May 31, 2024

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2024.05.30

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Dean Henderson  - The Trump Verdict And The End Of America (Jeff Took Some Calls)

Download Hour 2 - Donald Schmitt  - The Government's Mistreatment of Roswell Sheriff George Wilcox

Download Hour 3 - Gary Holland - The Trump Trial

64k CF
Rense's site


  1. You can't make it up, clown Rense advises his listeners to wear a muzzle in stores, because of "shedding". He also calls voirology science, lol. Erika fried his brain.
    Who would have thought Rense turned out to be one of the most persitent pieces shit peddling plandemic psyop?

    1. If viruses are fake how did they do a plandemic?

  2. Don’t forget the gloves wear a mask and gloves!

    Synopsis of every Jeff Rense show: everyone under 45 sucks, get off my lawn, we are all fucked

  3. Anyone who is convinced viruses are fake and the erf is flat should have a sharpened railroad spike driven into the skull with a sledgehammer

  4. Morons larping as Panzerfäustchen should be just injected with all the Jew crap against the imagined unicorns. Result is a retarded mental Fehlzündung.

    1. Answer the fucking question. I'll repeat it: how did they do a plandemic without viral pathogens?

  5. Are you a fucking retard and slept the last 20 years?

    Answer, PCR "test" plandemic.

    Anyhow, if virology is allegedly science and follows the scientific method, please point me to any control experiment these criminal quacks have done since Enders invented the fraudulent "virus culture" in 1954. I won't hold my breath, you retard know nothing.

    1. You're the retard if you think the entire thing was founded upon an imaginary illness.

    2. Not only was it never shown that Covid-19 met Koch's 4 postulates, the CDC even admitted (though in very fine print) in their own documents that the "virus" was never isolated. Also, one only has to go to Google Images, type in "viruses," and see all the color CGI-generatred or artistic renditions of "duh scawy germs." No thousands of authentic images verifiable under an electron microscope, just pretty computer-generated photos meant to elicit "fear of the invisible" that potentially lurk on surfaces everywhere and, even your friends and family. Be afraid! Be very afraid!

      Also, another giveaway of it being science fiction, or at best quasi-science fiction, is the fact that the viruses are in differing and various colors. The phenomenon of color does not exist at that microscopic level of mitochondria or viruses- it only begins to manifest itself at the "macro" level of experience per say. As a comparison, if you bring-up images of "bacteria," they are black-and-white in their multifarious forms and kind and, there are countless thousands of verifiable images from under a microscopes over-the-years.

      Big Pharma utilizes and exploits the whole ingrained and indoctrinated "germ model" because it continues to keep people living in fear of "getting sick" and, it brings in millions for prescribed medications, funds for federal grants, money to do R & D and, also to maintain the continued scam of vaccines as just a few examples.

      Nietzsche wrote over a century ago, "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies!" Most people are unwilling to question and/or overhaul the mental models, constructs and dogmatic information that hold them prisoner. They underestimate
      the enormous hold that cognitive dissonance has on them. Much of what we call "learning" today is really a process of "unlearning" the information we were taught and, that relentlessly reinforced itself from K-12 "education," television, Hollywood, parents, church, etc.

      In many ways, Plato's Allegory of the Cave in a perfect model that manifests the transition from the "false knowledge" of the "shadows on the wall," to the "true knowledge" that becomes revealed to oneself when one becomes aware by emancipating oneself from the darkness of the Cave and, stepping out, and up, into the eternal light of the Sun(the Good), then seeing how one was previously a prisoner dwelling in the Cave.

    3. Kary Mullis said himself that, the PCR "test" was not to be used as a vehicle to determine if people were "sick."

      Also, so many don't realize how PCR was the "engine" that drove the "verification" angle of the scam. The media would then run perpetual cover in the hundreds of stories, both local and national, by basically saying, "The PCR test says..." And, of course, because the media's word is all that's required for the majority of the mindless Lilliputian's out in the concrete jungles of the world- they basically could create a "pandemic" simply by "pointing to the PCR test" and "maintaining narrative" through media and government officials.

  6. Great comment Ed in Salt Lake!

    "Nietzsche wrote over a century ago, "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies!" Most people are unwilling to question and/or overhaul the mental models, constructs and dogmatic information that hold them prisoner. They underestimate the enormous hold that cognitive dissonance has on them."

    Yes indeed and the controllers exploit this flaw to the maximum.

  7. Mr Ed,

    the Drosten paper is essentially the nonsense that triggered the plandemic.
    It states explicitly, they did not have "the virus" but made a useless "test" from a "genome" database. essentially a database of computer generated crap not to be found in nature.

    The arrested right in the beginning of the scam Charles Lieber, who was deep into brain interface research. They compare this research with the atom bomb project, and aptly, the assembly programs used to assemble the "virus genome" are called Trinity and Megahit blast.

    I stop here, this is all on paper, we know how the criminal quqacks do the fraud in detail, the only thing unknown still is ingredients in these injections. The various super low temperatures they allegedly used to store the toxic injection crap would point to electronic components kept inert at these temperatures in my view.

  8. On a side note...

    Any news on Scorpio?

    from Ontario

    (p.s happy pride month to all the goys!
    get out your faggotry flags !!!)

    lol lol lol lol lol lol

  9. The “covid” scam was nothing but the seasonal flu, rebranded. Regular, old flu vanished, and at the same moment, the covid scam appeared. It’s that simple. Any debate of the nuances of the covid scam, is retarded, period. Ivermectin, China virus, etc, is nothing more than fake and gay narratives left by the kikes for people who think themselves “awake”,to argue about with the mask wearing dumbfucks.

    1. While the narrative or "phenomenon" of what we have come to know as the "seasonal flu/cold" was incorporated into the overall Covid scam, it went way beyond being "nothing but the seasonal flu rebranded." The testing of individuals for Covid who died by other means and, counting those as "Covid deaths" is just one example!

  10. The “germ model” has been proven to me personally thousands of times, as I became ill, from other ill people that I came into contact with.

    1. Explain to us how you came to precisely and irrefutable establish that you "became sick from a germ(s)?" Also, while "contact with others" may have been a contributing factor, that doesn't necessarily "prove " that "germs" were a/the causative agent!

  11. Maybe I should clarify, before the inevitable replies, (environment, diet, etc) when I say thousands of times, I am also referring to observing the same reactions in others. I have yet to hear a cohesive argument against “germ theory “ yet.

  12. “Shedding” appears to be another false narrative, injected into the debate.

  13. Slightly off topic-
    I, as I’m sure most of you, am unvaccinated, but I often wonder if their slow kill shot also provides protection from some sort of fast kill weapon to be used on us at a later date. What better way to separate out the troublesome goy, from the compliant herd? Parasites can’t parasite off of other parasites, so the herd must be managed, instead of eliminated entirely.

  14. Clinton- we should all become BB gun snipers at the local gay pride parades. Wouldn’t that be fun.

  15. Not that I condone that!

    *the opinions expressed here are solely that of the commenters, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Mami’s shit staff or management.

  16. Ed-
    Sorry, I can’t respond directly under your comment (I am still blocked here for being a badass mofo, and I have to comment from blogger).
    I guess my response, is because nobody has yet proven otherwise, IMHO.

    1. "Nobody has yet proven otherwise!"

      So, I am going to accept the existing explanatory model of how we become "sick," even though, that model itself has not truly been proven itself? I ask that you provide me with the scientist(s) that historically did: 1) Not only proved the clear and intelligible existence of "viruses" but, 2) Showed that "viruses" themselves are the precise causative agent that "makes us sick."

      Also, keep in mind, the definition of what it means "to be sick" is also at play here and can be, at times, ambiguous, unclear and/or, not well-demarcated or defined. One also should ask- how have I come to learn about, and ACCEPT, "germ theory" as being "a given" and as unquestionably reliable?

  17. Oh, they definitely distorted the numbers, I’m not really disagreeing with your previous comments.

  18. Uh-oh stuff is disappearing and being relocated. We must have a lurker with admin superpowers.

  19. Again the challenge for anyone claiming virology would be science. Please post any documented control experiment which is required by the scientific method.

    And, how do you allegedly make a "test" for something, you have never found in any bodily fluid?

    Koch's postulated have never been met, they even struggle to find the alleged agent, lt along how fraudulently they torture animals to "prove" contagion by something they cannot find..

    1. Precisely!👌Not only to many not begin the initial process of questioning with doubt and skepticism but, they don't necessarily ask the PROPER questions if they do.

  20. Sean, instead of slighting into off topic, are you aware of the controls Dr Stefan Lanka did twice now, published? You asked for disapproval of germ theory, I just gave you the hard controls you need to read. Ball is in your court.
    Lanka is the only one since Enders who did controls, meaning the first since 1954, since Enders disproved himself in his controls and thus no controls done any longer.

  21. The town next to mine is having it's first Pride parade... and it's real shitty weather, lol.

    Their MP is the guy with the amputated extremities...

    I think the tide is turning lads... God's wrath be upon them.

  22. Jewish squatter tells pajeet owner "Go back to Pakistan"

  23. The “Soup Nazi” shouted “You are all Murderers!” as she also flipped over tables and chairs, police said.

  24. Sean said

    "The “germ model” has been proven to me personally thousands of times, as I became ill, from other ill people that I came into contact with."

    It's the same reason you start menstruating on the same cycle as your girlfriends that you hang around with LOL!!!

    Colds and flues appear to be natural methods of detoxification.

  25. It is well documented that snot and spit etc will not cause others to become ill.

  26. Sean
    I very much appreciate your way of thinking

  27. Thanks al-

    I guess what I am saying, is that I don’t have the scientific expertise or access to a lab to make an informed conclusion. Much like 9-11 and the endless debate on how the crime was committed, I can’t say for sure, because I have no access to the evidence and no means to examine it, so I don’t pretend that I know what happened that day. To me it is much more important to identify the perpetrators of the operation and as we bring them to Justice, the truth will be revealed as they turn on each other (unicorn thinking, I know). Without bringing down the system of lies, we don’t have the means to disseminate the facts, so until then, I will go with my gut, until someone can prove me wrong, in a way I can verify with empirical evidence.

  28. I know you don't I was just kidding obviously.

    See if you can watch this without your strong cognitive dissonance setting in!


  29. Do you guys believe in gut flora? Are all microorganisms in the body good? There can’t possibly be bad microorganisms that can be transferred? It’s almost like you are saying there can’t be bad organisms smaller than your eyes can see.

  30. Is all mold good for you, or is some of it bad? Can mold become airborne? Should mold be renamed terrain? Can something similar to bad mold exist in your body? If all microorganisms in your body are beneficial, should you eat your own poop?

  31. Bacteria are NOT viruses! infections are NOT viruses! Viruses are the creation of the same dudes setting up the new bio security state.

  32. Should you only eat your own poop, while menstruating with your closest bros?

  33. LOL! Your logic while hilarious is wanting, big time bro! Viruses are quickly becoming
    recognized as creation of the death cult that hates humanity while profiting. There are so many people exposing this that you have to have your head in the sand or up your own ass searching for a feed of poop!

    Tom Cowan, Jon Rappoport, Sam Bailey and so many others are exposing this daily! There is so much info available out there, that if you have not at least become skeptical of the Rockefeller medical cartel scam, that was created so long ago, you are not paying attention.

  34. As chainsaw Miller’s comments show, there is definitely overlap between flat earth and no virus believers. This should be a breath of caution to rational thinkers

  35. Sean is clearly a bad person and should be excommunicated, excoriated and censored immediately

  36. "This should be a breath of caution to rational thinkers" You speak like a fag!

  37. Not to mention you use one fallacious argument after another in every thread you enter. You shoot nothing but blanks. I'm thinking it's the story of your life. No?

  38. Sean, the entire idiotic concept of "good and bad" bacteria is total nonsense.

    But hey, you lack any "expertise" in fact thought, and you poor thing has to believe what he's told by media sponsored by Pfizer.
    Are you a fucking dickhead paid by jewish Pharma? One of these many scummy clueless assholes they hired to repeat the BS? That is what I read in your mental flatulence posted, constant gatekeeping, playing dumb like McCollough and moving goal posts, classic kike strategy. Disgusting, you are a little cock in the jewish mass murdering machine, and I would strap you to a chair and inject you with the full "vaccine schedule" for shilling for jewish Pharma, aka lethal injection until you fall dead from the chair. You disgusting pig who presumably conspires against his own people with the criminal Jews.

  39. Sean, what would you charge the perpetrators with? You are one of them as demonstrated in this thread.
    Who is supposed to sentence the perpetrators, if the courts are among them?
    Who is supposed to collect the perpetrators if corporate police are among perpetrators and are busy beating up people who don't wear a muzzle?


    Prosecution: "You built a virus!"
    Defense: "No, my client did not, there is no evidence he did. Please provide the evidence."
    Prosecution: "uh oh, ok, we will check."

    10 years later:

    Court: "We discontinue the trial, Dismissed."

    Sean, you morons would not even file the proper charges because you are so painfully clueless, and those you want to see in prison would go free anyway, since your entire system is utterly corrupt and full of rot, it is a pathetic joke, and the next Fauci and the next Jew running CDC, FDA etc is in the waiting queue, there is an endless stream of replacement for these.

    The problem is systemic, which is something you asshole gatekeep and insist playing a talmudic clownworld theater.

  40. Rather meek response.
    I am not sure you comprehend what would happen to you if caught.
    You would be in the same position a lab animal is in.
    You would be injected with devilish toxic concoctions in your eyes and nose.
    You would have a hole drilled in your skull and the same crap injected in your pea sized brain as well.
    You would glow green in the dark, promised.
    It would then be postulated, if you survived the torture, that you became terrible ill like your lab animal buddy before, which proves a "virus".
    You would like such "science", eh?

  41. That would be tough to do with a big fucking hole in your head

  42. It's called Germ Theory Denialism today. The powerful association of that label of course is holocaust denialism. The do this with climate change too, as we know!

    Louis Pasteur theorized that “germs” caused disease in the 19th century, he and Florence Nightingale were on opposite ends of the argument of this theory. That goes back to the 1820's.The current mob of establishment cronies of germ theory refer to Florence Nightingale as a Germ Theory Denialist. LOL don't be one of those! Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory was based on a hospital design that included well-ventilated wards, lots of sunlight, and cleanliness of patient and their environment.

    If you have ever watched the animated portrayal of viruses growing up. You have no doubt seen these things as alien ships with corkscrew like probes that attach themselves to healthy cells. Kinda like how Dow chemical marketed scrubby bubbles back in the late 70's early eighties. It's still used today I believe. Very effective marketing on the hoi polloi!

    Scrubbing Bubbles (Commercial, 1981)

    Germs Movie for Kids Virus & Bacteria Introduction

    1. You are, and obviously have been, in touch with this topic beyond just the superficial level. I was just going to suggest Hume's 'Bechamp Or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter In The History Of Biology'

      If you've read it, then disregard. This book would most likely be placed at Barnes & Noble in the 'Conspiracy Section,' hidden conveniently behind the display-case with tabloid-type titles such as "Trannyism For Toddlers" and "Personal Pronouns For Your Perversion's"🙄

      Speaking of degeneracy, Salt Lake City's own nauseous Pride Parade is about to start here in about 10 minutes. The parade route runs right in front of my damn place and, has since I've lived here starting in 2010. If I could only pull out the ol' 950 JDJ FAT MAC and go to work!🤫

  43. Don't forget that the people responsible for the holocaust were Germ-man LOL

  44. Hi Ed, yeah, I paid the high price of being fired from my last job for not participating in the covid lie. I'm sure many of the jew wise arm chair warriors sucked a dick and complied. What do you think? Lets take a pole! Tell us how you fuckers got vaccinated to save your fellow man from the virus!. After all you're not doing it for yourself! You're doing it for other people, out of love for our wider human family. So fucking noble you guys are! LOL

    1. My father, who died in March of '21 at a retirement community, may have been another "Convid death statistic." I can't prove it however, I had convinced him not to take it, he finally acquiesced and, I contacted his caseworker and informed her he was not to be given the "vaccines." Not realizing it at the time- I made a grave error!

      There are many details, for the sake of brevity, that I won't get into but, suffice to say my mistake was assuming that, telling the caseworker would be adequate, and not initially telling the Medical Director and/or Chief RN who oversaw his treatment.

      While my dad was declining in health, it was a gradual situation. He had been at the home for less than a year then, suddenly began to have serious health issues beginning in Jan. '21- he died two months later! After he died, I decided to aggressively research his treatment by the facility.

      Keep in mind, this was while there existed restrictions for basically everyone during the manufactured and fear-inducing lock downs. My "visits," when he was alive, were restricted to 20-minutes, once-a-week. Add to that, the fact that I worked full-time and, had to travel 40-miles from Salt Lake City to Ogden to see him and, when I did, go through the whole circus of checking-in, wearing a mask, and taking a "rapid Convid test."

      It's the only time I subjected myself to those ridiculous and maddening rules because, had I not, it would've made things really rough on my dad. He relied on me to bring him groceries and other things that made his life bearable and, making a stink, would have created unnecessary stress for him. As you know, the lockdown's could be brutal on some of these retirement communities, many of which across the US, had it much worse than my dad.

      Anyhow, his first shot was Jan. '21 which, coincided with the sudden onset of his serious health issues. They gave him another one a month later in February and, of course, he died the following month of March.

      He was already diabetic, overweight with high blood pressure and, had trouble with some other "minor" issues like, falling, that came and went. But, I definitely think those cocktails contributed to his rapid decline and eventual death. There are other details but, that's basically the gist of it.

      With this knowledge afterwards provided to my mother at the time, along with communicating my own research to her- which my mother saw as nothing but "ridiculous conspiracy theories"- my mother proceeded to keep getting her jabs and, suffice to say- we no longer communicate! I know intimately just how the Scamdemic could wreck families!

    2. I meant to add, my mother was a hospital administrator for 40+yrs! She's retired now but, she was a quintessential by-product of the whole titanic "Rockefeller medical-tyranny" that had been built-up for basically a century.

      She's retired now but, the programming and indoctrination with her runs deep. To her, I don't know jack because- I lack "qualifications" and "don't understand how the medical system works"- lol!

  45. Walt Disney & Wernher Von Braun Were BFF

  46. Sorry to hear that Ed, Its was a definite learning experience for many of us. Anyone with eyes to see knows the whole thing was a criminal operation. A beta test to implement and test a new system on people who have no rights within the workplace or in homecare and many other situations tied to government statutes as a legal fiction person - "employee" "patient" etc etc. Both my parents are in their late eighties and did not get the vax. They still live together independently. They listened to me, thank god.

    On a lighter note, it seems freewheeling_franklin made it to church last week and is working hard to change his ways! See clip!

    1. This 'Covid Timeline' series by 'WELLHEREWEGO' is quite good and thorough! Below is Part-1. The rest of the series was available as recent as two weeks ago in the show notes, linked from Internet Archive but, it has now been taken down.

      The relentless and desperate efforts to prevent people from having access to this material knows no limits!

  47. Thanks for that Ed. I saved part 1 to 8 in the covid file on my comp in case it disappears. The only part I didn't find was part 6 part a. It looks like there was a part a. I'll check it out when I have some time. Thanks again brother!

  48. Ed, thanks, Bechamp is really well spent time, but I have already spent it there and moved on.
    The Pasteur diaries pretty much state he committed fraud.

    Here is some dots that connect.

    "Also less known is the fact that Pasteur owes his greatest discoveries to a chance reading of the Talmud, which, 1,500 years before he was born, actually advanced the notion that the administration of a weak form of a disease to humans could cause immunity to its virulent version."

    A proven jewish strategy used with the "holocaust", throw in some flat earth, which is also a Talmud based concept. They do it by now with almost any truth or topic they find threatening.
    Moon - flat erf, JFK- flat erf, 911 - flat erf, holyhoax - double flat erf pizza, virology - increasingly super flat erf pancake, on and on it goes. It is then all connected to Infowhores and the Q BS, because its a all the same kosher operation.

    It was unsurprisingly Deborah Lidstadt, who go the flat erf psyop rolling, who compares "holocasut deniers" with flatards. Just do a search on "Deborah Lipstadt flat earth" and kosher google will return you uncensored virtue signaling, its a shekel business too.

  49. @ unknown, LOL nice summary. Pure fantasy. Is that you Panzerfaust?!!!ROFL

  50. Careful, unblowed will tie you down and stick things up in you- because you been a baaad boy!

  51. Time for your homo-erotic chowder injection! It will only hurt for less than a minute! Remember that guy, in the basement on silence of the lambs?

    1. "That guy" was Jame Gumb, aka Buffalo Bill, whom one did not want to encounter when he went "night vision" mode!😁

      Thomas Harris's books are actually quite good! His Hannibal Lecter in the books possesses much more of a formidable character, both physically and intellectually, than the movies present him as.

      In my opinion, 'Manhunter' was the best attempt in film of one of Harris's books. The others I found somewhat mediocre and disappointing,...maybe because, I had read the books prior to seeing the films.

  52. Lie To Me Harder, Daddy

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.


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