June 29, 2024

I now identify as a black jewish obese lesbian so they can not touch me. LOL


  1. The whiny Jew cries censorship, chutzpah shlomo?

    Zap, I think this post is effectively a wee bit transphobic and shows discrimination.
    The trans-obese lobby will cry foul, lol.

  2. I am a fat, black lesbian, and nobody wants to touch me

  3. … but I identify as a basement dwelling faggot, calling myself “unknown”

  4. As unknown, my pronouns are he/she bi-gender queer

  5. See Zap, Sean, identifying as Panzerfaust and Bagel in Texas represents the trans-obese lobby.


  6. Here is something we will see more of in the coming years.

    Tenants in 16-floor apartment building in Ottawa's west-end served eviction notices


  7. "renovictions" is a perfect word for it.

  8. "And I noticed you’re back to deleting comments. I will repost. :)"

    No admin is deleting any comments. Google is fucking with us. It happened to Chainsawmiller. One night he called me and all of his comments were going straight to the spambox.

  9. Maybe google is testing out a new algorithm who's master coders are Bushmen.

  10. More than 50 comments missing from the Scorpio thread.

  11. They know it's war. Nothing fair.

  12. "More than 50 comments missing from the Scorpio thread"

    If it's true then they've been deleted because they are not in the spam section.

    P.S. I found one of my comments in the spam but it's an older one from May.

  13. Maybe I misread the counter this morning because
    I wasn't wearing reading glasses. I thought the counter was almost at 200.

  14. Fetchos show today was 3 hours of sound problems and radio tell, think next week SFR transitions to FTJ, hope the problems are gone.

  15. Maine Is Handing Out Free “Boofing” Kits to Help Fentanyl Addicts Squirt Drugs Up Their Butts


  16. "No admin is deleting any comments. Google is fucking with us. It happened to Chainsawmiller. One night he called me and all of his comments were going straight to the spambox. "

    My Google password was somehow changed, then they wanted a phone number to recover... yeah right!

    Or alternatively wait 48 hrs for recovery by email... I waited.

  17. Canadian lawyers play key role in money laundering, says financial intelligence report


  18. Cash transactions are way down. These advocates say the feds need to do something


    You can bet that stories like this one are designed to hide behind championing the plebs right to transact in cask LOL! I suspect they want cash to be available for the criminal element that needs untrackable transactions. That is one of the few good things about electronic transactions, they can be much more easily flagged and audited.

  19. So white collar criminals need lawyers to be able to operate in anonymity with the "client-lawyer privilege" in a cashless society!


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