November 11, 2023

Nothing Compares 2 U


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, he wrote Manic Monday for The Bangles (actually gave it to Susanna Hoffs. For a Jewess she was hot).

  2. @Scorpytoes

    The ebonics were a dead giveaway. Modern music is made for mental invalids that can't tell they're listening to a drum machine and a 4 bar loop for 5 minutes.

    None of the Clunt links posted work, just keep getting the 'daily download maxed' error. My drama intake levels are dangerously low. Crypto douche infiltrates your movement, hijacks your narratives for years, sabotages and deletes all your and other's programs, and you seem to not care? No further explanation than 'well, his dad was into Big Tech'? Lol, cool dudes.

  3. Also, not to be overwhelmingly hubristic, but...

    Mike finds out the guy's named 'Cohen', realizes his dad's in big tech, knows he's about to confront him about it, right? Mike pulled the trigger on the confrontation between him and Clint? Why in the heck wouldn't the first action be to remove his access from your entire uploaded library of content, before the actual argument? Not trying to make anyone feel silly, but that's an oversight and a half.

    The entire internet is built almost exclusively on jews and their mongrel cohorts exercising undue control, abuses of power, trampling free speech, and enforcing controlled narratives. How did you not expect this kind of outcome, once you learned the truth about who you were dealing with?

    Do you even use the internet, to know what the level of censorship is like, not just when you host content, but when you're trying to make some piddly unimportant post somewhere?

    It heavy. Like, maxed out. In case you weren't aware, there's probably people posting here because every other site on the internet is a cesspit of subhuman negroes and faggot jews, who attack or censor every other person who isn't identical to them. Learning 'alex' was a jew, and not making your first action to get him out of your system, away from the controls, is a real naive move. Welcome to the internet, I guess.

  4. I can't believe what I just read. ROFL


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