October 03, 2012

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.10.03

The push for war with Syria, Part 1.

Show Notes

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  1. This topic of this show sure dated fast didn't it?

    Turkey has now attacked Syria in response to a false flag against it conducted by the NWO cabal via the Syrian rebel terrorists.

    If Syria responds, which it will have to, NATO finally gets the green light to destroy it 'legally' because of it's relationship with Turkey. Thus, 'The NATO' will impose a no-fly zone, Assad will be killed and Syria will be left to pull itself to pieces for the next few years and no-one will give a toss about how many Syrians die, just as long as they don't splash blood on the assets of the cabal.

    Then, once Barry is safely back in the White House, there will be a quick false flag in early spring against the US or Israel by the cabal to justify the annihilation of Iran, to which both Russia and China will turn a blind eye. They'll assist Iran of course, but only indirectly and to no avail because they, of course, are controlled opposition who are ruled by oligarchical scum with a plan to depopulate and lord it over the survivors too, just like your 'leaders'.

    All this was predicted way back when the cabal was first squaring up to destroy Libya.

    Meanwhile, most of you lot were bickering about whether or not [insert name of radio host here] was a shill, or a Jew. I (along with many others) did my best to make you see the light, but none of you wanted to listen because you were too busy misdirecting your energies and fragmenting yourselves.

    Was that part of the plan too? Of course it was. Although most of you are genuine people who care your efforts were carefully channeled to render them completely ineffective. Easy stuff.

    Have a great Christmas exposing Joos folks. Eat well and have some fun with your families. You've probably been neglecting them of late. By the next one you'll either be dead, imprisoned or too simply too frightened to even think about opening your mouths.

    Now, who wants to be the first to expose me as a Jew? LOL.


  2. I found this comment in the spam box. I'm glad that it wasn't deleted. LOL

  3. I'm glad too Zap. I think I've got the hang of it now. It's like using a blocked toilet. I do my thing, then 24 hrs later it may or may not appear.

    Not the best situation to carry on a conversation, but it can't be helped I guess. I accept that it's not your fault though so I won't be whining at you about it anymore. Thx for taking the time to fish me out of the toilet bowl!

    Heard the latest BTW? Didn't read the story, only the headline (on WRH I think), but it was something like "Turkey shelling Syrian financial centre. All hell breaking loose."

    Trouble is, by the time this gets posted in a day or so I expect we'll already have been treated to a vid of a cackling Hilary Rotten Clinton & Barry Half-White gnawing on Assad's barbequed arm in Damascus and Mahmoud & the Mullahs will be polishing up the Cobalt 60 & the bioweapons.

    (Bet Barry gets first shout on Assad's wedding tackle though. His bag I'd have thought, excuse the pun, and Hilary's certainly not going to want to fight him over those pesky manly bits is she?).

  4. Oh please when where we ever not fragmented? And just who the fuck are you anyway? Sadly4me? Never heard of you. Everything is going according to plan and the JWO will come together and you never did anything of significance Sadly4me so in the end did anyone make a difference? No we were never organized in the first place! The powers to be don't won't anyone to organize. Hey at least we will all go down fighting in our own special way but it's a long ways off from your depressing beliefs.

  5. Sadly4me must be a jew

  6. You're still going straight to spam box Sadly4me. It must be something on your end. I don't know.

  7. How dare you Zap? There's nothing on my end.

    Wouldn't be posting here if there was...


    PS: Anonymous must be a wanker

  8. As for the 'other' Anonymous comment, (Rockclimber?) it's not about whether we were or were not less fragmented in the past. Take your strawman and stuff it up your arse.

    The point is, the JWO (as you label it) is so apparent now that I can 'recruit' nearly everyone I meet these days against it. They're ready and looking for explanations.

    'We', such as we are, are growing by the day, but we needed to be HUGE at this point - and we're not because arseholes like you worked against the formation of a collective consciousness with your obsessional behaviour. I'm sick to death of it.

    When one million people marched against the Poll Tax in the UK it was changed pronto - but even back then there were wankers like you droning on about labels who stayed away.

    It was only a tiny victory it's true, but it was a victory nonetheless. How has your obsessional behaviour made a difference in your world thus far?

    For example, Tony Blair is not a Jew, but he is a cunt who's done bad things. People understand concepts like that, because unlike you, they have a sense of right and wrong that they trust.

    I mean, let's imagine you rule the world. You kill all the Jews and their helpers, right? Well, there's a guy I could show you who's truly the biggest cunt I've ever met. He's a gentile and he hates Jews, but by your reckoning he's OK, right?

    Fuck you and your bullshit and totally unworkable labels. Do you really think a genealogical chart dating back two thousand years is going to get people motivated enough to jump on your hobby horse? You must be really fucking ignorant, as well as a psychopath.

    YOU are the one propagating academically unsound dialectics.

    YOU are keeping us divided.

    YOU are the enemy.

  9. Look, let's talk about what needs to be done.

    The debt needs to go.
    The banking/oil/pharmaceutical cartels need to go.
    The UN needs to go.
    All governments need to go.
    Most civil servants need to go.

    The public need to be educated. The media needs to be taken over.

    Right and wrong is the place we need to start.

    There. That took me 30 seconds, so it's not a manifesto, just an opening salvo.

    See how much better it sounds than your shite? Take it onto the street - you might be surprised.

    What's your response? You going to call me a Jew again? Or are you going to start motivating people for a change?

    How many years of your life are you going to waste in this awful bloody system before you get it?

  10. Sadly4me said...

    “The point is, the JWO (as you label it) is so apparent now that I can 'recruit' nearly everyone I meet these days against it. They're ready and looking for explanations. “

    Then keep recruiting, I’m not stopping you and nobody forced you to read my comments.

    “'We', such as we are, are growing by the day, but we needed to be HUGE at this point - and we're not because arseholes like you worked against the formation of a collective consciousness with your obsessional behaviour. I'm sick to death of it. “

    Maybe we’re not HUGE because not everyone buys into the over-exaggerations of certain talk show hosts who constantly fearmonger and don’t offer up any solutions other than bullhorning buildiings and protect the major players. You’re sick to death of it, is this about you?

    “When one million people marched against the Poll Tax in the UK it was changed pronto - but even back then there were wankers like you droning on about labels who stayed away. “

    What the fuck? I wasn’t droning labels over those who marched against the Poll Tax lol. In fact I believe in real actions, not keyboard commando crap.

    “It was only a tiny victory it's true, but it was a victory nonetheless. How has your obsessional behaviour made a difference in your world thus far?”

    By putting pressure on jewish supremacists it makes them think twice about pulling false flags and keeps them on guard. It lets them know that there are people who are aware.

    “For example, Tony Blair is not a Jew, but he is a cunt who's done bad things. People understand concepts like that, because unlike you, they have a sense of right and wrong that they trust. “

    Hey dummy, I’m well aware of the elite cunts out there, others are exposing them too. We all know that this is a good ole boy club but the supremacists are in charge.

    “I mean, let's imagine you rule the world. You kill all the Jews and their helpers, right? Well, there's a guy I could show you who's truly the biggest cunt I've ever met. He's a gentile and he hates Jews, but by your reckoning he's OK, right?”

    That’s absolute bullshit. I have never called for the killing of jews and their helpers. I say shining the light on their crimes is enough and if more people were doing it they would root out the criminals and force these people to be honest.

    “Fuck you and your bullshit and totally unworkable labels. Do you really think a genealogical chart dating back two thousand years is going to get people motivated enough to jump on your hobby horse? You must be really fucking ignorant, as well as a psychopath.”

    Nope I can easily prove what’s going on now.

    You are the enemy of truth if you feel that only certain aspects of it should be discussed you moron.

    Are you Alex Jones?


  11. Sadly4me said...
    "Look, let's talk about what needs to be done."

    Oh please, we talk about this stuff everyday, don't be so damned presumptuous.

    "The debt needs to go.
    The banking/oil/pharmaceutical cartels need to go.
    The UN needs to go.
    All governments need to go.
    Most civil servants need to go."

    Shall I add to your list?

    How about we need to zero the debt.
    We need to close our borders.
    We need to stop policing nations.
    We need to stop giving aid to other nations when our own is suffering.
    We need to abolish usury.

    I could go on and on and on and on.

    Problem is how do we go about it? where is your army?

    "The public need to be educated. The media needs to be taken over. "

    You have to expose the media for what it is (propaganda) and who controls it and to what end. But oh that's too much for you. WTF? I guess that makes me a 'psychopath'.

    "Right and wrong is the place we need to start."

    Wow, that never occurred to me, thanks for that nugget of wisdom!

    "There. That took me 30 seconds, so it's not a manifesto, just an opening salvo."

    I'm unimpressed...it's nothing new but hey it's a start, now get after it.

    "See how much better it sounds than your shite? Take it onto the street - you might be surprised."

    And just what is it that you ascertain about me and my shite? You seem to know my heart...not!

    "What's your response? You going to call me a Jew again? Or are you going to start motivating people for a change?"

    Say what? You don't know anything about me and I do motivate people but I don't promote morons who speak 1/2 truths. You either tell it all or nothing, no in betweens.

    "How many years of your life are you going to waste in this awful bloody system before you get it?"

    Oh I see, you get it. Well you're parroting everything we already know so again I'm imimpressed with you and your insults and presumptions. Fuck off!

  12. I suspect we've been through this exact scenario before elsewhere, but I'm a
    patient man, so here's my response:

    "Maybe we’re not HUGE because not everyone buys into the over-exaggerations of
    certain talk show hosts who constantly fearmonger and don’t offer up any
    solutions other than bullhorning buildiings and protect the major players."

    So I'm an Alex Jones fan then? Er, no. Stop that.

    In fact, I agree with your point, but ultimately it doesn't really matter. If
    the audience reacts adversely to an over-exaggeration by AJ, it's no big deal to
    drag them back to somewhere more appropriate & it's certainly a better situation
    than if they'd only ever consumed mainstream BS. Alex Jones is A problem, but
    he's not THE problem. You need to prioritize.

    In order to do what he does he has to mix good energy with bad. Make use of the
    good first. Work on moderating and solidifying any positive changes AJ might
    have had on the individual, ie "well, as you say that's not strictly true what
    AJ said, but you can see in these official documents that... whatever."

    Capitalize on the truths. The primary goal has to be to consolidate the truths a
    person has picked up. Bitching about the BS is much less productive - & in any
    case, your audience can work these things out for themselves more often than

    "You’re sick to death of it, is this about you?"

    What a stupid fucking question. Grow up. It's about ALL of us, as you well know.

    "I wasn’t droning labels over those who marched against the Poll Tax lol. In
    fact I believe in real actions, not keyboard commando crap."

    Good. I never said you were, but so what? You're certainly droning on about
    labels these days!

    "By putting pressure on jewish supremacists it makes them think twice about
    pulling false flags and keeps them on guard. It lets them know that there are
    people who are aware."

    Well, THEY do know we know, and that's a good thing I agree, but the trouble is,
    they don't really give a fuck about you or I. We are not even a pin prick on
    their fat backsides. They fear the masses under an enlightened leadership.
    That's all.

    Take Joe Soap. He's poor and getting poorer. He understands the effects of
    inflation but not the cause. Your approach is to go on about Jewish supremacism.
    Joe's full of crap like the Holohoax and other lies and he doesn't have six
    months to work through all that with you. You might get there eventually once in
    a while, but your successes will be few and far between and you'll rigidify most
    Joe Soaps into their original propaganidized state. Basic psychology.

    My approach to Joe's predicament is to explain that inflation was caused by
    there being more money around, which was caused because governments used money
    borrowed from banks to bail out the banks who blew it all on gambling debts. Joe
    recognizes that that's fucked up, so I tell him that the bankers control the
    government and the corporations too and that in reality, it's all much the same
    these days, ie there's them, and there's us. This works because it makes use of
    Joe's anger about being poor and he can easily confirm the truthfulness of what
    I've said in the MSM once he's looking for it. I teach Joe to connect the dots.
    Meanwhile you are still harping on about Jews and BASHING ME in front of Joe for
    not obsessing about them too.

    Point is, I'll probably bring the subject up later too (if he doesn't eventually
    suss it out for himself), but not until Joe's ready, because I have a genuine
    concern to educate Joe properly, ie by focusing on what he already knows and
    building on that. It's a fundamental rule of the teaching and learning process.

    To be continued


  13. "Hey dummy, I’m well aware of the elite cunts out there, others are exposing
    them too. We all know that this is a good ole boy club but the supremacists are
    in charge. "

    Hey Dummy. Listen to what I told you above and try to get your head around it
    for a fucking change. As you like to say, it's not about you. It's about Joe.

    At this point, Joe couldn't really care less who's in charge, but he THINKS it's
    the government that made him poor - so make use of Joe's emotional energy right
    now and fill in the blanks later. Understand?

    "I have never called for the killing of jews and their helpers. I say shining
    the light on their crimes is enough and if more people were doing it they would
    root out the criminals and force these people to be honest."

    Then we agree on our primary goal. The question is, who's approach is best
    suited to achieving that when it comes to Joe Soap? Do you honestly think
    anything I've said so far is misguided?

    "Nope I can easily prove what’s going on now"

    But only to yourself and to people who've waded through the same stuff, like me.
    It took you (and I) ages to get where we are now, but you expect to 'convert'
    Joe Soap in a microsecond, or an hour, or even a day - and what's more you give
    Joe Soap no credit for being a thinking sentient being, who, given access to the
    right information and the time to absorb and assimilate it can come to his own
    conclusions. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

    As I've told you, right now Joe Soap has way too much baggage to eat from your
    hand like you want him to. You HAVE to understand his original position and work
    with it.

    You can pose around at the end of the trail like some bronzed God and try to
    show Joe the top of the pyramid all day long, but it's people like me that will
    show help him navigate the trail and deal with what he finds when he gets there,
    because I am (or at least was) a teacher and because I DO understand the
    psychology of education. Get off your high horse and lend a hand won't you?

    "You are the enemy of truth if you feel that only certain aspects of it should
    be discussed you moron".

    Read this post twice and see if you want to stand by anything you said in that

    "Are you Alex Jones?"

    Hardly. I'm way too honest and mild-mannered. You do know me though, if you're
    RC that is. We've 'engaged' before - and though I've made precious little
    progress with you personally, I have to say, imho I don't feel I've lost a
    single encounter with you yet - although I will grant you one or two draws along
    the way.


    You and Zap can probably work out who I am if you think about it carefully, but
    it's of no consequence. Ultimately, I'm just a nobody, fighting the same fight
    as you - and I don't need to be attacked by my own.

  14. "Shall I add to your list?

    How about we need to zero the debt.
    We need to close our borders.
    We need to stop policing nations.
    We need to stop giving aid to other nations when our own is suffering.
    We need to abolish usury."

    I agree.

    "Problem is how do we go about it? where is your army?"

    You know the answer to this. We need to educate the masses. Not all of them. 5%, 10%. Something like that. It's happening. I reckon we're at 2 or 3% right now. Much progress since
    2008 and MUCH more to come v.soon.

    "You have to expose the media for what it is (propaganda) and who controls it and to what end. But oh that's too much for you. WTF? I guess that makes me a

    Why the insults? I agree. But you need to relate it to what your audience
    wants, in the manner they are conditioned to receive it. Your approach doesn't work because it's driven by YOUR emotions, not theirs.

    Your next few lines are vacuous bullshit, written before you had read my last. I shall ignore them for now.

    And if you want to continue this conversation, do try lay off the insults OK?

  15. @ sadly4me. Try something else man. I can't keep refreshing the spam box every five minutes just in case you happen to comment.

    I don't know why you're going straight to the spam box.

  16. Ha ha ha ha. Why don't you return my calls anymore? LMAO

  17. Sorry to keep you so busy Zap. I've probably said my piece now though.

    I don't know why I'm being condemned as spam. Could it be Firefox's "do not track me" settings?

    I thought I was blocking third party cookies too, but I just checked and I don't think I am - and I do have a cookie from blogger.com so it probably isn't that.

    Beyond that I've really no idea. Any suggestions? (besides fucking off like RC told me to do!)

  18. I have no idea either other than maybe you're too anonymous? BTW. I also fished out that last one out of the spam box too.

  19. This rarely occurs. Do some tests with the same pseudo and we'll both know when it works.

  20. If I were a betting man you my guess is you are Ian Potter...and yes, this is RC.

    My point is you presume to know too much about me. In 'real life' and on the internet in general, I do take a more subtle approach with people, especially those who are ignorant yet are thirsting for some knowledge--I don't know that much, but I have something to offer. And believe me it's like you have said people are hungry to know just what the hell is going on and I help them with that and they willingly eat it up. I don't bash them over the head with 'jew talk' but I do eventually broach the topic. This site in many ways is for the hard core as evidenced by the material. This is not a lightweight site unfortunately. It's a mix of shows that expose the elite and yes, in part jewish supremacism. I think the spirit of it, and Mami created it mind you and I contribut little because Mami and zapoper are all over it, is to 1) have a place for free speech and 2) have a variety of varying viewpoints. But I do personally and obviously have an axe to grind when it comes to jewish power (and supremacism)--it is my area of focus since I beleive they have been given a free pass for far too long and so while I know they aren't the only players in the game, it is my emphasis to help make this kind of talk an every day part of life (knowing it won't happen) but hey, like you we all do what we think is best now don't we? ;) And yes, I think we have had some good ones but you know we both distinctly differing viewpoints. You're much more complex then me I will admit, and you have a broader reach however I just beleive that my heart is in the right place but knock off that crap where you think I want people to fucking die! That's the furthest thing from the truth. Lol If anything I want to help stomp out supremacism to the degree possible and I despise all of it.

  21. This is your last warning RC. LMAO

  22. @ Zap - Thx for your patience & advice. I'd like to sort this spam thing, so for
    this post I'm going to pay more attention to and/or fill in the prompt that the Albine Privacy Suite keeps giving me! I've deleted my cookies and
    rebooted too, so I'll be able to check that I can still recieve cookies from

    If it doesn't work I'll try another browser after that - then, if that
    works, I'll mess with the Google privacy thingy in Firefox for my next post.

    Failing all that, I guess I'll have to sign up with OpenID and see if that
    does the trick.

    Speaking of anonymity though, shortly after I made my last post yesterday
    you said "Ha ha ha ha. Why don't you return my calls anymore? LMAO".

    Well, very shortly after and at almost the instant that I left the site I
    recieved a phone call from a number I could not identify. The caller didn't
    speak, but it was strange, given that it was about 11.30pm here at the time.
    Could have been coincidence of course, but I need to ask, was that you? (And if
    it was, please will you show me how to do that!)

  23. That didn't work either and no, I don't do prank calls. That's a coincidence.

  24. @ Zap - OK, thx.

    Same type of phone call happened again a couple of hours ago too - and again it was quite soon after I'd come here to see if my posts had made it. Weird, but no big deal.

    I actually made two posts today. The second was from another browser right after I sent the one you fished out. It was a fairly lengthy reply to RC but it seems that didn't even make the spam box.

    Pretty annoying really. Am I the only person this happens to?

    Next time I'll use another machine I think, just to prove the system. Not this one though - this'll be spammed for sure.

    (If you read this RC, unfortunately I didn't save it locally so I guess it's lost. Sorry about that. Shame though, cos like your last I was at my most agreeable and conciliatory. Funny how we usually end up sharing a virtual beer once the fireworks die down isn't it?)

  25. Well it happened before but it might have been you, I don't remember. One day, someone said that I was deleting their comments and I never deleted anyone's comment so I started to look into it and realized that they were in the spam box.

  26. Cheers (Yeti, Ian), never any hard feelings on my end. And on that note it's beer Friday and I'm going to go enjoy a few lol


  27. Have fun RC. I'm thinking that it could also be Loke. I'd have to analyze the writing style but I'm too lazy. lol

  28. @ Zap - So it is just me then. It was me whining as Anonymous that time too, although around the same time there was someone else whining and claiming you were deleting stuff too, which wasn't me.


    And, just to avoid any confusion, I am IP, as RC correctly intuited. I confessed this to him in my 'lost' post from the other browser & made the joke that while the NSA is almost certainly better at the recognition game than we are we'd both done a pretty good job or spotting each other!

    But you know what? Just after I made my last post yesterday, I was going to re-write my lost post to RC when I discovered that certain sites were suddenly "blocked on this network", which has never happened before, so I changed my DNS settings and fucked around with other stuff, but then my internet went down altogether.

    I tried another machine, then another router, then another machine and then went to bed.

    This morning I repeated the process to no avail and then, just as I was deciding which window to chuck the whole fucking lot out of and be done with it I had one last go and suddenly all was well again.

    It's getting quite hard to dismiss all the 'coincidences' now, so I just can't wait to see what happens once I post this message!

    BTW, since I've now got another setup to use, I'd like to do some tests to try and isolate the problem with the spam.

    Will it be OK to use this thread Zap?

    I'll just post my time, along with a code to tell me which configuration I was using, eg this post would be

    09.22 C1 B1 R2 D1

    If you could delete any spams in that format it would be a great help, then I'll be able to see which configuration (if any) gets through without bugging you.



    PS: I won't start testing until you say it's OK, OK?


  29. Well would you believe it? After all that it seems my last went straight through! How the fuck can that be?

    Now I'm convinced: it's super-advanced alien AI that's messing with me! Run for the hills!

    But just to be sure, and for the purposes of my experiment:

    09.41 C1 B1 R2 D1

  30. Yeah, it worked Ian. Surely it's those darn aliens LOL. Man! You would have been my fourth choice in guessing who you were. LMAO

    What ever you did, please use the same configuration because it finally worked.

    BTW, I said that I never deleted comments but it's not totally true because we have a troll in Arizona and we all put some of his comments in the spam box because it was over the top. Sometimes he commented on two different threads in the same minute LOL.

    With a little detective work, I figured out who he was and gave him a warning here: http://grizzom.blogspot.ca/2012/10/spingola-speaks-20121002.html?showComment=1349229767972#c8694170529838416475 When he started again. He then went on to two other threads and said " Thanks lamey and zapooper too " so I didn't ban him just for that LOL but he's been quiet ever since and I know that he read my warning. I also know that he enjoys my 64k of Giuliani because he downloads it so even though he says that we only post crap, he still likes to download a couple of things.

    I've got 70 comment of him in the spam box to prove how much of a troll he is/was.

    Anyway I'm glad that you figured out the problem Ian and you're welcome to post whatever you think or feel. WAVE

  31. Ok Zap. Thx.

    This is kind of a test too.

    Earlier today, but after I made my successful last post, I discovered that my
    hosts file had become damaged, or maybe even hacked (and not for the first
    time either).

    Anyway, I've repaired it, but I've a theory that it's going to make the spam
    problem return.

    If I'm correct and it does, I'll tell you what I think it is - and it's somewhat
    worrying - although it's nothing to do with blogger.com or anyone here,
    including me. If on the other hand the post goes through OK, I'm just a paranoid
    conspiracy theorist, which is equally likely I suppose.

    Fingers crossed!

    PS: I'm intrigued to know who the third person you thought I might be was.

  32. Ah shit! I thought it was resolved but I just got this one out of the spam box again.

    Yeti, epinnoia, Loke to answer your question.

  33. Oh well. So much for my theory. Now I'm back to having absolutely no clue as to why it was failing before.

    Man... 'puters. I fkn hate 'em sometimes.

  34. @ Zap

    OH NO!!!!



  35. Oh bugger. Looks like they both failed.

    And my theory was really quite exciting too.

    Hmm... Unless... Unless my theory was indeed correct, BUT those damned aliens are so unimaginably quick thinking and evil that they intervened to make it LOOK like my last failed, when really it DIDN'T.

    OMG! That must be it! Holy shit!


    This is the last from me tonight Zap. Don't wanna piss you off by wasting your whole day helping me out of the toilet bowl - and in any case, I need to pop out and buy a jumbo box of tinfoil and some protective crystals.

    CYA tomorrow for another attempt probably. I'm more determined than ever to find out what's going on now.

    (Epinnoia eh? Oh dear... Did I come across as that much of a shit?... Sorry RC. LOL)


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