June 08, 2023

Fred Dashevsky and The Real World of Money 2023.06.07

Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to the east coast in 1989 and opened Hilton head office for SDL Inc. in 1991 with partner Andrew Gause.

The Real World of Money

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1 comment:

  1. I learned a lot about how the monetary system actually works from listening to Andy Gauss. He predicted the massive spike in inflation years ago and pointed out that the biggest fear of the central bankers is deflation because it ruins their whole grift. Inflation is a necessary component to their modern day Ponzi scheme.


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