July 02, 2023

No Agenda Episode 1569 - "Hydrating" - 2023.07.02


  1. Fully enjoy their comedic deconstruction of MSM news reader narratives and appreciate the supporters who throw money at them for 20 seconds of ego. That said I just can't justify donating to a pair of wine sippers with high values real estate, overseas vacations, flying hobbies, etc.

  2. OK so I Listened through the first-Part of Clint's 4th-July:


    And, I will have to continue-Listening to HIM ....

    Because though he is Young + 30-something ...

    He IS: a Milk-Butter-Vegetarian, and has NEVER Done Drugs !!!

    (Both of which is JUST LIKE Myself! :-o ;-) )

    --> "TIRE" of Hearing "people" who "Think" that:

    EATING: "Meat"-(pieces-of-Rotting-Corpses-of-Tortured-Animals) ...
    and "Experimenting" with Drugs & alcohol etc.

    and that Poopy-Butt-holes are sooooo "Irresistible" that Pointing-Out-such: "means" that THAT person ALSO "MUST" be Having-"sex" with: poopy-butt-holes! :-o

    Yes! -- I "understand" that Most Folks Still EAT-"meat" ......
    and, thus I TRY to "Pretend" that THAT is somewhat-"normal" .....
    and, even that "Watching" ni88er-ball (like a f-ing-RETARD!) .... is also "normal"

    But, the Drugs and "sex" is so Obviously-DERANGED !!!!!!!

    And, just LIKE: Staying FAR away from: ni88ers & "non-WHITES" ...
    is just Basic common-sense ......

    I would Rather NOT have to Listen-to: Totally-DERANGED "people's" "Logic" "Reasoning" "Thoughts" !!! :-o


    --> I also 110% AGREE with Clint that Lawn-mowing, Big-Trucks etc. are WAY OVER-DONE .....

    And that having to HEAR: ni88ers PLAY their-"music"-Sheeeet ...... well, it is really really REALLY NICE to Get: FAR-AWAY from their "Fun" !!! ;-)

    I often like to call even "brown-people" ni88ers .......

    Yes, as "blacks" are soooo distinctly-NOT-even-"human" at-all .... it is less-descriptive to do-so ....

    but, quite-Frankly: at this stage:

    When I am "euphemistically call "people": "non-WHITES" ...
    --> I am basically THINKING the "N"-word anyway, at-this-point! ;-)

    "Freedom of Association" the "euphemism" for Getting somehow: the "non-WHITES" OUT of OUR: (Formerly)-WHITE-Happy-Nations .....

    One way, or the-Other .... is the FUTURE !!!

    Either (((they))) "win" .... and ALL WHITES are "Replaced" ...
    and the ENTIRE World will be: An unbearable Hell-Hole ......

    OR somehow: German-style "National-Socialism" will be Successfully-IMPLEMENTED ....... and

    "non-WHITES" can simply: "Do their thing" .......

    FAR AWAY from OUR: HAPPY-WHITE: Communities + Harmonious-HAPPY-NATIONS !!! ;-)

    :-) :-) :-)

  3. The Hysterical-SCREAM:

    "Get OF Your-ARSES ... and DO ... something you Disgusting-FAT-Bastard !!!"

    Is now: sadly all-too-often followed by:

    "I CAN'T You FAT-BITCH !!!!!!!!!! .....

    I Weigh: 500/600/700/800/900 ... lbs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    --> Going OUT with a "whimper" or rather a Disgusting-Wet-STINKING-"FART" ....... (Not a "BANG" even!)

    ----> SHOWS the "cleverness" .... extreme-viciousness ........ and Focused-FIENDISH-"Resolve": of OUR Terrible to-the-DEATH: (((foes))) !!!

    (((homos))): Soooo, You still HAD: some: Self-Respect LEFT ..... even after Versailles-&-Weimar ....... and some-of-You--the-BEST-of-You ... DARED to even TRY: Simple: "FREEDOM of Association" !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    Well, (((we'll))) (((media)))-"GIVE": YOU Something to be "really" "REALLY"-(NOT Really, actually!) "PROUD" of !!!

    (((we'll))) "Adulterate" Your "FOOD", and Have You Constantly/Continuously-"DRINKING"... and "THINKING"-of-(PERVERTED-non-Reproductive)-"Sex" ....
    and "Excitedly"-Gambling-(on-Sports-etc!) .....

    ALL from the "Con-venience" of Your: Sofas & HUGE-SUVs/Trucks ....

    Until YOU ALL: CAN'T even WALK or even: STAND-on-Your-own-two-Feet ...

    A "functional"-CRIPPLE-&-RETARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And .... during the ((("ads"))) (((we'll))) Portray:

    Beautiful-WHITE-Women: Having-"FUN" with ni88ers !!! ;-)

    jewish "revenge" & "humor" !!! :-o


    Dumb ... FATTENED-for-the-(((SLAUGHTER))) .......... "Goyim"/"Cattle" !!! ...... WAKE-UP .......
    BEFORE it is TOO-LATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Please: STOP Retardedly EATING-"Meat"/SHITE everyone !!! :-o
    -- It really isn't even "Funny" anymore ... at this DIRE stage!)

  4. * "Get OFF Your-ARSE ... and DO ... something you Disgusting-FAT-Bastard !!!"

  5. The Second PART is only 69-minutes:


    It was Good ....

    -- Maybe I'm READY for a bit More "Humor" ... now ... Guys! ;-)

    Yes! RBN "ads" are NOT-"Fun" ......

    I only usually LISTEN to: Richard-Kary, and Robert-Revolt! ;-)

    --> and, of course I can ONLY Listen: WHEN I can Skip-PAST: the "music" as-SOON-as-it-STARTS!!! ;-)

    I have NEVER HEARD ANY of the RBN "ads"/"messages" ..... !!! :-o

    -- but, for some-Months I was "Wondering" WHAT "Extendo-kike" was .... but, fortunately I NEVER DID: "Learn" That! ;-)

    1. "I only usually LISTEN to: Richard-Kary, and Robert-Revolt! ;-)" So why do you spam your shit all over the other shows using it like a personal blog?

  6. They need to rename the show to "The Boomer Agenda"

  7. It's hot today in jew York city, high of 92 degrees and the air quality is donkeyballs.

  8. @Albert: Just FYI, milk is liquid meat.

    And I don't know anyone that eats spoiled, rotting flesh.


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