November 25, 2012

Shills Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell


  1. Zzzzz....

    He's a shill. She's a shill. Blah blah blah.

    Seems to me this once rather superb site is becoming thoroughly blighted with wanksterism and irrelevance.

    Until recently you had a great radio aggregation site here. Now, it's mostly just a mess of childishness and tittle-tattle. Congratulations...

  2. the 3 shows that brought me here aren't even here anymore. its like the mods are trying to shape what we hear.

  3. This is less than 10 fucking minutes you fucking whining buttwipe.

    Ask your Rabbi which sites you should visit. I'm sure he will tell you to stay away from this one.


  4. He's a shill. She's a shill.

    What's a matter? You don't like shills being called out?

    Show this page to your Rabbi:

  5. This is a great site! I've learned tons.
    I wish I could hear things in their entirety on my mobile like my desktop though. Celtic is one of the few I can hear in entirety on my ipod,everything else goes only about halfway. Does anyone have any suggestions? TIA

  6. @'once rather superb site' ?

    When the fuck was that ? lol

    I don't think this site has ever received a 'golden kosher stick' internet award for being 'superb.' lol

    Maybe you want Mikey Rivero to come back ?

    Relevance is over at 'Infowars' mr. wankster, GO THERE NOW ! Be one of the 14 million hits a week and 150,000 daily podcast downloads for Mr. 'German Death Cults' and his retarded fans. lol




    I guess 'German Death Cults' must be 'adult entertainment' for you ?

    You're right !

    It's bullshit conspiratard fear porn. lol

    Don't forget to buy your storable food and your Tangy Tangerine from one of AJ's 23 snip-n-suck J-tribe advertisers.

    Fucking guy thinks he's Charles Dickens. lol

  7. So a dislike of wanksterism and irrelevance is enough to determine a person's Jewishness now?

    How pathetic.

    Have you no shame, or is it just a lack of life experience that makes you all appear so dumb?

  8. Why aren't the adults speaking up about this collective psychosis?

    Even Lindsey - one of your own if ever there were one - got his ass kicked for trying to tell you how ludicrous your groupthink has become.

    Sometimes you remind me of a bunch of spoiled schoolgirls squabbling, but ultimately it seems to me that in fact, most of you are simply fucking bonkers...

  9. RE: Tangy Tangerine.(and "Ben Fucks" .....)

    Lee Rogers Oct 18 2012 'Alex Jones' and 'Special Guests' - CF

    Lee covers news during the first half of the show including analysis of the alleged terror plot against the Federal Reserve. Alex Jones, Dr. Ben Fuchs and Paul Joseph Watson make appearances in the 2nd half of the show.

    ('Alex Jones' and special 'guests' start about 44:55)

  10. What about me. What is this "one of your own..." to which you were referring?


  11. For example, why do so many of you make assumptions about posters and state them as if they were fact?

    Certainly, when you insult me with your made up BS, not ONE aspect of it is ever correct, ie I'm not a Joo, I don't care for AJ or Rivero and I find the concept of "German Death Cults" no more convincing as you do, etc etc.

    So why do that lowest common denominator thing, over and over? It makes you look idiotic.

    It only takes half a brain to write coherently, so why don't three or four of you get together and construct a proper argument instead of the slop you think passes as valid commentary? I mean, would YOU want to read your worthless tripe?

    Ha, ha, ha...

    (And get a grip on your silly emotions too while you're at it. Conversing with you is like playing snap with a three year old).

  12. Again, consult your Rabbi for advice. You don't like it here so he can advise you. You HAVE been snipped and sucked, right?

  13. @ Lindsey.

    By one of your own, I was referring to you being more or less of the "It's the Jews and nothing but the Jews" school of thought.

    It's possible I'm not familiar enough with your outlook to make that claim but compared to my perspective, which I feel is more "It's a bunch of bastards; a great many of whom are Jews", you might be considered one of 'them', ideologically, as opposed to one of 'me', whatever that is. That's all.

    No sense getting bogged down in that though - my point was that you tried to enlighten these numbskulls too and yet all too predictably they bit your head off like the bunch of rabid hyenas they are.

    Bascially, I just find it frustrating that time after time good 'truth' sites seem to degenerate into the kind of totalitarian groupthink that has come to predominate on this one.

    Free speech zone? Not really...

  14. @ the Anonymous who keeps going on about rabbis and stuff:

    Step outside your drug-induced reality and take a look at yourself for a moment: it's really rather feeble dude.

    You should either raise your sights a whole lot, or STFU until your brain works better.

    People need to spread this far and wide until these sick fucks knock it off.

  16. I DO agree with you about the attitude of the racists and the bigots, but that is something that will have to be faced by them in the very near future. As far as THE VAST MAJORITY OF jews BEING INVOLVED EITHER ACTIVELY OR PASSIVELY IN ALL OF THIS SHIT--passively by their silence and KNOWLEDGE of what is taking-place--YOU BET-YOUR-SWEET-ASS that is what I believe. I used to live with a jewish family for six (6) months in Cleveland, and was literally a shabat-goy in their home while I was in university. I HAD NO IDEA of any of this, and only started to realize that something was wrong when talking with either one of the parents, as there were also three (3) children in the family.

    It is never "ALL" of any group; however, there is zero doubt that the VAST MAJORITY of jews are knowingly allowing this shit to continue, and I want to know how many jews you know, either personally or publicly, who say as strongly as we do the truths as they are?

    I literally know only two or three, and I am not sure if they are "jews" any longer, and that is NOT including "Brother" Kapner.


  17. Is it ALL the jews?

    “All over the world, people are fuming and raging about the obscene behavior of a large percentage of one of the world’s smallest minorities”

    Was it ALL THE JEWS when they got thrown out of 79 countries?

  18. A cocksucker posts pics of other cocksuckers and that's supposed to make me go away?

    Quite hilarious.

    Next time, why not try offering something highly damaging from a respected Jewish academic, like this for example:

    That's what I'd do, but then, I'm a fucking whining buttwipe kike, right?

    Idiot. You don't know your ass from your elbow. You do far more harm than good. Anyone reading this thread objectively can see that.

  19. “They (the Jews) are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. If you do not exclude them from these United States in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, over substances and jeopardized our liberty. If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.”

    ~ Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia constitutional convention 1787

  20. “He who does not bellow the Truth when he knows the Truth, makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.”

    “All over the world, people are fuming and raging about the obscene behavior of a large percentage of one of the world’s smallest minorities”

  21. “To defend Jews, Judaism, Israel or any other alias these criminals care to use is in all instances a crime against humanity. Both their ‘sacred’ book, the Talmud, and their greatest philosopher, Maimonides, agree that it is the duty of all Jews to kill or enslave all the non Jews of the world. All Jews renew an oath every year to not tell the truth about anything they choose to lie about. And all Jewish holidays celebrate the slaughter of non Jews, right down to eating the ‘ears’ of Palestinians as they celebrate all their ancient betrayals and atrocities. Jews appeal to your higher sense of morality while possessing none of their own. In any one of a million ways, this will be the cause of your premature death, if the Jews are allowed to continue their homicidal rampage unimpeded.”

    ~ John Kaminski

  22. @ Lindsey.

    I agree. In my experience you and I are 99% in alignment on most things - and yet here we are BOTH attacked by the same fanatical element - and like you I am sick of hearing their divisive nonsense.

    My purpose in this thread (such as it was, beyond passing time) was always to highlight the growing totalitarianism of some of the resident fools here to the passing, impartial reader who just dropped in.

    Not that I might drive people away from the site, but that I might at least get to point out that there is still valuable stuff here among the AJ videos and that in spite of the impression given in recent weeks, we're not ALL crazy hot-headed half-wits.

    Job done, I guess.

  23. "...why not try offering something highly damaging from a respected Jewish academic..."

    Yeah, lets get some jewish scholars to straighten all this out.
    The jews have the all the answers we need.
    All we have to do is ask them.

  24. Deanna will hopefully discuss this issue at-length very soon, because unless and until we can stop this divide-and-conquer bickering among all of us who are being victimized by the victimizers, WE ARE DOOMED.


  25. @ Lindsey

    Again I agree, but sadly for me (pun intended), I'd argue we're assuredly doomed from this point forward regardless.


    Your thoughts gentlemen please...

  27. Lets see here. Soetoro, the foreign agent issued a MEMO.
    Will that "memo" affect Joe "I'm A Zionist" ByeDen ?

  28. I wonder which one of Barry's jooish handlers tossed him a memo to sign?

  29. Barry is gonna shake off the Tribe? My goodness, what a BIG PUPPET we have here, eh?
    He's a big boy teleprompter reader now, so he is gonna save the world and release the country from the grips of the jews. Another Hitler? I doubt it. Hitler wasn't put in office by parasites.

  30. BO IS POTUS, and as such, I'd imagine a memo from the POTUS to all departmental heads carries weight. If not, why bother sending it?

    Were not many, if not all, of the heads appointed by the POTUS & his advisers?

    If so, doesn't this suggest that his memo will likely be well received and acted upon, to some extent?

    I believe there are much better questions waiting to be asked.

  31. Cynthia McKinney just spoke with me about this and asked me what I thought--the memo--and I said it can go both ways...

    Either the Administration has had enough of the jews who have taken-over, OR, this is all being done to stop a military-coup that many, many people are saying is in-the-works, and THAT is the cause of so many field-grade officers are being removed/retired/arrested.

    In light of Gen. Petraeus being called "not friendly/supportive enough of the jews" by Foxman and the like, there is DEFINITELY something happening at the highest levels of our government.


  32. Being spineless and overly conscious of my internet trail I haven't read the memo as such, only the press release I linked to, but superficially it looked to me like the 'zionist' angle was added by the reporters, rather than being something explicit in the memo itself. So right now, I tend to think that's an intentional red herring (which most will fall for and focus on).

    For me, it's more important that WE got to see this, ie do we get to see all memos BS sends out? If not, why is this one published in the form of a public press release?

    Personally I find it very hard to believe that Barry is anti-zionist, but as the lifelong commie he appears to be it would be appropriate to for him don the guise of anti-zionist campaigner (to work the dialectic) in order to achieve particular ends.

    Could it be we are about to see McCarthyism in reverse and this is the official announcement? In practical terms I think there might first be a concerted push to effect gun control, which in turn suggests school shootings will be in the news again very shortly. After that, who knows? Maybe Stalin II has just been announced.

    Alternatively, it could be that they are going to stage a coup, although for me that's harder to accept, simply because most Republicans seem (to me) to be more about opportunistic money grabbers, rather than ideologues.

    As you say Lindsey, it's hard to tell right now, but I have to say, I get the feeling that this 'news' signals an extremely dangerous development for us (in particular) either way - and what's more, we've been told - which means it's game on.

    Stay safe...

  33. Maybe we need some volunteers to edit Rivero S$tadtmiller Rense and other fav Paytard radio shows so we can keep the numbers of paytards that visit this site going up.

    So many new people on this site, i think some of you need to go over the basics

    Before you start quoting AJ and Maxwell and Rense Etc. like you actually know something when really your just a NOOB idiot.

  34. Which quotes from AJ, Rense or Maxwell are you referring to Anon 6.12? I don't see any.

  35. It's funny, this anon poster who keeps saying he's not an Alex Jones fan, yet gets angry when people criticize him and THE essentially he's saying talk about anything but those 2-topics because they offend him.

    Who is trying to control the message?

    Expose these lying shills, we need to route them out! They are miserable cowards!

  36. False accusation, false accusation, therefore blah blah blah.

    What the hell is the matter with you people?

    Can't actually think coherently enough to construct a fucking argument anymore?

    Ah-hah! You must be a.., a... JEW

    Oh my fucking God people. Is this as good as you get?

    LAME. Always this fucking childish lameness: an endless loop of nothing.

    It wasn't always like this folks. You know it. Places like this used to operate at a much higher level. Not always, but often.

    WTF has happened to sooo many of us these past two or three years? I'm deadly serious. In fact, I'm beginning to think many of YOU are fake.

    Ah-hah! But that's because you are Joo, sent here to spread disinfo

    Yeah... OK. Have it your own way.

    Kol Tuv. L'hitraot.




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