June 26, 2024

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2024.06.26

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Russ Winter, Bill Bonitati and Victor Hugo Vaca Jr.

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  1. I actually listened to the whole show without getting bored.

  2. What is truly embarrassing is you and adanac acting like teenagers in that thread.

  3. Chainsaw gets in nasty arguments with almost everyone who frequentls this site. He had to go in and insult Scorp multiple times. That flat earth tard is off his rocker

  4. Go back and whine about censorship in the scorpio thread.

  5. This was good Russ always comes across as rational and rarely disappoints

  6. It was good, even when fetzer did the boring "if it's in europe we mention the holocaust in the US we say anti-semitism it's a trick" verbatim thing it wasn't boring that time lol

    I love the weirdo christards that cry about Jews not worshipping Lucifer not the God of light 🤣🤣🤣

  7. I can't believe people are still talking Trump doing a double cross on the jews lol! In 2017 they said Trump and the Rothschilds were working together against the Rockefeller 🤣🤣

  8. "Trump doing a double cross on the jews lol! In 2017 they said Trump and the Rothschilds were working together against the Rockefeller"

    Fucking ROFL!

  9. Who deleted my comment, Zap or Scorp?

  10. zapoper said...
    What is truly embarrassing is you and adanac acting like teenagers in that thread.

    I say more like sheboon teenaged pavement apes when there weave blows off...


    The Fuhrer said it would happen...

    Literally pathetic!!! to watch it happen to so many white men...

    from Ontario.

  11. I had to look up "sheboon" on google. ROFL

  12. Good show. Russ is always worth a listen.
    JP (Jewish Problem) conference
    Also, fwiw-Candace Owens has been putting a lot of truth out there about the Jews/Israel--she did a show on 9/11 and talked about the dancing Israelis, Lucky Larry Silverstein, Israelis getting warnings in advance,etc. Has also been talking about the Jewish Bolshevik slaughter of millions of Christians.Was on with Jimmy Dore and talked about the Jew Yagoda being the biggest mass murderer.
    She also hinted at a Jewish mafia being behind the black music industry--apparently, she was motivated to speak out after getting harassed by that perverted Rabbi Shmuley.

    And fwiw- Massie's wife just suddenly died, a few weeks after he was interviewed by Tucker and told that world that everyone in Congress has an AIPAC handler/babysitter.


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