December 10, 2011

Texe Marrs - Secrets

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Texe Marrs - Secrets

(1) Is ex-Penn State coach part of a larger pedophile ring?;
(2) Why did ESPN withhold taped evidence of Syracuse basketball coach's pedophilia?;
(3) Is Savannah, Georgia a hotbed for Masonic activity?;
(4) Has the Internet led to an increase in anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman has alleged?;
(5) Do implantable biochips pose a health risk to those who have them?;
(6) Did the Federal Reserve rescue "Too Big To Fail" banks at our expense?;
(7) Why has Goldman-Sachs purchased the largest warehouse manufacturer?;
(8) Instead of leaving, is there another way to secede from the "New America?";
(9) Who participated in the Vatican's "Rainbow of Faith" held in Assisi, Italy?

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