November 10, 2023

🐐RageCast 395: NO FORGIVENESS - Raging Dissident + Cutting Off The Head Of The Snake In Geneva + The Psycho Anti-Jew Wants to Teach You - Salamandren + LETTER OF HOPE - Greg Arcade


Remembrance day is observed tomorrow across the British Commonwealth and United States where we will all be subjected to painful displays of virtue signalling from political figures and talking heads that have done nothing but undermine and destroy the values those men believed they were fighting for.

If any of them could have been shown the state of their homes today, not one soul would have volunteered.

The betrayal of our people spans generations with the current crop of "leaders" selling off the last pieces of what remained for a bigger pool, fatter pension and more time at the podium for votes.
I hate them all. So should you.

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Youtube is banned again


Hostage Blames Satanyahu

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Hostage Blames Satanyahu




  1. The Latest Giuseppe + Alex-Linder is GREAT !!! :-)

    Near the End of the Talk Alex talks about "Christianity" FACILITATING the "clever" (((ERASURE))) of ALL WHITES !!! :-o

    I ENJOYED Listening to: the Latest: 4 hours of Gemma Last-Night :-)

    Of course Gemma LIKES Catholicism, especially as SHE SEES it as HOW to: HELP SAVE IRELAND !!!

    So The above Different Viewpoints are 6-hours for Folks needing New Current Content! :-)

    I just Listened to an Hour of the OBRY-guy on BitChute .... where he TEASED + PROMISED: A "Higher-Level" "Knowledge" ... "Beyond": jews & ni88ers .....

    But, I Can't recommend THAT .... as it WASN'T even "FUNNY" ..... though it "Teased" that it would BE: at-Least THAT! ;-)

    -- And His nearing-the-End Point SEEMED to BE: That the Palestine-Area, which IS indeed VERY VERY SMALL in-Comparison to: the Biblical-Area-Descriptions ...

    Is NOT the Biblical AREAS .... and that AMERICA + East-Coast IS?! .....

    The First-Half was sooo "High-n-Mighty" which ANGERED-Me ..... but, in the End .... he Said what HE has be Touching-upon for Quite-some-time! ;-)

    He has a Mysterious BIBLE Text system which is what HE calls: "OBRY" ... which is CLAIMED to HAVE: FAR-More Linguistic-Information ... as contrasted to: "Hebrew"! ....

    Mark-Windows has repeatedly SAID: That "Hebrew" is a RECENT: jew-invented-hodgepodge ...

    and that the Bible was Originally in Aramaic + of-course Greek ...

    I was having a problem getting this comments section ... but I restarted and so now I'm Posting-HERE: so that Others can SEE these Latest Listening-Tips: Links! ;-)

  2. The Latest Giuseppe + Alex-Linder is GREAT !!! :-)

    Maybe you can get Alex to teach you all about Cosmotheism, the religion that his cult at National Alliance is promoting.

    I'm sure that stalwart group, led by Wee Willie William Williams (a man who's intellect is but a sniff of William Pierce's, the guy who started Nat Al), will enlighten you beyond what Christianity can do.

    I'm sure he took Boomers to task, too, even tho the vaunted Pierce was one. Funny how that works, right. Boomers are awful, except the ones you like.



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