September 25, 2012

Israel Lobbyist - We Need a False Flag to Start War with Iran!

Patrick Clawson of the influential neo-con Washington Institute for Near East Studies OPENLY suggests that the US should provoke Iran into taking the first shot.Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran. Just like 911 in New York causing the deaths of American civilians and soldiers, a million dead Iraqis and for what?


  1. Calm down guys. It's not gonna happen. They are getting desperate, that's all.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How about the idea that the REAL concern is not about nuclear weapons, which Iran could never use without permanently damaging itself anyway, but about the widespread introduction of Keshe generators (also an Iranian nuclear program, in a sense). As I understand it, there are already 10,000 units out there already in either 5kV/h or 10kV/h, ie domestic form.

    Seems hard to swallow on the surface, but if you consider the implications, readily available energy generation is a MUCH bigger threat to the preservation of the evil empire, which has used artificial scarcity to maintain itself at least as much as it has used brute force.

    The horse has bolted, in more ways than one.

    The excellent Dr A True Ott did a show on this idea last week and it made a lot of sense.

    I mean, look at it this way - over in Fukushima we have more or less slow motion nuclear war going on for what looks currently like forever, so why the fuss about a few Iranian nukes?

  4. Well it would also help to have a total Moron in the White House too .

  5. Neo-Con Lies Continue


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