambs ... each and every Day ... or STARVE-to-DEATH!
    and that:
    --> Sheep/Lambs CANNOT even "Ape"-Wolves / EAT: "mutton" / "Meat" at-all !!! :-o
    (Or Get "Mad cow disease" etc. even if: "small-quantities" are mixed-into: Their "Feed"!)

    I have been a Milk-Butter-Vegetarian for 40+ Years now, and since I became a Hare Krishna one-year-in ...

    In MY entire-LIFE:
    I have only had TOTAL around 1" of alcohol, NO Drugs (even "Pharmaceuticals"! for 40 years!) etc!


    Indeed: I consider that WHITES: Eating-"Meat"*: Is a "clever"-(((trick))): To "Blurr": what would be OBVIOUS to the WHITE-Races ... if WHITES did-NOT:
    (* No-MILK: ((("veganism"))) is a "clever"-trick too! to "cleverly"-(((co-opt))): Truly-HEALTHY-Vegetarianism!)

    -----> That jews ARE indeed a ((("Vampire")))-Race, and a COMPLETELY-DIFFERENT:
    ------------> INCAPABLE of TRUE-CREATION and LOVE: ((("Species"))) !!! :-o


    Good (((TRY))) though !!! ;-)

    (((fraudianly))): Yes! -- Be ((("ASSURED"))):

    --> That "99.999%" of Good-Folks who even "Criticize":
    "Queer Story Hour" Child-((("GROOMING")))
    --> Are "Most Probably": The-"REAL": "Perverts" "Child-Molesters" / "Haters" !!!


  20. Oh, and by the way ...

    (The very-MOST: Ebil-Man EVER!!!)-HITLER was a Vegetarian !!! ..........

    And we ALL "KNOW" .... where THAT Led to now, Don't we ?!!! :-o

    --> 6 GORRILLION always absolutely-"INNOCENT"-jews, for-NO-good-Reason-at-all:

    --> "were": "Industrially"-Brutally-"Hollow-Co$ted" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o


  21. The Chapter-6: WHITE Power George-Lincoln-Rockwell


    Read by Alex Linder

    Has the EMPHATIC-Concept: Of jews BEING: A Completely-DIFFERENT:

    PARASITE-Species .... INCAPABLE of Being-"CONVERTED": by, Christians, or ANYONE else!
    -- Exactly as: TAPEWORMS CANNOT be "Converted" into Anything-Else! :-o

    And the FRANK-Portrayal: Of Biblical-(((Joseph))): and How "Lustily"-like-SUPER-(((Parasites))):

    The "chosen"-jews: FED-OFF of the: WHITE-"Ebil"-EGYPTIANS ....

    Until they OWNED-NOTHING ........ and were "Happy" .... or DEAD !!! :-o

    :-) :-) :-)

  22. There is Maybe some "Logic" in Doing / believing the OPPOSITE of What an "Ex-Wife" "Advocates" .... Maybe .......

    But, ONLY a (((LIAR))) could even "Scientifically"-QUOTE: a "99.9999999999 %" "Likely-hood" of:

    Folks-with-BRAINS ... who have Listened to-HIM over-the-Years ... and thus "been-Through": Mike-Sledge's Drunkenness-"Problems" ....

    And who Simply-POINT-OUT: That HE is indeed NO-"LEADER" ... and His "clever"-Chuckle-Chuckle-Chuckle-"Takes" on "Things" are NOT-so-"Reliable" .....

    "BEING"-"Them-Selves": unreliable-Possessed-DRUNKARDS !!!

    within a "99.9999999999 %" "Probability" !!! ;-)

  23. Cast Off the White Man's Burden

    Cast off: the White man's burden --
    Why: Send forth the best ye breed --
    Or: Go bind your sons to exile
    To Serve Ingrate-Beasts' need;
    Why: Toil in heavy harness
    For Ugly Envious and Wild --
    Why: Feed these, sullen peoples,
    Half devil and half 'child'?

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    Why: Do you in patience abide,
    Why: Tolerate their threat & terror,
    Why: Feed their Murd'rous show & pride?
    They now openly curse and plot,
    In mad "vengeance" become your bane.
    They seek from your work to profit,
    And 'work' from your Death to gain.

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    The savage Brother-wars of ((("peace"))) --
    Why: fill their 'Lazy' mouth of Famine
    Why: bid their grac'd sickness cease?
    And when their "equal" numbers swell
    Their End for Ebil-"Whitey" sought --
    Watch 'Chimpin' and Vicious-Hatred
    Bring all your Happy-Dreams to nought.

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    Such 'Fairness' fills their poison-stings;
    At 'Best' they speak of base & foul --
    And 'work' to realize terrible things.
    The Lands ye shall not enter,
    The Cities ye shall not tread,
    Why: Feed them with your Life-Force,
    Why: Empower them with your dead!?

    Cast off: the White man's burden --
    These 'good'-deeds hath old reward:
    The insane-blame of those ye better,
    The vicious-hate of those ye guard --
    The curse of hordes ye humour
    Your generous-gifts weaponized to fight:
    "Why showed us what we lacked, and were,
    'Oppressed' us with your Truthful sight!?"

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    For 'equity' brings ev'r more distress!
    Share not your hearts' call for freedom
    Nor to them: inner-dialog confess!
    By all ye cry or whisper,
    By all ye leave or do,
    The raging, vicious "people" ...
    Shall weigh your Gods and you.

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    For Only amongst our Folk lays --
    The lightly proffered laurel,
    The easy, ungrudged praise.
    See Now: the Truth of Your Humanity
    Through all the thankless years,
    Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
    The judgment of Your peers!

  24. STOP: The "Jew-Jab"-(((Bioweapons))) POISON-DEATH-Injections, which have been (((Developed)))-Over-Decades!
    (Hence the (((PROJECTION))) that the "Nazis" and "Mengele" Fiendishly-Conducted Medical EXPERIMENTATIONS!)

    "REMOVE": The "Politicians"-LYING-((("Puppets"))) which have been ((("Bought"))) for-Decades!
    (Hence the (((PROJECTION))) that the "Nazis" were "Un-Democratic" Murderous TOTALITARIANS!)

    "TURN-OFF": The (((Media))) (Papers, Publishers, Radio, TV, "Social-Media") which have been "Bought-Up"-and-(((OWNED))) For Centuries!
    (Hence the (((PROJECTION))) of [Actually TRUTH-Telling: about the International-Jew, and "Politics" "Banking" etc] "Nazi" "PROPAGANDA"!)

    "BOYCOTT": The (((Money-System))) The 1913 "Federal-Reserve" (((Private-Bank)))-DEBT-Based-Fiat-Currency with UNTETHERED-"Run-Away"-Exponential-"PRINTING" ...
    ----> Which SATANICALLY "cleverly" "BUYS-UP": EVERYTHING, and EVERYBODY !!!
    (Hence the (((PROJECTION))) That: Hitler and the "Nazis" were the MOST-EVIL People EVER! -- And HAD to BE: TOTALLY-MERCILESSLY-DESTROYED!)

    (Because THEY Actually STOPPED this CORE-"USURY"-EVIL: Which "ENABLES" the-"Synagogue-of-SATAN" ... And the Whole World would SEE This GREAT-BOON / Liberating-FREEDOM!)

    --> The "Covid" World-CRIME-Syndicate-(((Operation))) ... Is to "cleverly"-(((PUSH))): The GLOBAL-FINANCE-"Reset":
    Of a "Social-Credit"*-Digital-Currency TOTAL-(((ENSLAVEMENT))): of ESPECIALLY the WHITE-World!
    (*National-Socialism was the OPPOSITE of such!)
    (Hence the "clever"-(((PROJECTION))): That: SIZE-of-Texas GERMANY/"NAZIS": SOUGHT to ATTACK CONQUER and RULE: the ENTIRE-WORLD and ALL of its Peoples !!!)

    "The Emperor's New 'Clothes'" (ALL, but a Truthful-Innocent-Boy Were Too-AFRAID: to SPEAK / Admit: The PLAIN-TRUTH: That the Emperor's "Clothes" were a (((LIE)))!!!)
    --> EVERYONE has been "Groomed" since-Birth: To NOT: "Name-the-Jew" ... As LAUGHING at (((them))) ... INSTANTLY-DESTROYS: ALL of (((their))) CAREFUL-"clever"-SATANIC-MAGIC !!!
    --> RIDICULE this WORLD-ENSLAVEMENT-(((PLAN))) and the POISON-DEATH-Injections, and the ((("Science"))) / ((("BENEFITS"))) of such -- and "Name-the-Jew" NOW !!! --> While YOU Still CAN!
    ---> Or Children and "Grown-Ups" alike ... will FOREVER be "Re-WRITTEN": Trapped and ENSLAVED: in a "Living"-HELL:
    By ("Chosen by 'G-d'", "OWNING" 2800 Goyim-SLAVES) "Jews" !!! :-o

  25. This place just wouldn't be the same without Albert's input. LOL

  26. Jeff Berwick does a podcast about twice a week over at the Dollar Vigilante, usually while out walking down in Mexico. I've been listening to that while I do my 10K steps plus per day. Done with everyone's hero, the guy who lives in the land of crytos, the guy who constantly rants about not being able to travel, all the while making big bank working for the enemy. A one trick pony by all standards.

    Jeff Friend over at the Realist Report is worth a listen all the time. So is Donald Jeffries and Tim Kelly. Rense is a selective listen and I hope he's right about the the vaxtard do gooder dupes. RBN has some decent hosts, Richard Kary is worth the time because of the guests he has.

  27. insider reveals truth about Covid-19 pandemic from within the National Health Service

    (How the misdiagnosis of deaths occurred and was due to changes from 2016)


  28. Elementally Evil Institutions: Wow, Get a Load of This Guys!



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