November 21, 2012

Keith Johnson's Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Nov 20, 2012

Keith continues coverage of the Israeli Jewish ritual murder spree in Gaza. He also interviews Palestinian student Ayman Qwader. 





  1. Thank you so very much keith! I agree with you and everything you say and stand for. i stand with you sir! VIVA GAZA! Step on israel!
    sincerely.... RJ

  2. I would really rather not see those images.

  3. Why was Keith bashing Hitler in the middle of his rant ? Netanyahu will be looked upon like Hilter ? What the fuck is he talking about ?

    Hitler was the FIRST leader to be a Palestinian liberationist, you dufus:

    Hitler's speech on Palestine 1939

    Hitler calls the English and Jewish settlers in Palestine “invaders”
    And the Palestinians he calls a “freedom loving people”!

    "In the same way, the fact has obviously escaped Mr. Roosevelt's notice that Palestine is at present occupied not by German troops but by the English. And that the country is having its liberty restricted by the most brutal resort to force, is being robbed of its independence and is suffering the cruelest maltreatment for the benefit of Jewish interlopers. The Arabs in that country will therefore certainly not have complained to Mr. Roosevelt of German aggression but they do voice a continuous appeal to the world deploring the barbarous methods with which England is attempting to suppress a people which loves its freedom and is just defending it. This too is perhaps a problem which would have to be resolved at the conference table, that is in the presence of a judge, and not by physical force, military force, mass executions, burning down villages, blowing up houses, and so on. For one fact is in no doubt. In this case England is not defending herself against a threatened Arab attack. But as interloper, and without being called to do so, is endeavoring to establish her power in a foreign territory which does not belong to her.
    ~ Adolf Hitler on Palestine, in reply to Roosevelt, 28 April 1939 -- Roosevelt had asked Hitler in an absurd telegram, among other things, 'not to attack or invade' the independent nation of Palestine despite the fact that it was the English that had already invaded, occupied and brutalized that country on behalf of Jewish intruders

  4. Fetch's rant from two days ago

  5. I don't think Keith was bashing Hitler per say, I believe he was making the point that Netanyahu would replace Hitler as the most evil and hated man and that Hitler will continue to be vindicated.

    Keith should have prefaced his statement but in his defense, he was extremely pissed off and upset.

  6. @1776blues

    His lifelong programming kicked back in. I am glad to report that I have deconditined myself to the point where it NEVER kicks in for me again. I never go into subliminal auto-pilot and start comparing people like Netanyahu or Obongo to Hitler as if they're equally 'bad' dictators.

    I never even say Not-See anymore, I always say National Socialist, NS Germany, Hitler's Germany, Germans under Hitler, Hitler era Germans, the Third Reich or NSDAP. Who needs that retarded slang term Notsee when you have all that ?

    Some of the white nationalists though actually prefer the Jew's slang for the Germans very much and apply it to themselves. They like calling themselves 'nazi' as if that makes them more sinister and they're proud to be sinister and associated with 'evil.'

    Stupid fucks the whole lot of them. They understand nothing about psychology and neurolinguistic manipulation and association games.


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