October 18, 2012

Mark Dankof’s America Oct 17, 2012

Mark Dankof is joined by Dr. Adrian Krieg of A2Z Publications and the America Third Position Party for political and news discussion and analysis.

Also–further discussion of Mark’s refutation of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) hit piece on Press TV Iran.





  1. FYI Adrian Krieg is a 32nd degree York Rite Freemason. I wonder if Adrian bothered mentioning that to Dankof.

    I guess Adrian feels it is safe now to do radio interviews again since it has been several years since John Stadtmiller threw him off the air and people would just forget.

    I didn't forget and you can hear the interview at

    John Stadtmiller 2009.09.21 Throws Freemason Guest off the air - CF

    On September 21 2009, John Stadtmiller interviewed Adrian Krieg who wrote the 2009 book 'Our Vision from America'. The interview was fairly informative and had some pretty good
    information. The interview went well until caller 'Larry from Texas' asked if Krieg was a member of the Freemasons, Time Stamp >(57:25).

    John was unaware that his guest was Freemason. Larry asks how could Adrian could take part in
    that and goes on to chastise the Masons. At this point John asks what degree he is and Adrian says 32nd degree.

    From there the interview starts to take a turn, Adrian accuses some of RBN's hosts are insiders and 'taking part and double dipping' and says that he (Adrian) doesn't think it is right.

  2. From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/THE_PARADISE_REPORTER/message/3485

    So the JOKE is: The GUY IS A TOP-LEVEL 32nd DEGREE MASON, yet he writes books "exposing" the Illuminati (who controls the Masons) but he is aggravated by people like us (and "experts" like Texe Marrs, etc.) for saying that Masonry is devil worship!

    LOL, what a little "circle of intrigue" we have going on here, lol (this time I'm laughing at my own "play on words"... "Circle of Intrigue" is a book by Texe Marrs for anyone not aware...).

    Is Mr. Krieg deceived and doesn't realize the Illuminati controls the Masons? (Anyone that high up, 32nd degree, has to know what is going on, right? They hand-pick 'em to be graduated up the ladder that far... though the lower peons in the Masonry hierarchy truly are "window dressing" for the big boys).

    Or... is Krieg "playing a role" of Illuminati-exposer to suck people in by controlling what or how much the herd of the masses think they know about the "inside workings" of the Illuminati by giving them false or incorrect "inside" information? (A more correct term would be that he is possibly a "Controlled Opposition Front.") You know how it goes with the global elite, they play Both Sides Of The Fence -- Dialectic Struggle -- Is that what we have here?

    So anyway, I zapped Jon/Exposing Satanism a note to let him know about Krieg's Masonic Opposition article and wondered what Jon thought, and/or had this Krieg fellow openly admitted he was a Mason on the radio interview? Jon's replies...

    Admin - Exposing Satanism wrote on 4/7/06 6:15 AM:

    I will forward this to Gianni. My internet connection cut out so I did not get to listen to the second hour. Thanks for the heads up.

    Admin - Exposing Satanism wrote on 4/7/06 2:28 PM:

    Yep I just got a response back from him. He is a 32nd in the York rite. Gianni [hostess of the radio show] is livid!! Here is his response to my question.

    Dear John,
    Thanks for your E-mail. To respond. I am a York right (Christian) Mason 32nd deg. And have been for about 40 years. In order to gain an understanding of this issue The Masonic Library in NYC has a huge volume of books that are available for loan. I'm sorry but I do not remember the address. York Right is entirely Christian non-Christians are unable to join because the rights and meetings are held in the name of the Christ. Get a Masonic Bible in the front there is usually a detailed explanation of York vs Scottish Right.

    I then responded back to him;
    With all due respect Mr. Krieg, the masons are hardly a Christian organization. You do not know of your founder Albert Pike, who was not a Christian and in fact worshiped satan? What about all the secret blood oaths and other info that you swear to keep secret or die? In my opinion, I would say that you are either a shill or have no idea what it means to be a Christian. Perhaps you are of the Catholic or Mormon doctrine as they have no idea what a Christian is either.
    I don't want to have a argument with you about this as you are the one who will pay for it on judgment day.

    So true, especially the part about the secret blood oaths, etc. Should we send Mr. Krieg the "Prayer of Release for Masons and Their Descendants" ? If he claims to be a Christian, he needs to be reading that ASAP. That prayer would certainly help to open his eyes if he is somehow "deceived" at the 32nd degree. It is about the longest prayer I've ever seen and goes through every single degree of Masonry, outlining specifically what needs to be denounced and repented from in the name of Jesus Christ, for each degree. It truly should make even the toughest Mason feel horrified.

    As for Masons worshipping Satan, here's several articles on the subject from CuttingEdge:

  3. Mami, would you please post this show from '09 on your site because many of us are not able to use torrents. Thank you in advance.


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