October 21, 2023


Can Demons Fly? Let's Find Out!
Dead Demon Colon Bowel Lying His Ass Off
Bomb Freak Demons from Pentagoonia
The israeli Demons
Russian Bear Keeping an Eye on Those Demona Demons

Another Demonic Shithead Begging to Get His Fucking Ass Kicked
Jackoff Ratchild Head Demon





  1. That little flame you posted at the end? I have had that same little flame of truth on my page since opening this blog. Oh, and ty again for posting. Honestly I feel so pat-myself-on-the-back-ish after viewing.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhtPBJM3suo&ab_channel=StreetArtUnitedStates

    From Operation Cast Lead, how Israel manages media distribution especially in times such as these. Great watch.

  3. Lotta misplaced imagery of 'evil' in this world, when the jew star and cross are the blatant symbols of evil.

    Spiders are really intelligent, probably per ounce the smartest creatures alive. They used to represent divinity.

    Bats are another one. Ravens, Crows. The phrase 'bird-brain'. These creatures have been allowed to be misconstrued by the ever-increasing mind-control influence of Jewdayo-Christstain values. Depicted to have negative, evil qualities when they are really far more noble than people. Even worse, inaccurately described by both science and religion as having no consciousness, let alone an equivalence to man. Humanity has been mentally degraded by the portrayal of what these beings represent, in a way that impact both their conscious and subconscious minds. By dismissing the consciousness of other creatures, and putting itself in an exclusionary bubble, humanity thus devalues and lowers the ceiling on their own intellects.

    Once I transformed into a bat and got stuck in a cave, which helped me later to rescue a bat that got stuck in my house. I sang him free. The church has made a world where people believe in ridiculous crap nobody has an ounce of proof of, like spirits and ghosts. While the idea that animals have intellect, can rationally communicate, and even have mental abilities people don't, is a culturally unacceptable idea only entertained by the insane. It's a juxtaposition of good imagery into bad and bad imagery into good, while denying the extraordinary abilities that (the mass of sensory inputs known as) minds are capable of.

    Sucks to live in a society that is obviously the result of thousands of years of mind-control brainwashing to where the common person has no interest in really even perceiving reality, anymore. Then when you are able to break that system of control on your mind, nobody can even believe you.

  4. I'm just gonna respond to myself as if (Woah!) Domino had trolled me.
    My last house was built by a mason, had an extensive brick basement. Spiders in that house had a civilization going.
    They knew how to spin a ball of silk between their legs while snapping off strands as it spun, that it made a noise like a firecracker. That's a veritable musical instrument. Made by a spider.
    Once I was singing ELO's 'Evil Woman' in the shower, and opened my eyes to see a cellar spider dangling inches in front of my face, waving it's arms in circles, dancing. I was laughing so hard, I fell down.
    I heard one that lived near my sink say 'starvation is insanity' as clear as bell to me one night, before quickly scuttling into it's hiding place. Making an observation about my personal situation as a solitary individual, obviously.
    I was sleeping in the basement for a time, and one night went down to find 4 spiders in a perfectly geometric triangle, so close their legs were touching. Three cellar spiders and a black widow look-alike, one of the harmless ones. The cellar spiders had fed the widow to be 50 times the size they ordinarily grow. Spiders have indeterminate growth, meaning they can biologically far exceed ordinary size if correct circumstances are met.
    I have observed that they clearly have their own methods of communication, using the vibrations of their webs.
    They like to sleep during the day, but I was rude and woke up the spiders that were hanging out near by bedroom, so they woke me up in the middle of the night with one of their firecracker spinners. LoL.
    I only notice because I am without human interference, or being affected by their cultural programming.
    Christ, as depicted in christianity, is most likely a human personification of a spider. A spider, who decides they like you, wants to be your friend, will literally sacrifice their lives on the stake of human ignorance, to try to make their presence known to them.
    How's that for 'off the deep end?'


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