October 15, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.10.15

Deanna discusses the mythology surrounding Andrew Jackson.

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  1. where is Spingola reading from?
    Who is spouting this garbage about
    Andrew Jackson ? According the author of this writing Jackson
    never said the following : "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to route you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down onthe table) I will route you out!” which according to Stan V. Henkels came straight from the minutes of Phillidelphia banking committee sent to President Jackson in February 1834.


    I really wonder where this Jihad to take down Andrew Jackson is coming from. Whose purpose does it feed ? The current generation of Banksters ?

    Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
    Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist
    crashrecovery.org stock@stokkie.net

  2. People like living in the state of denial.

  3. @ Robert,
    The purpose of this information is to simply get the truth out about someone who's highly regarded by many ''truthers'' but who at closer inspection isn't a hero at all but rather a criminal.
    I must admit I'm not well versed in U.S history but I have not seen the claims Deanna Spingola made being debunked and she had made them many times before.

    If Jackson really put his money where his mouth was regarding that alledged quote of his then there must be a lot of evidence to support it but is there?



  4. spignola is a dizzard.

  5. if you but her shit, i have some shit to sell you in west spignola.

  6. buy her shit, that is. typo. she has plenty to sell.

  7. her "research" was gleaned from carolyn yeager, with whom she's having an affair.

  8. People who cannot refute the message usually attack the messenger. I have never met Carolyn Yeager and I do not believe that she has ever written anything about Andrew Jackson.

  9. Speaking the truth , brings forth attacks , just as a light in the wilderness will attract Moths . The light brings forth activity , but the negative is the first to arrive .

  10. Deanna, you are too old to be arguing with trolls. That is something that children do, and wiser people simply ignore them.

  11. fedupusa has to go once and for all.

  12. Deanna, the anonymous Jewzi troll can't even spell you're name right. Not to mention he called VC a "dizzard" the other day.

    I think he learned a new word at his Yeshiva elementary school and just couldn't wait to test it out on the Internet.

    Anonymous Jewzi troll, run along and play with your Golem hell bomb set. And don't let the door hit your azz on the way out.

  13. I just visited the booklet by Stan V Henkels from 1928 again at :


    and somehow the searchable text of the pdf document has been removed
    since my last visit to above url on October 16, 2012. Very strange but
    also highly interesting, as somehow 'a hidden hand' does not want
    the search engines to arrive at this document at scribd.com, anymore ...
    It means that there are a group of people out there who want to
    blackball Arthur M. Schlesinger's, Jr. Pulitzer price for history
    winning book, "The Age of Jackson" published in 1945, because it's
    picture of Andrew Jackson as portrayed inside "The Age of Jackson"
    doesn't suit their current objectives.

    So I kindly ask Deanna Spingola again, from which published text or
    book she was reading during this radio show. Who are the historians who
    published these new findings ?

    So here comes the searchable text :

    Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
    Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist
    crashrecovery.org stock@stokkie.net


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