March 20, 2024

Beyond the Official Narrative with Richard Kary 2024.03.20

Richard is joined by co-host David Scorpio.

64k CF Download


  1. INTERESTING !!! :-)

    ... --> I Think Others will LIKE it! ;-)

    cellphones DESTROYING Children !!! :-o

  2. NOTE-to-Self:

    --> Richard-Kary is way way way WAY toooo-PAINFUL to Listen-to! :-o

    Children: "Drugs are BAD, imm-Kay!" ;-)

  3. Richard Kary tries way too hard.

    I agree with ,Albert, his delivery, timing and talking over people is amateurish...

    Terrible host. Terrible voice. Terrible attempts at humor.
    Mike Sledge would be better suited in the time slot.

    I guess I still remember how he set up ,Paul, from California, on his show. Built him up for a couple of weeks with name monikers and all. Then, cut him off for being anti-semitic and saying mean bad words....


    from Ontario

  4. It’s settled then.

    We, of the mami’s comment boards, respectfully request that NSA central casting, immediately reassign Mr. Kary back to the janitorial department .Or maybe the mailroom, I hear Sean surplus is way overloaded. He could be Sean’s silly little bitch.

  5. Maybe chris dorsey could use him in the cafeteria, dish washing department.

  6. Militia dorcey’s horsey is dicky Spencer’s balony pony.

  7. Kary is definitely a hard listen. He sounds as if he is struggling to speak. That said, we've been listening because of the co hosts mostly.

    Yes, that extreme disrespectful speaking over others is just downright unprofessional.

    David's disappearance was disappointing but...

  8. Yeah, I think Scorp left because he just couldn't take it anymore.

  9. I mean Russia can not declare this a win when Ukraine keeps fighting, Russia tried to negotiate peace in the first year, but Zelensky blocked after some days, guess the US said no to him. Can only guess why the war is kept being going on.

    ALways possible chabad draws the strings on both sides, and they are going towards Schneersons visions, for this the war sure has to continue, decimate some more slavs. But there other possible scenarios sure too.

    Germany is only the US lapdog, they do what the US wants, Germany still being occupied, no other country has so many US troops, sure germany pays all expanses and army base costs.


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