December 25, 2012

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast Dec 24, 2012

Here is another Mark Glenn production where he fails to give a description.




  1. The LEBANESE queer Corporal Klinger (Mark Glen) wants us to hold hands with Mexicans and Negroes.

    Klinger fails to explain "Why" the Mexicans will "NEVER" help you to eject the illegals.

    Klinger fails to explain "Why" the Negroes will "NEVER" help you to eliminate Jewish Mandated Negro Privilege - Affirmative Action - Negro Special Rights - Negro Special Jew Gov Handouts, etc.

    Is Klinger an idiot?

    Is Klinger selling the Jew Multi-Kult to you under a different label?

    BTW, Klinger isn't White. He's a god damned Lebanese queer.

  2. Yeah, a Lebanese queer with 9 kids, quite an achievement.

  3. i thought christmas was a pagan holiday from the north that xtianity assimilated. Glad to learn the ugly truth about it HAHAHAHA but whatever as long as he's exposing jew crimes I can't hate but I can't listen to fairy tales about christmas either.

  4. I agree with Glenn's description of Gordon Duff. I remember hearing Duff on Mike Harris' show when he was on RBN and Duff was acting like he either started or stopped his medication, sometimes he acts completely nuts! I also agree with Mark Glenn's analysis of Duff's motive to publish the "Israeli Death Squad" story. Mark and Keith Johnson had a good discussion.

  5. ".....Yeah, a Lebanese queer with 9 kids, quite an achievement....."

    Mary C makes this comment to distract from the 'heart' of the message. Yes..anonymous used the word "queer" incorrectly. I wish my people would think before they act often times, but I understand the passion.

    Mark Glenn's purpose in this movement is to distract from the Race issue.

    the idea of "uniting the races" only helps all the races EXCEPT the white race.

    Mark Glenn makes the association that the Jews are Evil. the Jews are White. therefore the White must be evil too.

    whether or not Glenn is a paid disinformation agent we will never know. But, nevertheless, his message is poison to the white race.

    If you are not white.......this comment is not for you. I am only speaking to those who are white and who give a shit what this country will look like 50 years from now.

    Mary C......Ok, Mark Glenn is not a queer based on Webster's dictionary. But he is a traitor to the foundations of this Country. He perhaps is not a Jew in Race or Religion, but he is a Jew between the ears.

    The Jew wants to destroy the White Race. So does Mark Glenn. If not destroy, then Neuter.

    So....Mary C.......go fuck yourself.

  6. @anonymous coward 5.03pm
    People like you make me ashamed to be white.

  7. "@anonymous coward 5.03pm
    People like you make me ashamed to be white."

    You do not make me ashamed :-)

  8. SupremacyIncestJewishFilthDecember 25, 2012 at 7:09 PM

    December 25, 2012 10:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Onley a JEW can spew out this supremacy filth!Hey JEW,who is your teacher,,?mordakay levin maybe,or netanYAHOO ,,you jewish supremacy incest filth!same goes to the JEW called MaryC!!

  9. Actually, you sound more like a Jew. Just like you they think they are better than everybody else.

  10. Good discussion on Duff beginning around 50:00. The MamiCo community has ripped duff, with the MP3 contributors even making little short clips of duff's saying controversial things, like 40% disinfo & $5K/day or whatever it was teaching intel bigwigs.

    But I didn't hear in that discussion, the fact it was Mike Harris who said on PressTV the thing about jew death squad doing sandy hook as a haunika blood sacrifice, not duff! They just have VT in common.

    And frankly, the jew death squad theory, while we have no PROOF- it simply "rings true" esp after you've spent some time studying the history of their satanic trans-generational crime cult.

    The only thing we know for sure about the sandy hook story is, the official story the jewsmedia have reported is bullshit. Totally implausible that the young featherweight patsy could have done the deed. There were 2 other shooters. Bodies? Nothing adds up. I'm not on board with JFriend's theory that the whole thing was hoaxed (all actors, no deaths), but somewhere in between seems most likely.

    When we accept that our intel agency black-ops serve at the pleasure of israel, then whether the shooters were "mossad" explicitly, or employed by US based alphabet agencies becomes academic. The 2 others arrested @ sandy hook were "disappeared" from further jewsmedia coverage. So in short, israel/djooz did sandy hook!

    Ditto Batman/Dark Night shootup! & Most know sandy hook was also mentioned in Dark Night produced by jewish hollywood!

  11. Re the MGlenn critic in the top comment & beyond- it's like the "signature" of agitprop/cognitive-infiltration agents that their spew is highly emotionalized; almost anti-rational/intellectual. Designed to inflame and elicit replies of similar tone, all of which doesn't enlighten but rather destroys productive dialog.

    We also find this with the "No planes at WTC" trolls, who hammer comments with "plane hugger" etc bait, along with a hundred links to garbage cointelpro sites designed to waste the time of anyone who takes their bait, as well as "sucking the oxygen out of the room" of any potentially productive dialog.

    where's the "Troll Spray!"

    1. Ok hasbara guy. You must get your talking point in about jetliners at wtc. Somehow two knocked three skyscrapers plus four ancillary buildings. Still running with the arabs and boxcuters nonsense. Did Rudolph guide the with his nose so bright? Happy Christmas.

  12. " where's the "Troll Spray!" " I used it on him in other threads but MaryC had already written: "Yeah, a Lebanese queer with 9 kids, quite an achievement."

    I would have deleted that comment but then MaryC would have looked bad and I didn't want to delete her too.

    You guys should learn to ignore trolls. They get bored and go away if you do not engage them.

  13. Zapoper; you're quite right.I realized that after I had posted the first response. I must remember the old adage: don't feed the troll.


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