April 24, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.04.24

Song Clip: Victoria Jackson on SNL – ‘There’s a Communist in the White House’

Guest: Bob Chapman -- TheInternationalForecaster.com

The new financial bubble is in the bond market. Listeners spark comments on the EU and chemtrails; an airline pilot calls in from the Netherlands to offer his perceptions.

Preparations for NATO / G8 Summits in Chicago continue, as residents are warned to stay away from their homes, and anti-terrorism drills – likely related – are scheduled in Colorado and Chicago.

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  1. Mami, I saw that Yeti banned you and a couple of others...That sucks. Ain't the same without you guys. Yeti sounds like he lost it, just like when Mike/Control lost it when people posted martial arts video there...No one except Yeti and another person are posting there...Thanks for the great uploads you have done over the years there...
    I hope someone takes over that site...peace out...

  2. I'll start back uploading again soon, if the furry faggot lets me. lol


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