October 22, 2012

ZCF Rant 2012.10.18

My thoughts on the Arthur Topham situation, the fanatical Jewish war on truth, and the pathetic smears against me from Mr. Anti-’Nazi’, Jew-lover extraordinaire, Daryl Bradford Smith.

ZCF' site

256k Download


  1. ZCF does fine work but he really loses the plot when he goes after DBS.

    Ok, DBS thinks Hitler was a Jewish agent. I don't agree with that notion although I once thought it plausible.

    But to go from there to he's working for the Jews is DIPSHIT logic. Ben Freedman, Douglas Reed, all the books and interviews somehow are benefiting criminal Jewry because DBS thinks "Nazi" orgs are psyops and racism is not helpful in the fight against Jewry.

    Please. Doesn't mean I now think ZCF is an agent of Jewry.

  2. Anybody who puts out a audio at 256k needs to get over himself.

    Whats all the fascination with Hitler these days?

    He's just another moron with a funny mustache who got played by the British/American kikes 70 years ago.

    Get over it already.

  3. @Mami

    Here's why:

    The 25 points of the NSDAP programme


    Hitler wrote that in 1920

    See if you disagree with ANY of those points if a political party started advocating them TODAY !

  4. Is this the same DBS that accused Ernst Zundel of all people of being a Zionist stooge? What a joke!


  5. Hitler was idiot and German supremacist.He had chance to show how to develop Country without Jewish Run Banks.Instead of this he destroyed my country [Poland] and half of the Europe.His mass persecution of low level poor Jews created Great Firewall[Hololaust]-for JWO and Zion Mafia.
    Anyone who present him as a hero should get a lot of shekels from Bnai brith,ADL...for discrediting AntizionistOpposition

  6. The NSDP economic plan is extremely important as is Hitler's de-Kiking of the banks, media, etc.

    That's why he's taboo. That's why it's a shame DBS and others fall for Jew lies about him.

    Does Daryl have a big mouth and say dumb things from time to time. Yeah. Does that make him special?

    He deserves enormous credit for forcing the JEW issue long ago when few others were.

    His site and archives remain excellent and in no way help the criminal Talmudists.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @ anon

    Their have been hundreds of great manifestos for new forms of society since Hitlers NSDAP and yet we still live is this JWO

    Bottom line is Hitler got played and his people suffered dearly for it.

    The jews don't scare me it's officer motherfucker kickin in my door at 4am that scares me.

    Our problem is us, our love of money and the need for leaders to show us the way to live and to protect us from ourselves.

    There a no solution!

    As long as there is good people, there will be bad people who will get over on them, and eventually rise to power.

    Our planet is run by psychopaths who do evil, and how can good people fight evil with evil and still stay good?

  9. @Mami His people suffered not because of him, but because the jews engendered anti-german hate propaganda since 1933, and blinded the western world with hatred and malice which goes on to this btw. Find out more about Hitler's peace proposals when Germany was totally disarmed from 1933-1935. Hitler was the only one at that time asking for total disarmament in following Wilson's 14 points for permenant peace devised after WWI.



  10. Why is Hitler's Germany so important even after 70 years ?

    Here's why:

    Who is the single most maligned man in the history of the world ? Hitler, that's who.

    Try to name one other person who even comes close.

    Stalin? Not even close.

    Stalin was called 'Uncle Joe' and loved by communists even up to the 1960s when due to all the atrocity stories finally leaking out everywhere they were forced to go back to loving & worshipping Lenin who had committed almost as many atrocities but whose atrocities were now all blamed on Stalin.

    Even today you can wear a hammer-&-sickle shirt, a Mao shirt, a Lenin shirt, a Karl Marx shirt, a Ho-Chi-Minh or Che Guevara shirt and walk down the streets and no one will bother you, in fact, they might even think you're 'cool,' a righteous 'man of the people' who supports the downtrodden proletariat. Now, even if you wear a Stalin shirt, you might get a few weird looks but that's about it.

    Wear a swastika shirt or a shirt with Hitler on it and walk down the street and see if you don't get treated like a leper by almost everyone you meet on the entire planet.

    Go to Iran and EVEN PEOPLE IN IRAN, in a country that has holohoax conferences, will treat you like a leper and force you to take off your Hitler shirt and stop disrespecting the tiny number of 20,000 Iranian Jews left there or take a public whipping.

    In fact, the first thing Khomeini (a guy civilized enough to stone people to death for adultery) did was issue a fatwa protecting the Jews:

    "Ayatollah Khomeini met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris & issued a fatwa decreeing that the Jews were to be protected"


    Did Jews issue a 'fatwa' protecting Christians in Russia or Muslims and Christians in Palestine, Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya ? So why did Khomeini issue a fatwa on their behalf as soon as he took power ? If Jews terrorized millions of Palestinians out of their ancestral homes and continue to do so after 60 years, why didn't he just deport every last one of those 20,000 Jews out ? If the Islamic Republic is so goddamn genuine, how come the Jewish community was powerful enough there to get him to issue a fatwa ?

    Note: There were 150,000 Jews in Iran in 1948 which got reduced to 80,000 by the time of the Shah's ousting due mainly to immigration to Israel. Another 60,000 left after the revolution leaving around 20,000.

    So wearing a Hitler shirt would be frowned upon EVEN IN IRAN ! Think about it !

    That's the power of 70 years of Jewish black-propaganda and brainwashing.

  11. Now if you're in FAVOR of Jewish black-propaganda continuing, then you ignore their ultimate target Hitler, and / or help them defame him by using their frame of reference and bullshit memes.

    If you're AGAINST Jews and their criminal network, you examine their ultimate target Hitler through revisionist historians, find out the real truth and realize to your amazement that Hitler was not only not 'the most evil man who ever lived' but actually a heroic figure, a most defendable target in almost every way.

    Sure he had a few flaws but given the enormous amount of pressure he was under he had less flaws than almost any other world leader in history.

    Was Hitler funded by the banksters ? No. Hitler took money from whoever was stupid enough to give it to him thinking they could manipulate him but he never did what they said and always stuck to his principles as laid down in the 25 points of the NSDAP program.

    Demystification of the Birth and Funding of the NSDAP by Veronica Kuzniar Clark


    Did Hitler kick the bankster usurers out of Germany ? Yes

    Did Hitler take the German economy from hyperinflation & 8 million unemployed to zero inflation & full employment in just 3 years ? Yes

    This means that Hitler saved 8 million people from starvation in 3 years not by giving them all a fish today which wouldn't be there tomorrow but by teaching them all how to fish, creating the conditions where all could do their own fishing.

    Did Hitler accomplish his 'economic miracle' under a full on boycott and 'Judea Declares War on Germany 1933 ? Yes

    While de-Jew-ified Germany was prospering economically was the rest of the world in economic depression ? Yes.

    Did the rest of the western civilized world come out of their depressions until after the end of WWII ? No.

    Did Hitler make first-class German citizenship racial which favored the overwhelming majority of Germans who were white Aryans (98%) and discriminated only against 2% ? Yes.

    Did Hitler segregate blacks and other non-Aryans from the rest of the population ? No. He just limited them to the skilled trades and did not give them full citizenship no matter how long they lived in Germany.

    Did Hitler and other National Socialists lynch race-mixers like they did in the American south ? No. The worst that could happen was maybe a fine or a few days in jail or demotion from the professions into the skilled trades for the Aryan race-mixer. The famous conductor Herbert von Karajan, an NSDAP member from 1933 on, for example, married a woman of a quarter Jewish heritage in 1942 and he was not demoted in any way. One of Hitler's favorite composers was Emmerich Kálmán, a Hungarian Jew who composed German operettas:


    Hitler offered him 'honorary Aryan' status in Germany but he refused and it was only after his refusal that performances of his music were banned.

  12. Did Hitler segregate Jews from the rest of the population ? No. Only criminal Jews and communists. However, he did insist on identifying all Jews as Jews and wanted most of them eventually out of Germany and Europe because he felt they were prone to criminality and could not be trusted not to support their criminal network.

    Since most of the Jewish-run businesses in Germany were acquired through collusion with their usurocracy based worldwide criminal network (especially during the Jewish bankster manufactured German hyper-inflation), Hitler seized them and gave them back to Germans as stolen goods returned.

    Did Hitler's being a pro-German racialist mean he hated other races ? No. The German racialism had nothing to do with the American 'cracker redneck' kind of bigoted KKK type of hateful racism. In fact, they ridiculed the KKK in this propaganda poster:


    Hitler didn't consider individuals to be equal in any way, cultures even less so. He maintained that the same amount of effort that it takes to make a non-Ayran into a scientist, doctor or lawyer, expended on an Aryan would give you far better results because of their many hundreds of years of civilization embedded in their DNA as they acquired that culture & civilization. Now, the cultures that haven't achieved the same level MAY be able to get there much faster and embed their DNA with advanced civilization behaviors GIVEN plenty of help from the Aryan civilizations that are already there. Hitler felt that it was not HIS responsiblity or the responsibility of other Aryans to go help these other cultures rise, it was THEIR responsibility to do it, if they so chose and thought themselves able. Any help that came from Aryans to these other cultures would only come AFTER they had taken care of their people first and it would come only in THEIR countries and be either straight charity out of the goodness of their hearts because they already have too much for themselves or a business co-operation on a non-equal footing, since the teacher is always the one calling the shots.

    Hitler fought a clean war and almost won it without targeting civilians even when his enemies were targeting German civilians and burning them alive wholesale by the hundreds of thousands. That alone would make him a great man.

    Did Hitler ban free speech ? No. The only things that were banned were direct insults of Hitler, communist agitation and defeatism during the war. Otherwise there was more free discussion about all things in Germany than in the USA at that time. This can be confirmed by reading the German newspapers of the period.

    Was Hitler a prude ? Did he repress sexuality ? No, he was only against degenerate pornography. The NSDAP encouraged healthy sexuality and actually rewarded Germans for having large families. The Germans even had a nude parade


    and officially published nude books that would have never been published in the USA at that time.


  13. "German racialism has been deliberately distorted. It never was an anti-"other race" racialism. It was a pro-German racialism. It was concerned with making the German race strong and healthy in every way. Hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates, if it was in his power not to have them. Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere. Hitler cared that the German families be healthy, cared that they raise healthy children for the renewal of a healthy nation. German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a noble idea. National Socialist racialism was not against the other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all other races did the same for themselves.

    That was demonstrated when the Waffen SS enlarged its ranks to include 60,000 Islamic SS. The Waffen SS respected their way of fife, their customs, and their religious beliefs. Each Islamic SS battalion had an imam, each company had a mullah. It was our common wish that their qualities found their highest expression. This was our racialism. I was present when each of my Islamic comrades received a personal gift from Hitler during the new year. It was a pendant with a small Koran. Hitler was honoring them with this small symbolic gift. He was honoring them with what was the most important aspect of their lives and their history. National Socialist racialism was loyal to the German race and totally respected all other races."

    General Léon Degrelle of the Waffen SS


  14. Adolf Hitler's speech on women



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