July 07, 2024

Red List 46 - Waking Up From the Putin Delusion with Archie Melkonyan


KnownUnknown said...

Fetzer is insane, he both thinks voting matters AND that Biden has been dead since 2017

Unknown said...

Finally Zap picked up the slavlands reporting, nice.

Fetzer? The question is more, is he insane or just one of the many spook operatives?
In such advanced age, Ray McGovern comes to mind, part of the old boys spook network, who is still working and lying and spooking along with Ritter and the rest of the bunch at Napolitano.

If the NY Times runs articles on Ukrainian atrocities committed on Russians, you know who these guys above eventually side with, and who the Kremlin sides with, the old boys got their asset in the Kremlin.

Unknown said...

Panzerfaust reacts to any truth like a vampire exposed to sunlight. "It burns, oy veh"
Zap should drive a wooden peg in his heart or put him in a safe space Zoo.

cjag said...

Nice podcast.
Thank you for posting !

The commentary is quite refreshing.
Globally the game is very much the same. The fact is, just like what was said in the podcast, the Covid-19 scam is the kicker...

I will also add. What has happened in, Israel, since October ,7th, without one ounce of help from another nation, besides the CIA/MOSSAD controlled opposition...
is another kicker in the world story.

Literally, NAZI Germany is going on is Gaza.
(exactly what was told to the world over the past 80 years) And all the media is still stuck on clown world.

This clearly shows/tells us that the worlds media is heavily controlled. (all of us here are well aware)

World Jewry is also heavily controlled.
By whom, who the heck knows...

One thing that is for sure. Those that are pulling the strings and calling the shots, are people/entities that the general public will never know...EVER!


from Ontario

cjag said...

I saw big Sugar back in 1996. At the docks in Toronto.
A concert put on by some alcohol company at the time.

At the time they were not my taste in music (born a metal head..lol) I went for the chicks and the free drinks.

I got the tickets from my mother, who was manager at a LCBO store in my hometown. Newmarket, Ontario.

from Ontario

zapoper said...

"Some metal is ok if the cookie monster is not singing into the mic LOL"


WWS said...

Thanks, Zap!

Panzerfaust said...

Pootin Pootin Pootin
Rassah Rassah Rassah

Panzerfaust said...

And the:
Flat Erf
Hollow Erf
Fake Nooks
Fake Germs
9/11 Holograms
Shedding spike proteins
Backwards speech
Hitler was a Rothschild agent
12 (more or less) JFK Snipers
Whites are the Real Joos

Panzerfaust said...

Oh yeah, and the:
Fake Ukraine-Russia War
Both sides Genociding Whites for Da Joos
Voting is fake

Panzerfaust said...

I'm watching Fox Weather hyped coverage of weak ass Beryl and it looks like every beach in Texas is a multi-racial fat farm.

Panzerfaust said...

I know! In my day the beach wasn't like this.

Panzerfaust said...


Erik Paul said...

Panz forgot: the RMS Olympic and RMS Titanic were switched; Charles Lindbergh killed his first-born son; Paul McCartney was killed in 1966.

Erik Paul said...

Oh, and Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks.

Panzerfaust said...

Good ones, thanks. We should compile a complete list, add:
5G Virus activation
Pacific Ocean is dead
Jade Helm Walmart dungeons

Panzerfaust said...

Achieving a consensus here? You'll have a better chance with Zelensky and Putin.

Jumbo Patterson said...

"... not saying they are drinking beer and smoking weed"

That's me fucked, then, lol.

cjag said...

I'm watching Fox Weather hyped coverage of weak ass Beryl and it looks like every beach in Texas is a multi-racial fat farm.

Panzerfaust- My woman is in British Columbia this weekend.

She sent me pictures of a local beach near her sister's house...


She said the locals are pissed...

Interesting times...( for us white folks)

from Ontario

Unknown said...

Panzerkike deploys typical Jew strategy, associate flat erf, a Talmudic idiocy with the lack of science in many areas, such as germ BS, again Talmud based. Pasteur was funded by Jews.

Deb Lipstadt gave you the idea, huh, Panzerkike?

Unknown said...

Pretty painfully obvious, the main objective is to protect germ theory, right Panzerkike?
The jewish system has a bunch of "system relevant" theories they have to protect at all cost.
If enough people get a clue about pseudo sciences such as germ theory, they won't be able to sell toxic injections as "cure" against a Kabbalah and Talmud unicorn.

Panzerfaust said...

Put some lotion on that butthurt

Panzerfaust said...

"Pretty painfully obvious, the main objective is to protect germ theory, right Panzerkike?" Literally every biological function that creates an odor involved GERMS shit for brains. Digestion - germs. Decomposition - germs. That's why shit stinks and the odor is interpreted by even your hobbled brain as foul & something to avoid as a defensive instinct so STFU you retarded dickhead.

Erik Paul said...

There's no such thing as a 'foul' odor, the stink is olny in the mind. Smell, like race is just a social construct, it's how you CHOOSE to interpret it.

Go ahead, eat shit, gorillions of flies (and Free Wheeling Franklin) can't be wrong!

Unknown said...

Panzerkike, it is quite simple, you just have to post a valid experiment with controls that proves your ridiculous contagion and that eg bacteria make you ill.
You fail on that, fruitcake.

Unknown said...

In typical Jew manner, Panzerkike is somehow fixated and obsessed with fecal language and literally poo.You Jews just can't help yourselves, lol.

Panzerfaust said...

How about we arrange you fake germ idiots to eat a salmonella sandwich and see what happens.

Unknown said...

Panzerkike, given you have more bacteria than alleged cells in your body, how do you muppet distinguish between in your book "good and evil" bacteria? lol.
Have you ever heard of Antoine Bechamp? He was Pasteur contemporary, but did not take the jew money and the Talmudvision.

You make the claim Salmonella would be cause of sickness? Please point to any controlled experiment. Fail again, does not exist.
You can easily swallow cholera bacteria and nothing will happen, as long as your body is not full of toxins, that's when bacteria help you to detox by eating the toxins. Fucking panzerclown, you know nothing at all, but just parrot. Btw, bacteria do not invade you, they morph from Somatids(Spores) into shape of bacteria, pleomorphism, you clowns pretend would not exist.

Erik Paul said...

Salmonella are delicious!...especially when grilled in butter (grass-fed), and served with authentic New England-style tartar sauce.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Guys comparing bacteria to "viruses"- lol! One only has to type in "viruses" into Google Images and see all of the CGI and artistic renderings of the by-products of science fictions imagination.

Also, color does not exist at the microscopic level of the human cell. There are no "red viruses" or "green mitochondria!" Color is a particular phenomenon that begins to manifest itself with higher ordered organisms with well-defined complexity!

zapoper said...

Unknown commented on "Red List 46 - Waking Up From the Putin Delusion with Archie Melkonyan"
23 hours ago

"Panzerkike, it is quite simple, you just have to post a valid experiment with controls that proves your ridiculous contagion and that eg bacteria make you ill.
You fail on that, fruitcake."

So fucking retarded.

zapoper said...

The germ theory is at least half true.

Panzerfaust said...

Germ Theory has always included bacteria. Stop it with the damage control. "The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or "germs" can cause disease. These small organisms, too small to be seen without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. Their growth and reproduction within their hosts can cause disease. "Germ" refers to not just a bacterium but to any type of microorganism, such as protists or fungi, or other pathogens that can cause disease, such as viruses, prions, or viroids.[1] Diseases caused by pathogens are called infectious diseases. Even when a pathogen is the principal cause of a disease, environmental and hereditary factors often influence the severity of the disease, and whether a potential host individual becomes infected when exposed to the pathogen. Pathogens are disease-carrying agents that can pass from one individual to another, both in humans and animals. Infectious diseases are caused by biological agents such as pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, and fungi) as well as parasites." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease

Erik Paul said...

I see nothing to disagree with in the above post!

zapoper said...

Well that was a copy and paste job from wikipedia.

zapoper said...

...and then I got the "flu" back in March 2020 and I cured it with Lugol's Iodine 7%.

zapoper said...

How does that happen?

All our lives we've been told that we can't do anything about "viruses".


Panzerfaust said...


zapoper said...

You're not helping your case dude. LOL

Erik Paul said...

"...and then I got the "flu" back in March 2020 and I cured it with Lugol's Iodine 7%"

You had a set of symptoms associated with a condition that people generally refer to as "the flu," a term so vague that it is virtually meaningless as far as causation.

A number of conditions can manifest 'flu-like' symptoms, from various causes, known and unknown. Who said you had a 'virus' and how would they know?

The facts are, you were sick from an unknown cause and you felt much better after taking iodine. Your condition was idiopathic, and your experience proves nothing about 'viruses' either way.

Erik Paul said...

Btw, 'idiopathic' doesn't mean 'sick idiot!' LOL

Panzerfaust said...


zapoper said...

Why is Panzer yelling?

Panzerfaust said...

If you have $43.25 USD you can send samples from your livestock to Texas A&M and they'll isolate the viruses.

Panzerfaust said...

Da rite it fake test

Unknown said...

Panzerkike, are you able to read and also comprehend what you read?
You insanely try to spin in typical jew manner to mean false is true.
You defend jewish pharma and jewish germ theory to sell jewish toxic products.
What mental deficiency do you have?


It all began when R. Rabinowitz, then living in Paris, showed his translation of the Talmudic Order Mo’ed, which deals with Jewish festivals, to his good friend, Louis Pasteur. The biologist became fascinated by the Talmudic discussion on page 83b of Tractate Yoma where the rabbis accurately describe the five signs of a rabid dog: open mouth, dripping saliva, tail between paws, abnormal gait, and droopy ears.

He became intrigued by the rabbis’ ancient Hebrew wisdom, particularly their prescribed cure for a person infected by the bite of a rabid dog: “If someone was bitten by a mad dog [affected with rabies], one should feed him the lobe of that dog’s liver.” (Even though a dog is a non-kosher animal, the rabbis considered eating the dog’s liver to be a legitimate cure to a serious illness and therefore permitted it to be eaten.)


Now, shut the fuck up you clown.

Panzerfaust said...


zapoper said...

""...and then I got the "flu" back in March 2020 and I cured it with Lugol's Iodine 7%"

You had a set of symptoms associated with a condition that people generally refer to as "the flu," a term so vague that it is virtually meaningless as far as causation.

A number of conditions can manifest 'flu-like' symptoms, from various causes, known and unknown. Who said you had a 'virus' and how would they know?

The facts are, you were sick from an unknown cause and you felt much better after taking iodine. Your condition was idiopathic, and your experience proves nothing about 'viruses' either way."

It felt like what they've told us is influenza.

zapoper said...

Although by the third day it had started to go down into my lungs and that's when I thought about Lugol's iodine and took some.

zapoper said...

I took about 15ml - 20ml in two liters of water and drank that in six hours. My nose started leaking 5 - 10 minutes later and didn't stop doing that for many hours.

Now I'm thinking that 5ml per liter might be more than enough.

Sean said...

I find, talking softly in lowercase, is much more persuasive. I can’t believe that panzi thinks the “moon landing” was a real thing, omg, lol. I thought we could help this guy out, but there is no chance.

Sean said...

He probably still puts milk and cookies out for Santa Claus

zapoper said...


Panzerfaust said...

NASA stiffed Holland and gave them petrified wood, so what? 134 other countries got real moon rocks. Explain how.

Erik Paul said...

That petrified wood/moonrock tale they love to trot out all the time has been grossly misrepresented.

It's been awhile since I looked into it so I don't recall all the details, but basically, there's no verified chain of custody and the thing was in the possession of several persons and could easily have been switcherooed.

Of course, no one would steal a famous object from a museum...right?

Panzerfaust said...

There's other moon rocks missing such as the ones given to Afghanistan.
Imagine how much such rare and historic items would bring on the black market.

Panzerfaust said...

Being an annoying jackoff on the internet doesn't prove anything other than you're an annoying jackoff

Panzerfaust said...

I did somd looking around for the value of Moon rocks. Just the bag from Apollo 11 used to collect them has an interesting story. Ultimately it ended up on Sotheby’s and sold for $1.8 million. Just the bag! The rocks themselves are, as I guessed, astronomically valued (pun intended).

That's a lot of money for fake moon rocks lol

Grokkk said...

*^ retarded links nobody is going to click on

Jumbo Patterson said...

The most unlikely pair of astronauts one could never hope to meet; a pajeet boomer woman with crazy hair and a short fat bloke with high blood pressure, ROFL.

zapoper said...

Here's the video of the astronaut's interview:


Jumbo Patterson said...

The microphone is a helium balloon... see how they made a big deal of transferring the mic?

zapoper said...

What? The two main characters are White heteros involved in a romantic relationship? In a major theatrical release in 2024?

What's the catch apart from the humans going to the moon fantasy?

Is Tatum playing the role of a closeted gay pussy?

I want to see this movie too. lol