November 04, 2012

Your Voice Counts with Phillip F Tourney 2012.11.03

Phil talks about his experience on the USS Liberty, takes a few calls and bashes Israel




  1. Love the show!. Thanks a ton Phil. Much respect. Keep up the good fight. I appreciate your time and efforts. sincerely... rotten

  2. That photo looks like a mugshot.

  3. Israeli medical commandos had been working the ship for organs and blood. the survivors were trying to keep the ship afloat, so the parasites took a good bit out of them.

    Wish that Ed had spoken more. He was blunt and forceful.

    James at the end loves to push "the Arabs did it" bullshit.

  4. Imagine several hours of attack of aircraft firing rockets, 50 cal machine gun fire, torpedo boats. They even machine gunned some of the crew that made it into life rafts. There were to be no survivors but the best of Israhell's military forces could not sink that small ship that couldn't defend itself.

  5. Phil's book, What I Saw That Day, is excellent. I thought I knew the story but it's loaded with new post attack info.

    1. Hey Phil, dont let em break u. Bravo
      and God bless.


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