November 18, 2012

Truth Militia Radio 2012.11.18

[ EDIT ] Bash the fat fuck and the idiot bald guy besides him and be happy.

Remember to post your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.

Truth Militia Radio




  1. Great as the show was, pay little to no heed to the description on the front page;

    this show is more about real and immediate reality, our history including great tips for consumer/worker/student class Amerikaner proles.

  2. Yeah, the description looked pretty good but there was so much bashing the brainwashed masses that there wasn't enough time to cover listed topics, I guess.

  3. Hey Rich, next time your voice sounds like that, just take the night off or reschedule the show.


  4. I believe a study was done several years ago that indicated over half the people surveyed that frequent gyms lose their voices several times a year; from a day to almost a week. Theory is some sort of mold that commonly grows on jock straps. Some of those guys toss old jocks behind lockers and bad things take charge of the material and when the air circulates, in hits the lungs of those admiring themselves in front of mirrors and such. Could be something else, I guess.

  5. link is dead. most of drew ma's and lugh's blogtalk links are dead also. blogtalk sucks

  6. Keith Truth Militia RadioNovember 19, 2012 at 11:38 PM

    Link is not dead...Next show I will try not to mention fat will be hard not to....

  7. I checked it too when the anon claimed that it wasn't working. I would have fixed it if it were the case.

    In any case. @Rich, I changed the synopsis because you guys didn't fallow your own show notes.

    A little humor never hurts. LOL

  8. This was the best Truth Militia yet.

    That Greg guy from Tennessee and Siegfried both provided interesting, on-point and humorous perspectives through the same prism Rich and Keith were looking through without getting in Keith's way.

    Rich: take a few of them 36-cloves-in-each-pill allicin garlic pills that Josling sells on Jeffrey Rense's site, actually it's all over the internet by now and amazon has it as well, and your cold should be gone in a day or two.

    You just have to make sure it's the Josling brand because that's the only one that's properly stabilized & it's more expensive for a reason.

    These two are Josling brands I can vouch for:

  9. "36-cloves-in-each-pill"
    I don't bother with the pills. I just eat about 30 to 40 cloves of garlic for breakfast before I go to the gym and pump myself up and admire myself in the mirror. I am a hot Italian and handle myself sort of like a Sly Stallone but BIGGER. I am the real deal not some wanna be wimp.

  10. Keith Truth Militia RadioNovember 20, 2012 at 11:26 AM

    Zapoper....Thanks man...I dont know what happened to our show way off track...What are you going to do next edit out every time I say the word Jew....LMAO....Thanks for posting us..

    Oh and Matza and Tombstones are on sale at walmart....

  11. Theres a BIG difference between metro sexual homos posing at the gym and guys who go in there and train hard.

  12. LOL Keith. And thanks for the walmart heads up. LOL

  13. Training hard with weights just screws up ligaments and such. No reason to travel and pay money to a gym owner with a big nose. All that physical stress will show up years later and they will realize what stupid fucks they were for admiring themselves looking all puffy with muscles. Exercise and keeping in shape has nothing to do with what those guys are doing. Are the pizzas still $2 at WalFart? Hey everyone, don't do what I do and buy fast food and $2 pizzas! Chew on jocks for minerals and salts.

  14. Keith Truth Militia RadioNovember 20, 2012 at 9:42 PM

    Anonymous...who said I was exercising to keep in shape.....I dont exercise to keep in shape...I train hard to achieve a goal and look and feel a certain way. You fucking douche...

  15. Training hard to "look and feel a certain way" is ok, I guess. Mirrors are probably a big part of that world, eh?

    On the "goal" aspect of it. Can you share what those goals are? Do you like the smell of gyms? Do you enjoy how the little guys admire ya?


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