December 11, 2012

Bayer and Death: 1918 and Aspirin

CDC’s Myth of a 1918 Virus

The world has believed for almost a century that a new and virulent virus came out of nowhere worldwide and killed millions in 1918.  Two reports, one published in 2008 and the second in 2009, lay that myth to rest for good.

In looking at reports of those who died, two distinct groups became readily apparent to Starko, based on a very distinctive time frame from health to death:

1. People who died of pneumonia from a bacteria infection became sick and things deteriorated at varying rates from there to death; and

2. People who died so astoundingly fast that those deaths became a classic part of the frightening legend of the 1918 “flu” – people perfectly well in the morning and dead within a matter of hours.

In both groups, aspirin is now the likely causative agent.
For the first group, the pneumonias, aspirin suppresses the immune system, allowing bacterial infections to take hold. Doctors at the time were relating pneumonias to the use of aspirin.

Read more here

Bayer and Death Series:
Part 1:. 1918 and Aspirin
Part 2:. Aspirin Killed, Homeopathy Saved
Part 3:. Vaccines and CDC’s Myth of a 1918 Virus
Part 4:. Aspirin Deaths Continue Beyond 1918
Part 5:. A New Set of Questions about 1918

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