November 18, 2012

The Victory Hour with Max French Nov 17, 2012

Max French discusses the continuing slaughter of the Gentile by the Jew. He is also joined by former Green Beret Captain Joe Cortina who discusses his personal experiences in Israel with the compassionless Jew.




  1. WHOOLI, can you provide any info on the picture you used with this blog post?

  2. Palestinian kid cleaning at a slaughter house.

  3. Always good to hear from Joe. For those that have not heard him; give a listen. Mark Glenn sort of ruins the flow for about 20 mins or so after about an hour so you might want to breeze through that.

  4. What the hell ? Cleaning a slaughter house ? That's not a job for a little kid.

  5. He lives in a slaughter house. Terror can rain from the sky at any time, along with random sniper fire. Body parts and blood need to be removed so they don't keep stepping in such things. Just part of life there thanks to the Chosenites.


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