August 19, 2023

The Eternal Enemy of Mankind, The Real Genocide Of 'Nazi' Germany, Diseased Whores, Corpses, Gay Queen Obama on Mind Control, 5G, Brother Nathanael and Uncle Adolf

Just a Dude
I Get Letters!
Brother Nathanael – Real Jew News Aug 14, 2023 


Yuri Bezmenov Warned America What Was Coming. And Now It’s Happening - Why People Can’t See The Truth And Don’t Want To Hear It
A Rense Video
channel image
"When you realize they have been up to no good since the Babylonian era, you realize they have been this way for thousands of years.... "

Cluster Bombs - $499.00 each. Act now and SAVE!!!

Dubbed the "Tank Killer", the most sought after artillery projectile to come out of Desert Storm. Made of 4140 hardened steel.
M-856 Projectile - $59.95

Just a Dude
A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World War II.

Based on Thomas Goodrich's book, 'Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47'


Emil Georg von Stauss, the president of  Germany’s largest bank, the Deutsche Bank, lent Hitler a portable Remington so he could write his infamous anti-Jewish banker manifesto “Mein Kampf.”

Von Stauss, a principal Nazi Party fundraiser, also was a longtime business associate of the Rothschilds. - HenryMakow

The fixation on Adolf Hitler seems to be total as if ((( they ))) are haunted by the thought that one day another such man will rise up and call them out for what they are namely, crazed, parasitical, nation wreckers.

I am quite sure that the NSDAP borrowed plenty of money from banksters in order to be able to build up their party and to fight elections. Somehow in Makow’s mind this means that AH was on their side etc. etc. etc. even though by creating the Reichmark Adolf Hitler ended their control of the German economy. Seems like a strange thing to do to if he was on ((( their ))) side.

Well Mr. Makow, I once borrowed “money” from a bank but that does not imply that I agree with banking. A political party is not developed by words, it needs money and lots of it to run a party structure and win elections.
Not to mention to buy typewriters LOL -
Tony O'Neill
I Get Letters!
Brother Nathanael – Real Jew News Aug 14, 2023
Gay Queen Barry Obama In Drag Pitching
For Bud Light - AI Parody Video


Hitler’s Third Reich - Jan Lamprecht, Monika Schaefer, Jim Rizoli, Harry Vox, Alison Chabloz, Cybergnostic, TRUETUBE, XANDREWX, The Fascifist
Erasing the Memory of German Losses and Demonizing Those Who Do Remember 
Monika Schaefer

 Monika Schaefer & John Friend

Was Hitler the Real Deal?
The Fascifist
 Hitler's Shadow - In The Service Of The Fuehrer
Justice for Germans 

O'Bummer on Mind control

In a Federal Reserve climate of arbitrary dollar-valuation, it is more efficient to pay doctors to call ordinary flu as covid than to weaponize coronavirus into a pandemic…

These people don’t understand life and therefore forever fail to weaponize viruses or any other form of life. They only understand death, which is the human paradigm for debt.

Covid never existed because its SARS predecessor never existed. There has never been a covid-18 which would have been the natural wake-up-call to the increasingly deadly covid-19… But there is a natural rationale for covid-19 in the WTC 2001 event, exactly 19 years between the self-terrorism of 9-11 and the advent of covid.

The Federal Reserve game-theory prohibits dollar-valuation through virus-weaponization! Having said that, your writings are always GOLD, Jerry, GOLD!


...And these assholes showed up to set Canada back 100 years...
5G IS A RADIATION BIOWEAPON. It's a weapon of WARFARE.. They are placing these radiation weapons next to schools to fry the brains of the youth. PERIOD. It is your moral obligation to SHARE this. Write in billy jones 24! , I will tear down the entire 5G system once elected! Lose that 5G phone!! you don't need it! Get a home line. A land line. 5th generation WARFARE!


I am sorry between the boats catching fire, the cars melting on the spot, celebrity houses not burning down and the perfect burning ring of fire, I just have to ask myself if we are really living in Oz.


I’ve been asked to comment on the Maui “wildfires.”

Yes, they are the result of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), just like the California wildfires.

Yes, they targeted specific homes, while carefully avoiding others.

Yes, they resulted in the deliberate death of an untold number of people, primarily children.

Yes, schools were purposely closed, forcing children to remain at home where they were burned alive.

Yes, the perpetrators have immediately swooped in to try and acquire burned-out land and property for pennies on the dollar.

To explain in detail all of the above in a way that the average person who has never heard of a DEW can understand would require over 100 hours. If I thought such an endeavor would help educate a significant number of people, I’d do it.

However, I did just that with the recent virus hoax, spending countless hours compiling facts, evidence, and proof that the entire thing was a fraud and a hoax what happened? Almost everyone alive still believes it was a real thing. Many of them actually collaborated with the enemy by continuing to support the very people, institutions, and corporations that were pushing the hoax the hardest. In my neighborhood, brain-dead morons are still wearing masks.

I did the same thing, to a lesser extent, with 9/11, naming names and showing not only who did it, but how and why. And what happened? Today, almost everyone still believes in the fairy tale of Osama bin Laden.

Not only that, but in the world of research and investigative journalism, I’m the tiniest of blips on the radar screen. There are others doing much more significant research and work than I am, yet very few people listen to them either.

If the general populace is happy being spit on, laughed at, lied to, poisoned, and murdered, then there’s really very little that I or anyone else can do for them.



  1. Something for the sunday, Adolf sings "Erika"
    (sure its AI generated voice (from the voice file where he speaks normal, its on youtube))

  2. interesting bitchute site, thanks.

    Trump and His Jews


    THE ARCHIVIST w/ Analog
    Greg Reese
    Aug 21, 2023

    His recent Mammoth Cave Kentucky video that I brought up:


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