September 05, 2012

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.09.04

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Gordon Duff - Veterans Today

Hour 2 - ENCORE

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Gabriella Van Rij - Back To School Tips For Bully-Proofing Our Children

Rense' site


  1. THX Zap. u all rock for doing this!

    anyone know how to get past the 403 forbidden on

  2. Your ip range was banned by humbug. If you post your ip, I will pm humbug so that he can unblock you.

  3. I was banned too... What an efficient system you guys have!

  4. Yeah, there has to be a more efficient way than to ban whole ip ranges.
    Maybe some coding that wouldn't ban legitimate members when he gets a DOS attack but that is easier said than done.

  5. I sent a PM to humbug and he should be looking at this thread if you want to give him your info for the unbanning.


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