October 18, 2012

The Word from the Trenches with Henry Shivley 2012.10.18

Henry was born in Daytona Beach, Florida in 1961, raised in Chiloquin, Oregon, a small logging town in southern Oregon, where he currently lives. Henry and his wife operate the patriot news site, From the Trenches World Report.

Topic: FBI foils own terror plot, the Obama Youth, and how to prepare for the coming war 

Henry's site



  1. Does everyone think that Henry is legitimate? I mean that with the things that he says, it can be said that it is possible that he is a Hal Turner type, but I just do not know. Tangentially, whatever happened to JB Campbell? He has just disappeared from the scene.

  2. GREAT call from the woman wanting to undo the bullshit about "evil Nazis".

    She calls Israhell Talmudia! Spot on. The NSDP was working for the German people. The Jews are working for a JWO under the guise of "capitalism," "socialism," "communism" and all the other social engineering bullshit.

    Fascists FIGHT the JEW BANKS and the JEWS. The rest is bullshit.


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