May 11, 2024

Society is Saturated With Satanists - Henry Makow + Smiling Faces Sometimes - The Undisputed Truth

WEF rentboy, communist Muppet Nerogula and cuckservative/Zionist champion Alberta premier Danielle Smith exchange Masonic - thumb on knuckle - handshake. All these political fakers, including Trump, DeSantis, RFK Jr. might be secret Satanists. Zionists and Communists are a tag team.
Hospitals Have Become Legalized Killing Fields...
Smiling faces sometimes
Pretend to be your friend
Smiling faces show no traces
Of the evil that lurks within
The Truth Is Coming Out Like A Cleansing
Michael Gray Griffith in Australia
Canada's Nero-Caligula Combo: Nerogula
"T.J. Kennedy joins us tonight. It's wild fire and solar flare season guy's."
Practically everyone prominent in public life is a Satanist.         

While I tend to focus on the Rothschild central banking cartel and its minions, clearly there is a highly organized parallel structure that carries out their agenda.

And while the Jewish central banking cartel is the source of its power, it extends far beyond Satanist Jews to include the Catholic Church, Mormons, and even the Amish. One whistleblower, Jessie Czebotar estimates that 60% of the residents of Chicago were in “the Brotherhood.” including celebrities, teachers, social workers, police, judges, government, military, attorneys, pastors, and school administrators. (p.41)

Extrapolate this over all professions and it’s easy to see how they could pull off a genocidal scam like the COVID-19 “vaccine.” It’s easy to see how they could murder Apotex Pharma-owner Barry Sherman and his wife for not playing the game, and get away with it. Or impose absurd gender-bending policies on employees and customers.

"There doesn't seem to be a profession that hasn't been staffed with a few infiltrators placed there by the System...their goal and hope is to take control of the entire world by secretly taking it over from within our systems. They can direct world affairs all the way down to the local level without anybody knowing ... if nobody knows who they are, and what their ulterior motives are." (41)

"The genius of it is that only a small subset of each of these organizations are Luciferians, and the rest are just regular folks who have no idea that they are in the same organization standing alongside evil people..." (101)

The "government" is a giant perpetual Hate Crime.

The Catholic Church, the Masons, and the Mormons are the big three institutions that are not what they seem to us non-Luciferians..." Some Catholic churches (but not all) and Masonic temples are used for satanic child sacrifice by night and regular services by day. The same applies to the Vatican. (102)

"One of the Illuminati's fronts is the Catholic church which the Jesuits manage for the Illuminati."  - Fritz Springmeier

Freemasons must sacrifice a child to move beyond the 33-degree stage. They also have to swear to support a fellow Mason even if he is a criminal. Many judges are Freemasons.  Fritz Springmeier asserts that "Mormonism is closer to Satanism than it is to Christianity." The Mennonites and Amish are also infiltrated. "Some Amish women sell their children to the Illuminati, especially when they are having twins."  
 lewis jones on July 14, 2023 at 8:31 am

“But is it true?” is always the best question: is there a Satan you can serve and get benefits from? No, you can’t; it is a social network and the human part of it is the whole thing. Being united against Jesus is no source of strength, because Calvary was only the Auschwitz of its day, with a believing prole class and an unbelieving elite, going down the centuries together with some superficial friction. As in a football club, the members in Satanism have to pretend to believe certain things. A few people like me wish to not believe any false thing, but ordinary people will embrace any illusion if it makes their lives easier

show of farce on July 14, 2023 at 1:22 pm

This 3 minute video from Ireland shows a few protesters trying to capture a recital in a public library by a man in drag, who they say is not even dressed as a woman but as a prostitute, who’s reading to a group small children. They call it grooming but the staff try to stop the filming when they should really be stopping the show.

Ireland has imported many immigrants. When some of them learn about the grooming they’ll be taking off heads. Maybe that’s what it will take to end this WEF/ NWO degeneracy. They want kids for sex, and they do this in front of kids now because when we older generations have gone, today’s kids will be tomorrow’s adults and everybody alive will have been groomed to believe sex with children is normal. They won’t even have to groom all children to achieve this, just enough to make distaste of it “fringe”.
The Irish are not having any of that "drag queen story hour" nonsense.

Erik Blessing on July 14, 2023 at 1:41 pm

The Roths are not representing hebrew tradition but they bowed down to the Luciferian Cult of their MASTERS .. to the Orsini, Borgia, Breakspear, Farnese, Medici, Somaglia, Aldobrandini families, the papal families and their connections to the Holy See(Basel) and the Trinity of Washington DC, Londinium and Rome. Lucifer and its servants:

Yukon Jack on July 14, 2023 at 1:45 pm

Yesterday, the California Demoncraps killed the bill that would increase penalties for child trafficking from misdemeanor to felony. Victims of child predators yelled in pain during the vote – this is a big story – look it up – this is proof that California is run by child predators.

It is obvious that Child Protective Services is in on it. Jews run CPS.

Incidentally, the Jewish population of California:
Estimated jewish population in the US


Percentage of jewish population in the US, 2000

Jews in USA pop = pop of Jews in Israel




chesterton on July 14, 2023 at 2:05 pm

60% percent is hysteria… but in some areas 10% is a conservative need only speculate how many critters these families have sired over the millennia… and how they would be favored in reproduction…

and how many ‘cadet’ lines are manipulated by their ‘organizationz’… either overtly or covertly… covid could be ‘illustrative’ of this…

and this of course is the root of the mystery of generational so called ‘Satanic abuse’..

Which isn’t really a mystery nor Satanic ‘abuse’..anymore than Josephus’s claim that all ‘peoples’ were in fact ‘jewes’…bears witness..(or jehovas)..

and what that may imply…. of course the rabbis divide their G-d into 72 names derived from Genesis.. which of course dovetails with the 72 fallen angels..

Each of witch can be summoned.. and is(is) something of which most so called Christians are ignorant..

amongst much else… the OT is actually a Grimoire… for a certain ‘group’..

chesterton on July 14, 2023 at 2:21 pm

NB: lt should be obvious.. but l’ll say it any way..if you believe in the One God..which l am sure many of you do..

Then one must accept that cabalism and the sephira and the ‘tree’ (of life or Woden) are merely the ways of division…

Down to the Earthly plane….. now what you do with that knowledge defines what type of ‘man’ you are…

and what type of whirled you create…

nickxXx on July 14, 2023 at 7:49 pm

Look no further than Glastonbury to see how satanism (Crowleyism) is thriving in Britain, 200,000 of its flock pay homage every year. Even the organizer or farmer or whatever he is looks like a master of the black arts.

andyay on July 14, 2023 at 8:58 pm

Jessie Czebotar was surely exaggerating to make a point. It’s deliberate hyperbole. She couldn’t possibly know that 60% of Chicago’s residents are black magic affiliates.
Are there parish rolls in Satanic churches? Was she referencing census data? Did she delve through diabolist membership registries? Ms. Czebotar is more intelligent than that. She belongs to the Collins family dynasty, for whom schooling is meritless, unless the fees exceed £80,000 per term.

What Czebotar’s really saying, is that there’s a notably disproportionate presence of Satanists, in positions of influence in Chicago.

The appeal of Satanism, to its mostly irreligious congregation, is its sacriligeous novelty. In its advocacy of taboos; its intrepid blasphemies; its promethean defiances, Satanic sermonizing excites dopamine euphoria in those of the assembled who carry overbearing resentments in their heart.

The primary attraction of Satanism, for the greater number of the novitiates, is its promise of empowerment, for the purpose, of the enacting of revenge.

It’s the young man, enduring humiliations at the hands of snarling bullies, who, sadly, is the more likely to incline toward the black arts. (I arrived at this estimation after thorough study.) Carnal lusts, acquiring riches, artificially prolonging life – all of those come later. In the first instance, it is most commonly, an avenging fervour that carries Satan’s voice to the wretched.

Though there may be psychological predicates that favour a receptivity to Satanism, it’s sex and drugs and death metal that sustain the faithful.

Dayne    on July 14, 2023 at 11:24 pm

I have been through the corporate rigmarole. With a PhD, math and writing skills, global experience and Asian languages, I’ve not had a full-time job since 2009. It’s very simple: The second the modern organization perceives you as having morals (let alone religious faith) and, worse, an intellect, inner world, and your own opinions of things, you’re OUT. Just what kind of folks are universally kept in and have money, promotions and opportunities thrown at them became crystal-clear, I believe, during the 2020-2022 episode.

andyay on July 15, 2023 at 8:46 pm

@ Dayne

Evolutionary psychologists say that IQ data, comparative to employment data, reveals that there are two bandings within intelligence quotient testing that are recognizably unemployable.

The first are those who score averages in the bottom 5% of the tested who, unfortunately, are incapable of even passing the basic cognitive competence tests required of army recruits.
Worse off still, however, in terms of employability margins, are those who score in the top 5% of the IQ logarithmics.

Your predicament, Dayne, is an affirmation, not a denial, of your intellectual competences. Though it’s little consolation, at least you can be sure that you’re an unemployable top 5 percenter.

lewis jones    on July 16, 2023 at 2:34 am

NickxXx–tIM rIFAT SAID THAT AT A (caps error) big festival like CLaxtonberryal there are Satanists under the stage doing rituals making use of all the heightened human attention, where they all think that the stage action is great and can be made to appear to think that the ritual is great, in a twist like a Mobius Strip, as I would put it, normal people seeming to endorse the Satanist activity. That is just a trick

lewis jones on July 16, 2023 at 12:33 pm

andyay–when someone in the comments was giving me some insults, “unemployable” was the only one I accepted ; the words are “employed, used, exploited”.

andyay on July 16, 2023 at 7:00 pm

Amen to that, Lewis. Work only has value if it’s toward a useful purpose. Like, when you labour to re-thatch a roof that’s letting rain in, or when, by your efforts, in the yogic disciplines, you penetrate into the mind of God.

If you stand fully in opposition to the will of the globalists, then your psychometric profiling, at a job interview, will likely reveal you to the personnel department, as someone inclined to unproductive disputations; a person of abstruse contentions and disagreeable temperament, likely to be disruptive to the required acquiescence of staff.


The Truth Is Coming Out Like A Cleansing
Michael Gray Griffith

Smiling faces sometimes
Pretend to be your friend
Smiling faces show no traces
Of the evil that lurks within (can you dig it?)

Smiling faces, smiling faces, sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies and I got proof
Oh, oh, yeah

Let me tell you
The truth is in the eyes 'cause the eyes don't lie, amen
Remember, a smile is just a frown turned upside down my friend
So, hear me when I'm saying

Smiling faces, smiling faces, sometimes, yeah
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies and I got proof
(Beware) beware of the handshake
That hides the snake (can you dig it, can you dig it?)

I'm a-tellin' you beware of the pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Jealousy,(jealousy) misery (misery) envy (envy)
I tell you you can't see behind

Smiling faces, smiling faces, sometimes
Hey, they don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies and I got proof
Hey, your enemy won't do you no harm
(Rap on) 'cause you'll know where he's comin' from
Don't let the handshake and the smile fool ya
Take my advice, I'm only tryin' to school ya

Smiling faces, smiling faces, sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies and I got proof
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes 


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