October 06, 2024

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2024.10.05

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - Guest: Frederick C. Blackburn aka blackbird9 (Update on the North Carolina disaster)

Hour 2 - Guest: Frederick C. Blackburn

Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download


zapoper said...

"You all just need to get" ???
Please explain that one to me BB9. LOL

TheFetch said...

Thanks for staying up to date with everything with all the travel and all. Back behind the Great Firewall in 2 weeks. I think next week we will be okay...will keep you posted through secretXXX channel. That show was me on 15 minutes of sleep...I woke up today at 11:50 am.

zapoper said...

Your show is still a top priority even though I don't give a shit about most of the others.

FearNot. said...

Zapoper - Thank You ! Always at it - WELL APPRECIATED!!💯

zapoper said...

BTW. The angina came back with a vengeance. I'm running on aspirins now. If you notice me not posting Rense for more than three days in a row then go ahead and change your password.

Michael_nyc said...

Thanks for posting this Zapoper! Sorry to hear about the angina, get well soon!

TheFetch said...

Thanks Zap and keep your health. I thought under the circumstances a very good show today. Frederick helped hold down an hour and his delivery was very good with some interesting info. I am enjoying this semi-retirement schedule in the Philippines to be truthful. Not ready to retire but I can easily slip into this lifestyle...weather is good today. Nice storm cell overhead keeping temps down with a few shower cells thrown in.

zapoper said...

It was kind of a no brainer to get BB9 on for the whole NC crap. Good show.

TheFetch said...

Yeah...call me stupid sometimes but this was an easy one and with no sleep, having someone slog an hour was pretty good too. :D We used to have an Interview Archive account - I think they took that channel down at Archive.org as I cannot find it now. Seems I have to go back through hard drives to find all those interviews going back in time

TheFetch said...

Where is Scorpio's contact data. Wanted to see if he could do an ITEL show when I travel but I could never find him and Blogspot is blocked in China.

zapoper said...

Archive.org is such a controlled operation. Fuck that!

zapoper said...


TheFetch said...

Can he find something a bit easier for us dyslexians to read? Geez...

TheFetch said...

I mispoke. Was using archives@ instead of archive@. Data is still there. I use that account to post just the edited out interviews.

zapoper said...

i gave you his email

zapoper said...

Do you want his phone number too? LOL

zapoper said...

I'll get on Skype and give you his number

zapoper said...

BTW. Did they not remove millions from the ballot down there in NC?

zapoper said...

1.3 million

cjag said...

Good morning all...

With all the speculation of FEMA with holding supplies and arresting Helicopter pilots.
I thought it might be a good idea to get some help from the African Space Research Program.

Those aircraft's might be able to sneak by FEMA???


from Ontario.

zapoper said...


zapoper said...

So I just stopped at Tim Hortons and bought a breakfast for a friend but when I arrived at where he lives at it was too early and he did not answer the door. So now I was stuck with shit I can not eat because of my strict diet and I was trying to find people who would actually be ok with a perfect stranger giving them a free breakfast. lol

After multiple tries a young woman thanked me for it and she was not paranoid about it.

The whole thing is funny because most people when you're trying to give them free food they think that there's nefarious thing going on. LOL

zapoper said...

Back around 2015 I was at the corner store and was handing out 20$ bills to anyone that was walking by. The reaction from them was so funny that it was worth the 300$-400$ it cost me.

Michael_nyc said...

Lol, how many took the free $20?

Michael_nyc said...

Or I should say, did anyone turn you down lol

zapoper said...

Nobody turned me down. Free money man! LOL

Panzerfaust said...

Fetch, I may have mentioned it before but I worked as an EMT-Paramedic including many years in 9/11 EMS and a few in offshore oil as safety officer. I also may be stating the obvious here but angina is serious stuff, your heart is loaded with lactic acid. Flying compounds the issue just like climbing a mountain because the aircraft is not pressurized to sea level. If you're not going to stop doing what you do at least make sure to mention to a flight attendant that you have a cardiac history to mentally prepare them. There's a EKG app for the iPhone & watch, get it. Also make sure your affairs are in order.
I had a private pilot patient who had chest pain but refused treatment at the airport. He crashed and burned following weekend.

Panzerfaust said...

Meant for Zap, sry

cjag said...

Howard Stern is going to interview Kamala, the mixed hag-bag giant, this week...
I wonder if he will be in black face while asking her about Slick Willy Brown and Montel Williams???

Well, that might of been Howard Stern before 911 and his Sirius 500 million dollar deal for his 911 broadcast , supporting bin laden, and rag heads doing it...

Keep in mind folks, His broadcast was the only one reporting live in Manhattan that morning.

from Ontario

decree said...

regret i missed the liveshow, great one. Good to hear bb9, his snackshack from yday is up too.
Btw im tired of people using conspiracy you judge it already in a negative way, just use neutral words like possibility or whatever but not what jews want us to use with conspiracy.

decree said...

here is a very good read about weather manipulation and its history, got the link from amazing polly maybe 2 years ago when we had similar https://www.colby.edu/sts/06_fleming_pathological.pdf
Btw here in germany we had such event too in 2021 in Ahrtal, 135 dead and devastation, but it was no hurricane just flood but people said it was on purpose too, distract from Merkel chaos politics, and sure the government did not really help in the disaster.

decree said...

This video from Ahrtal 2021 disaster is good it shows the destruction and how it got rebuild, we whites rebuild fast, people will rebuild what Helene destroyed... imagine this in a african country, people would leave it like that and just move away

decree said...

forgot the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGVhf0obxd8 really good watch and its short, Ahrtal disaster 2021 in germany, we rebuild it in few months

decree said...

but sure german houses there are all stone and brick, you will not see the amount of destroyed home like with your cardboard and paperwall houses.

Panzerfaust said...

decree, well said and note the white community coming together to help each other in the absence of FEMA. Compare to Katrina and S. Dade County where I witnessed Cat 4 Hurricane Andrew's destruction. When I was in the 82nd in 1992 President Bish Sr sent the deployment ready brigade in less than 24 hours, hot to the scene in 48. Jamacian gangs ruled the night, it was an unreported battle to regain control. Also note the gun confiscations in the high and dry areas north of New Orleans. That was due to subdivision residents in Dade County after Andrew killing black looters.

decree said...

If you want warpspeed 2.0 in the 2025 pandemic and cdbc cause money is dirty vote for Trump, 1 Thess 5:22 reject all evil = vote for nothing

decree said...

Yes i saw that, whites got this in their blood even when their own home is damaged they help together each other, you can see that on all disaster in mainly white countries, on top christians help each other even more, this is bible belt but sadly they are conditioned on "judeo-christianity" and got this jewess as mayor in this one little town whos name i forgot. The people there would maybe do better if the government does not block the residents and outsiders from helping each other, just provide money and material and let everyone do.

zapoper said...

I just watched Trump in Wisconsin and they played the song YMCA at the end of the rally. ROFL

zapoper said...

@ decree, that video made me hallucinate. lol