December 13, 2023

israhel is Losing - Scott Ritter + 🐐RageCast 402: HAVE MERCY - Raging Dissident + Don’t let them get away with it! True North + The Jewish Man Who Owns Everything In Africa - King Luxury + EUROPA - The Last Battle + Woke History Lesson About Colonialism Debunked - History Legends


To be merciful was once considered a virtue in a time when it was uncommon. Having the capacity for clemency when called for is an admirable trait.

Today we live in a different world where accountability and consequences are always expected to be avoided. Politicians are always protected from jail. Police are always promoted. Media collaborators receive raises and any disgraced public figure simply 'resigns' and is often assigned a bigger, better paying job elsewhere.

The past years have shown us very clearly these people will have no mercy for anyone that falls outside of their aggressively dictated terms of acceptable behavior and thought.

If you are ever presented with an opportunity to damage, destroy or dispatch an enemy — take it. Leaving any slack in the rope for these traitors only gives them an opportunity to strangle you with it.

Our dead cannot forgive their murderers. Would you?



What she is saying is that with the CIC the Rothschild family is coming out of the closet to say that all of the conspiracy theories about them being behind the entire New World Order project, and even Covid, are absolutely true. In full drag, not only do they want credit for the creation of Israel and the spread of communism all over the world and to say that those things are really good for the victims of their tyrannies, but also they are saying that we must now accept all of the WEF-WHO-WTO-Agenda 21/2030 totalitarian controls as the new normal. AI to them is not a tool to distribute knowledge, and hence freedom, self-determination, and personal responsibility far and wide throughout the world, but rather to them it is a weapon to concentrate and consolidate absolute financial, corporate, and resource powers into their greedy clutches, and to rule over every aspect of our lives.

Read New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins in which he describes his past work as an economic hitman for this same international banking cartel where he and many other bankster agents went about the world debt-rigging one nation after other through loans they could never pay back. This was done in order to concentrate and consolidate absolute control over those nations. They did this through bribes, blackmail and other forms of stealth and threats, and when those methods failed they sent in their jackals to do the wet work with assassinations, coups and even invasions. Such are the ruthless methods of the Rothschild’s. That is how they got their wealth and power and exactly how they keep concentrating more and more wealth and power into their blood-stained clutches. Perkins also named the unity between this international banking cartel, the major corporations, and our governments as the “corporatocracy”. However, to think that these corporations and our governments are not under the complete control of the banking cartel which has the power to make unlimited amounts of money out of nothing is absurd. Perkins even described himself in his work as an economic hit man for the banking cartel as a “bankster”.

Our nations were taken over by the Rothschild cartel in exactly the same ways and by the same people.

Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”
Brandon Smith – Citizen Watch Report Dec 4, 2023



Woke activists want reparations for Europe's Colonial Past. However the line can be thin between Colonized and Colonizer. History is complex, everything is intertwined, and we cannot simply explain what happened based on skin color.

November 28, 2023

Communism was not created by the masses to overthrow the bankers, Communism was created by the bankers to overthrow and enslave the masses.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. 

It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators. “We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But: without Jews there would have been no Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism.


  1. This 1965 GLR was FUN !!! :-)

    "Fashbird" is a LADY-BitChuter! ;-)

    .... What a LADY indeed !!! :-)

  2. Tucker has a new interview with Jimmy Dore too, when i listen i am developing turbo brain cancer, sad so many fall for these social engineers, i dont trust Dore anymore over Tucker, both are herdkeeper, or maybe better analogy is both are shepherd dogs, guiding the herd with their barking...and the shepherd dogs are employed by the same massmedia owners, no difference.

    Jews are not dumb, they noticed in the 1800s how good theater for propaganda and guiding the minds of people is...but they never stand still, they develop... they made in a synchronized timeslot the film/movie studios around LA called hollywood, just watch "hollywoodism"(the docu on YT) and tell me its coincidence all the studios popped in the same timeslot at the same place and all founded by eastern europe jews. But they never stood still they switched their medium to guide the peoples minds too... and sure not one at a time, now they use the whole internet, while still using old movies(which are sure in decline) but peaking are "games" the ultimate to programm people. And sure they also use alternative media where people think its not massmedia but the people behind it work for the same. Jews are smart, somehow they have the need to control peoples mind, and currently the climate scam is sure the icing on the mind control cake, this will set things in place over time, you know CDBC and digital ID, all the 15 min cities, they are slow cooking so people dont stand up to they want people to participate willingly in their enslavement.
    Sorrry for the rant.

  3. "they want people to participate willingly in their enslavement."

    It sure has worked so far. They first got people on credit cards and now people are paying with their cell phones. I bet that most people won't even think twice about getting rid of cash money. Up here they have been shutting down ATMs.

  4. No need to apologise, decree, it was a great rant... if only we knew how to snap the plebs out of it ASAP... that's the 64 gazillion dollar question.

    We need some of Rowdy Roddy's BS shades

  5. It only took Scott Yidder 4:00 minutes to demonize Germans as the most evil race ever to have existed in history and to give creedence to the greatet lie of the 20th century and bring up the thing that never happened but should have.

  6. Scott Yidder - lol - that's a good one

  7. Hm the ragecast is already at 404, 2 new once since you posted this, he is productive, he could be better if he would not force rage too much, sure there is enough reason to rage but often enough it sounds not natural.


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