August 04, 2023

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2023.08.04

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: John Carman (To skip the flat earth stuff, jump to 23'09.00)

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    9/11 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience

  2. Devon Stack made his last whole Insomnia about "flat earth" imho already total waste of time cause its a dumb psy ops... but sure interesting the arguments Devon uses to fight this BS fact based


  3. DyingForDistractions?

    Ed Dowd Reveals the Top Contenders for the Next Big Distraction

  4. where is this show

    Aug 02, 2023 The Raw Deal "Flat Earth Special" (2 Aug 2023) with David Weiss and A

  5. WOW! ↑↑↑Hercule Poirot↑↑↑ lol


  6. The Earth is oblong (but that could be absurd)
    Reflecting on the nature of nature, given we are subject to attacks on understanding

  7. I call nonsense on "oblong".
    How about simply the shape, that is so prevalent everywhere, any dipole antenna produces a toroidal radiation field, earth is a dipole too, the water molecule is a dipole as well, just some hints for the blind.
    Admiral Byrd told you the same if you would care to listen and do some research..

  8. IMHO The plane of our existence, more than likely, goes on for a very very long distance. It may be, that the earth is just a puddle on that plane. It's also MHO that the moon stars and sun are much more local than we have been led to believe.

    It could be that that the magnetic pole in the ground is in a symbiotic relationship with the local sun moon and stars. Further it is possible that the magnetic pole in the ground could indeed move significantly sometimes. If it does the sun, moon and stars may follow it. Then a new puddle is created. Life may or may not make it. It may be that consciousness itself begins again through some process we don't understand. It could also be possible that the ground and sedimentary layer that is exposed in the creation of the new puddle would reveal an old world that had nothing to do with the new puddle created after the drift. I'm saying it could be that fossils found in the sedimentary layers underneath the new puddle could be very very ancient and have nothing to with the new world created after the drift of the magnetic "pole".

    I'm not claiming this is true, only that it's possible. The globe model on the other hand is every bit as fantastic in it's claims. I do not know how it all works but The globe has many problems and the flat models do too. It matters to me but It's more of a passing fascination. Nothing wrong with that!

    The idea that somehow speaking of these ideas discredits the "truth community" is hilarious. What truth community? We are all here to make our own way on this spiritual journey and you die alone :)

    The Bankers presently run this realm and politics, academia, religions, media, Law, medicine etc, are fraudulent and have been set up by these creatures who print money and charge the fictional corporate slave interest. This is an old weary world and the little people barley get the chance to get out from under Mommy and Daddy in the form of system fat controllers that have perfected an occult form of slavery.

    So yeah, I don't claim to know we live on a flat earth, nor can I say 100% we don't live on a globe, I don't know. However, the globe to me is a ridiculous model. The flat earth's sun movement is problematic too. The track record of the rest of the so called truths of this realm are not very true it seems. Who is fed your your daddy's daddy and your daddy and then you the truth? Got bias?

    1. "the globe to me is a ridiculous model" The globe explains the seasons, the celestial movements, lunar eclipses, the weather, the oceans, the flight distances between airports, navigation satellites, communication satellites, surveillance satellites, manned and unmanned space missions launched by several nations.

  9. Flat Earth Wars: They Live Truth vs JTA & QNFee

    0:00:00 - Intro
    0:02:59 - Waazzuup
    0:08:57 - QNFee's video begins
    0:25:03 - RV Claims JTA & QNFee "are done"


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