May 27, 2024

🐐RAGECAST 459: A TANGLED WEB, INDEED! - General Jeremy MacKenzie + Klaus Schwab's Handoff, Global Control Agendas, Pandemic Plots & Water Wars - EyesIsWatchin + U.S. House Passes Bill Banning Federal Reserve From Issuing a CBDC + The Forever Pandemic - The Strong And Free Truthcast + The History of Bio-Weaponeering with Adam Finnegan

8:45pm EST
Auslander Raus
Diagolon Terror Tour
 Emmer’s Flagship CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act Passes House of Representatives

May 23, 2024

Washington, D.C. - Today, the House of Representatives considered and passed Congressman and Majority Whip Tom Emmer’s (MN-06) flagship legislation, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.

In a vote of 216 - 192, the House of Representatives passed Emmer’s bill that would prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a surveillance-style central bank digital currency (CBDC) that could give the federal government the ability to monitor and control individual Americans’ spending habits.

“For more than two years, we have worked to educate, grow support, and pass this important legislation, which prevents unelected bureaucrats from issuing a financial surveillance tool to fundamentally undermine our American values. My legislation ensures that the United States' digital currency policy remains in the hands of the American people so that any development of digital money reflects our values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free market competitiveness. This is what the future global digital economy needs. We are proud to have led this effort and thank my colleagues for their support,” Congressman Emmer said.
Auslander Raus




  1. I really loved Dr Lee Merrit (here in dangerous dames) followed her on telegram, but noticed she reposts Q stuff, still...

  2. Too fucking funny:

    "Because you said the word nigger you should be killed?" ROFL.

  3. I don't even hate jews. My mother married one when I was 8 years old and I understand their bullshit.

    Now we are supposed to cower to them? Fuck that shit and fuck bill-63!

    I've got nothing to lose now you fucking morons!

  4. I'm like 57 year old and I don't care about helmets. All them laws are about controlling everyone.

  5. "I really loved Dr Lee Merrit (here in dangerous dames) followed her on telegram, but noticed she reposts Q stuff, still... "

    I feel exactly the same way about Mike King (although I never "loved" him). The Q stuff has shown me that he is a tool.

    1. From about 2014-18, I sent King about $600, bought a few of his "books"- some of which are good introductions or a 101 course for normies- and, corresponded with him on occasion by email.

      When the whole "Q-phenomenon" first broke, I found his analysis to be intriguing of the Q-posts. Then, I could see he was was getting way too carried away with the "hidden White-hats" and overall exuberance with his interpretations. Finally, I simply quit communicating and lost all respect for Mike.

      Some years back, he lost a lot of belongings, including his personal library, in a house fire. Over time, as I would read his material and, interpret some of the things he would say to me, I started to feel that, he utilizes his Q-interpretations and his philo-Trumpism to simply keep a large base of followers to grift off of. Especially, after Amazon removed his material from their site. He use to rake-in some pretty good side-money from his books and Tomato Bubble donations.

      Mike's too smart not to see through the Q-scam. I could be wrong but, if he came out and discredited Q, he would be marginalized even more than he already is. I think he almost feels, or realizes, the bottom is falling-out of this Jew-run world as is and, there isn't much worth saving so, he's simply focused on, maintaining the Q-grift, bringing in a little extra cash donations from the deluded Trumptards and, to hell with what others think!

  6. Netanyahu threatens ICC prosecutor after war crimes warrant

  7. US neocons freak out about ICC warrant for Netanyahu

  8. This is manufactured and you can bet, they are several steps ahead the monkeys looking on and interpreting "world events" as reported by the media.

    1. I have to thank you for bringing my attention to Jake the Asshole! Love some of his vids, his moniker and, love the way he mocks the television-watching buffoons, social media content-creators, and many of his own commentors on his site. He has a certain laid-back and derisive style that's unique while, not getting all worked-up, emotional, or taking himself too seriously.

  9. Seriously some of the A holes that they bring in Québec are not even Indians. Some of them have never learned English or French during the three years that they've been here. The only "prize" is that they speak Farsi which makes them Caucasians by default.

  10. You're welcome Ed, I think you are spot on about Mike King. I think I came across him on Red Ice many years back before Lana took over that outfit. I too have one of his books around here. Planet Rothschild was the title. I have not heard anything from him for years! You just reminded me LOL

  11. BTW in case you did'nt know, Jake the Asshole used to go by Flat Earth Asshole until he realized the the current Flat Earth model is as false as the Globe model. Guys like Qnfee are
    putting out some good content that at least follows true observations and data. Not a contrived model designed to corral people into another false reality.

    1. Yes! I never have liked the outwardly imposed, or commonly accepted title of "flat-Earth!" It's completely misleading and not representative of the PRIMARY point of contention- that, what we call "the Earth," is not a spinning sphere, or ball!

      While there are "plane-like" elements or characteristics, like the horizon, which is obviously etymologically related to "horizontal," that doesn't then necessarily follow that everything about "the Earth" is "flat." The false-assumption made by many, from the beginning, is that- 1) The "Earth" is a "singular object," or should be viewed, or grasped as such, 2) That, if the "Earth" were in fact a "singular entity," that we are capable of comprehending it as such "in its totality."

      Though I haven't commented here since about 2017, I've followed your comments and links you've posted about the matter over that period. At some point, I want to delve into the Pre-Socratic thinkers of ancient Greece and their various ideas about "Nature," which is not what they called it but, for simplicity sake, what we will call it. Much of our notions and conceptions about "the Earth" and/or "the Universe" can trace their beginnings to the Pre-Socratics. By better understanding those origins and the thinkers, such as Heraclitus or Anaximander, we can come to understand how we got to where we are with the modern day deceptions of "the globe," NASA, etc.

      Don't hv time now- very busy- but, will at some point expound. Thanks for responding!✌️

    2. Jake does a great job of being simple with his questioning! Asking questions that are obvious though, not apparent to the multitude!

  12. So now we know why Ed did not reply.

    1. Just glad you've kept the site up and running buddy! Use it for shows all-the-time! Thx!✌️

  13. The world's favorite Jew once said: "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." I must agree! Go fuck yourselves! LOL

  14. zapoper said...

    "I'm like 57 year old and I don't care about helmets. All them laws are about controlling everyone."

    I'd hazard a guess that these regulations have more to do with insurance payouts, warehouse bonds and like you said 'controlling everyone' than any concern they have about our personal wellbeing.

    They want 'slow-kill' not road-kill

  15. The world's least favourite asshole (me) once said: "Falling for 'divide and conquer' tactics without thinking it through is pretty dumb too."

  16. Oh there is plenty of divide and conquer without any discussion or investigation of where we live. Are you kidding me? The globe model is fundamental mind control at it's finest! Along with moon missions to the Moon and Mars. Complete child like gullibility and belief!

  17. Tell us about the flat moon and the flat sun conspirotard with no filter

    1. Don't forget the flat planets and flat galaxy lol.

  18. Ed I have not read a great deal of the ancient stuff but did purchase
    "The Essential Plotinus: Representative Treatises from the Enneads"
    I really liked that book and it really resonated with me. I think it was recommended on some youtube video I watched LOL. These core battles of good evil and money/materialism have been with us for a long time obviously. The spiritual intelligence of Plotinus, for me illustrated how thoughts he put down, show up in the bible but his don't have the dogmatic overtones of the Biblical all knowing and judging God.

  19. "Just glad you've kept the site up and running buddy! Use it for shows all-the-time! Thx!✌️"

    Credit goes to the overworked and under paid zapoper! He needs a donations to maintain his strict vegetarian and beer diet at the very least! LOL

    1. 🤣You gonna let him talk to you like that Zap?

  20. The Universal One Walter Russell
    Page 30 Energy Transmission

  21. Li'l baby George Floyd never did nuttin' to nobody!

    Too funny...


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