January 24, 2023

Woody Allen Explains to Tucker Carlson Why Feminism Is Bad LOL

Tucker Carlson Today 


  1. Ann Karyn Chavis-Harris
    2 years ago

    I am so glad in America people have their own opinions but looking at Tucker's show tonight for 10 minutes about Chris Cuomo not wearing a mask at his own house was so elementary. This man is blessed to be alive. Why focus on false information? I would love for Tucker to talk about men that rape young girls, bully people, make fun of disabled folks, lie 24/7, fire people because they don't think like him, ignores CDC rules of mask and social distancing ,threatens people, pays off mistresses, belittles females, tied to sex ring, disrespects anyone and everyone, goes against science, loves hate groups (" stand by he said") someone that is more like a dictator,( loves Putin), concerned only about self and making money for his family and business. Talk about how this man “President Trump” has put so many people's lives in danger and is the reason for so many deaths in America, because of his lies and won't listen to Dr. Fauci. Talk about our president that says he knows more than generals, doctors, secretary of state, ambassadors, military, justices, FBI, CIA, etc. I want you to talk for 10 minutes on why "Trump " said: I did more for you than Jesus.... and all he did was leave..... nobody knows where he went!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to mention on your show how Obama dealt with Ebola, scars, mers, H1N1, and how the country stayed open and the economy boomed. How many deaths did we have in America? I am a teacher that teaches FACTS to students and here goes people on FOX everyday lying and twisting truths which you call Alternative facts these days. Educated true Christians try to understand this kind of talk show but we have to pray for you Tucker and others that report misinformation 70% of the time and speak of opinions 100% of the time. Tucker, ask GOD to soften your heart and stop all this ignorance spewed out by you .The people that love a man like TRUMP and what he stands for is embarrassing to us and the entire world. I really don't care that Trump has a 5th grade vocabulary but he has lowered the standards of the office of the presidency. We have a Commander in Tweet today. Never before has the world protested an American President like what we have seen today in the White House and that speaks volumes and truths. God bless you Tucker......That is what The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth wants us to do. Hint: BIBLE, pray for you and this country........ I gave you a star rating only because it makes you do that before posting

    29 people found this helpful.




  2. Bessie Pressett
    3 years ago

    I am an 83 year old woman. Tucker and you are a disgrace to our country; you are acting lik,e President Trump; A BIG BULLY!!!!Making fun of our Ambassador today';Your Mother would be so ashamed of you; Now I know why I can't stand your Fox Station; You are all clones of this MAN that you call President; He stands for nothing decent . Tucker, try to show some class; tonight when I watched you for a total of 20 seconds; it was enough; you acted just like Trump making fun of that mentally challenged man.. ,, All of you people on Fox deserve each other; What I feel bad about is Our America; If Trump is so innocent let his people testify; no, no he forbids that; and his tax records???? What is that about?? But you Trumpsters are following him; have you noticed how many of his followers are in deep trouble; but Trump barely knew them..,,I am sure when you read this you will make fun of me; WHATS NEW??God Bless America! We sure need it; Bessie From utah;

    23 people found this helpful.




  3. Joe Fondren
    4 years ago

    Potential CLASS ACTION FEDERAL LAWSUIT. As a long-time political activist and former broadcaster I consider Tucker Tonight to be the most important programming there is, or ever WAS on TV. But, in every broadcast, the programming is being pre-empted by my cable provider by placing local advertising in the place of the very pertinent beginning of the show and during the show. I consider these acts to be discrimination, censorship, and even false advertising since the cable company does not disclose to potential customers that they will not get to watch the full program of Tucker Carlson Tonight, or Hannity. After many tries to courteously and in a friendly way resolve the matter, the cable company claims that they have done nothing wrong and that nothing will change. My several voice-mail messages to Fox News have been UNANSWERED! Efforts through the Alabama Public Service Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and even the Alabama Attorney General's Office have produced nothing positive beyond the suggestion that I may need to file a lawsuit.
    From the beginning, I have believed that You at Fox News would have the power to end this discrimination and censorship. DO YOU NOT CARE?

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  4. Jack McNally
    2 years ago

    Tucker Carlson in an Andy Rooney-like role, finds various children's shows and non-issues to get mad at and lecture you about, with the main difference being that Andy Rooney was a lovable human being whose opinions could at least amuse or delight the viewer. There is no joy to be found in this show. Tucker--dressed in his finest little fancy boy bowtie--works hard find things for you to feel as angry and incredulous as him about, and by works hard I mean has an intern do it for him while he retires to his nice home in one of those cesspool metropolitan areas he loves to rail against on television as liberal dystopia. He's a grifter and provocateur who believes in nothing, and it's really disgusting to watch. Even for the complete waste of electricity that constitutes cable news network programming, this is garbage.

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  5. Magdalena Mezydlo
    8 months ago

    He's absolutely disgraceful off a human! How is he not jailed yet for all the garabge he spreads! He's a very dangerous threat to all Americans especially the young ones that might be listening and getting hypnotized by his disgusting cult! How does he still have a platform is beyond me! I am all for the freedom of speech but not when it becomes dangerous to a humans of different race and religion! Evil never wins we just all need to remember that! And hating someone because they different instead embracing it loving it and learning it! You mean to tell me people like Tucker eat only McDonald's, Burger King, and Hot Dogs? You never had pierogis, tacos, humus, gyros, Chinese food, Italian pizza? You mean to tell me you only listen to country music and rock? Immigrants had brought all this diffrent variety of food and music right at you door step and this is how it's been appreciate it?! The funny thing is people like Tucker have ancestors that had immigrated from Europe and all Americans, besides Americans Indians! You all have ancestors that had immigrated from another country don't you forget that! I suggest people like Tucker should go back to their History class and try not to fall a sleep this time! State TV aka Fox5 needs to cancelled like yesterday!! And so does the disgraceful GOPs!! What a shame that this is now our beautiful United States of America 🇺🇸

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  6. Alice Ross
    3 years ago

    Thank you Tucker for calling out for Truth. Look forward to your program tonight for your feedback on the Democrats attempt at a coup of the Presidency. Isn't that considered to be Treason. And isn't Treason punishable by death? It is about time Pelosi, Schiff, and all the others associated with them be tried and put into prison for life, with no parole. Look what lying Hillary and the DNC has done to the American people and our Republic. It is so sick.
    Well, don't know if this will get printed or not, but I am like most Americans these days who feel the same way about Democrat politicians.

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  7. Doug Terzigni
    2 years ago

    Love Tucker’s show. I watch every night. Tucker, the reason liquor stores remain essential and open is so that people with alcohol dependence will not go into alcohol withdrawals. This would lead to so many unnecessary hospitalizations. Think about all the new withdraw seizures cases. All of those patients would require a Brain CAT scan or MRI and a hospital bed for 2-3 days. I really don’t think it is all about Tax revenue. Just my opinion as a health care provider.

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  8. Joan Lindsay
    3 years ago

    I was more than ashamed at Tucker's cruel portrayal of Kamala Harris last night. He reminded me of someone with a very small mind and a shrunken capacity to keep his mouth shut. His gloating and laughing and making jokes about being "rid" of her made me want to take him to the principal's office and hope for his "expulsion" from school "Fox News"
    I watch very limited TV. A program I try never to miss is Bret Baier. I was a Krauthammer follower and have his books. Mailed one away as a Christmas present yesterday. Second to "The Blair Report" was Tucker's show. NEVER NEVER AGAIN.
    I am conservative through and through. But Tucker reeks of self-important and the capacity to take his two small hands and place them on someone already defeated and take all his weight to force them to the ground laughing gleeful the whole time. His smugness increases his smallness. I could never honor him by switching to his show again. Sad.

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  9. Joseph Birdsall
    2 years ago

    I live in NJ and can't believe whats going on with this election. I received and ballot in the mail without requesting it then 2 days later I received another one ,my wife also received a ballot without requesting then when I got intrigued i looked on NJ election website and saw this

    How to obtain a mail-in ballot
    Q: I want to vote by mail. Do I have to apply for a ballot?

    A: No. Counties are automatically sending a mail-in ballot to every active, registered voter. That means more than 5.7 million people will receive a ballot. You are considered an active voter if you are receiving election mail from your county (a sample ballot or polling location notice) at the address where you registered to vote. If you are unsure about your registration status, you can check it here.


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  10. Beverly B
    2 years ago

    Tucker needs to fact check himself. Most protestors are not violent. We just want to be heard. We just ask for respect. The sane resoect you exoect we expect the same. We should not have to worry about our black and brown children coming home safely. Without being stopped and frisk for driving while black.
    Your president is a racist. You know it. It's those white sumpremcy groups that is doing a lot of the destruction. Get off your platform and come down to earth so you can see what's really going on. White privilege do exist. Learn about real history ... Learn about Black History...Who own part of Central Park before it became CP.?What was it called? Is that in the history book our children are taught from? No..Who own America first?

    0 STAR but I is force to give 1star because like everything else they want us to lie like the president

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  11. kathy bowden
    3 years ago

    Fox News is full of propaganda & hate filled reporters. The integrity of this company is 0%. This news channel does nothing but support this unstable president & his administration. They are as guilty of racism, immorality, lies, & total fake news as the president of the United States. If you want the true facts & the truth of who these people are watch MSNBC & CNN news. Fox has the blood of all these victims of these tragic hate filled shootings on their hands with the president for supporting him & airing news that is completely false & nothing more than propaganda!!! I hope people will quit watching Fox news & quit supporting this channel who needs to be taken off of television. I hope they continue to lose their advertisers & their credibility & completely collapse! Tucker, Hannity, Rush are among some of the worst, but all who work on Fox except for Chris Wallace are nothing but bought & paid for weak devil advocates who report nothing but lies & propaganda for their own interests & profit. I am going to do my best to bring this truth to people. I will also do my best to find out who all the sponsors & advertisers are for Fox network & share that information as well, so that we do not continue to support or purchase products from these companies. Its sad that when people start to lose money how all a sudden they start speaking the truth. That's the kind of America we are living in & that's what needs to change.

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  12. Ian Davis
    2 years ago

    This show is pure propaganda. Viewer: if you watch this show thinking you are getting anything other than a carefully tailored reality that is designed to support Conservatives in power, think again.

    No, the same is not exactly true about other networks. Mainstream media for the left is reactive, not proactive. The stories that they make a big fuss about are the flavor of the week. When it dries up, they tend to move on except on some specific issues. They will attack left issues if the news cycle is too dry.

    Carlson's rants are proactive, planned to target the same right leaning sympathies again and again but folding in new news like frosting on a layer cake. This means that many things said on the show are inauthentic and couched in a language meant to incite great feeling; but hey, doesn't really matter if you agree with it, right?

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  13. Profile image
    n Solo
    3 years ago

    Love your hour every evening. One thing : why do you glorify graduates of ivy league universities??? We, graduates of state universities (PhD,76,UCLA) think such universities are nurseries for rich kids where they are nursed and diaper changed for a few years then placed in some high earning job. Any berkeley, michigan or austin graduate can easily cast a shadow on yale or harvard one. Stop glorifying

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  14. Whether it's five stars or one, they are all clueless.

    BTW. In case you did not figure it out, those comments were taken from google's audience reviews.

  15. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ub99ib/audience_reviews_on_google_can_be_hilariously/


  16. Seriously though.

    How bored are you when you start trolling this blog? LOL

  17. Dang Zap, how bored do you have to be to troll ANYONE? Sign of an insignificant personality IMHO.


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