December 06, 2012

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast Dec 5, 2012

We are joined by Native America activist Val Shadowhawk as we discuss the parallels between the Zionism of today and what was done to the indigineous peoples of America by Europeans.





  1. Mark's going full bore with 'hate whitey' eh?

  2. This is classic white European guilt, Mark. The white Europeans are not like Jews; there are not parallels that I can see. This isn't the same concept; the Jews perverted the culture of Christians, and they continue to do so to this day. The Palestinians live on a piece of land that the UN gave to the Jews. The Europeans conquered the land and won wars between the indigenous people and their people, that was funded by the Jews through gold and silver trade and the markets. This was colonialism, while ZIonism is caused by the Jews subverting their cause. The Israeli government was established by the "BuyBull" - what is the Bible: a Century 21 real estate map to promote a land grab? They are promoting the same nonsensical Jewish mythology as all the Christians do; this has nothing to do with a parallel to the White Colonialists. "I am not Jewish; I just believe in Jewish Mythology", says Mark Glenn, the Christiantard. You shouldn't promote this guilt; it is irresponsible and inappropriate.

  3. Jeff was right last time... pure anti-white guilt propaganda! I also explained how the situation wasn't the same last Monday here at grizzom. I'd boycott whatever Mark has to say now that he revealed his very well hidden antiwhite hatred.

    Palestine... we know how you feel! Yeah, I'm sure the caucasoid people that looked like kennewick man, solutrean people etc that the red indians slaughtered and exterminated! FEEL the pain of Palestinians too.
    Plz, spare the guilt-tripping or direct it to the Jews, because they sure as hell need it!

  4. It has been reported that this guy has reversed his stand on the holohoax recently and now he is in total agreement with it..That is what I read.I cannot remember where I read it.Can this be verified by anyone?

  5. Mark Glenn the Chrislum Mustian.

  6. Yes, I've been saying for some time that Mark Glenn & J. Aziziah are both peddling anti white propaganda. Yeah, they name the jew, but they push Islam as something wonderful. Friends of mine live in neighborhoods that were flooded by muslim immigrants. They are pushy, rude, and don't like to interact with non muslims anymore than they have to. It's all part of the push to destroy basic american culture by any means possible. Mass 3rd world immigration is just one facet.

  7. Ive been saying for a looong time Mark Glenn is anti-White and if the jew was only destroying the White race he would be fine with it.The A-rabs are Marks only dog in this race.It should be more than obvious by now.

  8. 1. Were the Palestinians warring tribes of hunters and gatherers who used to loot and enslave each other ?

    2. Did the Palestinians go around scalping people ?

    Mr. Pro-Fundamentalist-Islam, Ayatollah Khomeini worshipper over there at 'The Bullshitter's Truth' is trying to guilt-tip the whites over the Indians just like the Jews do over the holohoax.

    It's not going to work.

    The Indians lived by the sword and they died by the sword.

    They shouldn't have fucked with people who were militarily superior to them and gone around burning, looting and scalping, if they didn't want to be massacred by overwhelming force as payback.

    And last but not least:

    You don't get title to an entire continent by sitting on it, taking a big fat shit and hunting buffalos in between the raids on other tribes, especially if you had NO CONCEPT OF RIGHTS to begin with and learned it from the white Europeans who brought the concept over here.

    You get title or property rights when you first have A CONCEPT OF RIGHTS to start with and can logically apply it to behavior that merits it. lol

    Then you build, create an entire nation literally out of a goddman jungle and give the Indians the casinos and reservations that THEY would have never given you, since they had no concept of 'casinos' or 'reservations' either. lol

  9. Sammi Ibraheim a Palestinian who belongs to the UK Communist Party. Is that not the most retarded fucking thing you have ever heard ? Fuck the Muzztards and the Christards at the Ugly Twoof. Whine about the jews while being Spiritual Jews of a lesser kind. Fucking Brilliant. Aziziah needs to work on his Muzztard accent, you can still hear the NY Jew in him 1000%. Hey Whitey, Islam is not your enemy, Mark Glenn is.

  10. I feel for the Palestinian's as they are the modern day example of how RESTRAINED supremacist jews treat goyim. Communist Russia is how UNRESTRAINED jews would treat humanity today if they had their way.

    Meanwhile I want to hear what Glenn has to say but if he is comparing whites to jews it's flat out stupid because he follows a jewish Abrahamic religion himself so he can't take the higher ground here.

    The Palestinian's are suffering but even the goddamn muslims are playing politics here also. Why the fuck haven't they attempted to kick these supremacists ass and liberate the Palestinians?

  11. Read the comments at TUT:

  12. Why read the comments they have all been edited by " Mark crypto Kill whitey Jew Glenn"

    Mark Glenn claims to be christian but does nothing but shit on the Bible, just become a Muslim like all your ancestor or better yet, become a Jew, they all have it in for whitey. Jew Glenn should feel at home.

  13. Mark Glenn will take just about anything someone says and twist it around to try to make himself look intellectually superior.

    "Kill Whitey" is an expression...not a statement Mark Glenn you fucking dumb ass.

    Mark Glenn might not be saying 'kill whitey' TODAY, but you can sure bet he is IMPLYING it for tomorrow.

    I'm embarrased at the people who claim to be white but are sticking up with the Mark Glenn thesis. Boy I'd like to see these monster traitors in person. Some how I have a feeling they are not white. Surely they are cowards and ignorant and most likely stupid.

    Mark Glenn says that most of his listener-ship is white. Well if that is true, his "support" better dry up sooner than later.

    Please....wake up people.

  14. Why are you guys still listening to this crap when we have Spingola, Duke, Giuliani, Sledge and all the guys over at Truth Militia Radio?

  15. What a whack of mistaken fools most of you are. And you know if I am speaking to you.

    Mark's message is NOT anti white. It is pro everyone but the chosen ones. It is a message of unity, not division, but you all are falling for that old jewish divide and conquer trick only, in your paranoia, you are making this message where it never existed.

    I would like to see just one of these yahoos here accomplish and reach so many people with a positive message. Yaw'll are like armchair athletes.... hissing and shouting but never ever even really getting off your ass and in to the game period.

    That kind of action wins no war. And we all know we are at war. Just learn who the enemy is and join with all like minded souls and get to work. Stop bitching over things that DO NOT MATTER in chats.

  16. Hey, Noor, why don't you STFU. The cat is out of the bag most people know that Both Glenn and Aziziah are anti white. There's no going back now. Their own words tell the story. Oh, and by the way, I am really tired of hearing how wonderful muslims are. Comprende ? Aziziah has said repeatedly that he supports his "South AMerican brothers and sisters" right to settle in AMerikwa illegally. GLenn agreed with him. He's said the same thing about muslims flooding into europe. Anybody with a modicum of common sense can see that massive 3rd world immigration is one of the primary nation destroying tactics.

  17. Mark is now saying that jews are white. I don't think this is going to do him any favors. Here are his comments to the link that whooli posted:

    "–ed note from me, MG–

    Ok, simple logic here– You say the Jews are not ‘white’, even though they came from Europe. Ok then are they–

    1) Black/African?

    2) Chinese/Oriental?

    3) Aboriginal?

    4) Semitic/Arab?
    –only a small percentage

    This is what I find so intellectually galling about white activists. They can sit and stare logic/fact in the face and still make claims to the contrary.

    A pic I used in today’s news updates pretty much says it all.

    Here you have the VERY white Netanyahu–OF WHITE, EUROPEAN, POLISH ORIGIN–shaking hands with the very non-white Susan Rice.

    And as for your non-sequiter in claiming that somehow I, by following a ‘Jewish/abrahamic’ religion, which I can only assume means Christianity, means that somehow I am not ‘white’–how then does our brilliant white nationalist rationalize the fact that virtually all of WHITE Europe and WHITE Russia and WHITE australia and WHITE Canada and a half dozen other locales peopled by WHITE people practice Christianity as well? Are they also not whites?

    Like I said, too stupid for their own good and their own worst enemies. Everytime they open their mouths they give the Jews all the ammo they need in depicting them as inbred, uneducated and intellectually unsophisticated knuckledraggers. Wish I could say otherwise but unfortunately the truth is ugly sometimes."

    He jumps to conclusions by assuming that the person who made the comment was implying that Abrahamic religions means non-white...not sure how he made that leap.

    Ashkenazi/khazare jews are an ad-mixture of Europeans and ME orgin roughly about 75% to 25% so Glenn IS WRONG, they still have semitic blood but says "small percentage". Nice try Mark, they aren't 'pure whites' ok?

  18. Jews are not Khazars:

  19. Anonymous 7:16 pm, it is very easy to hide behind anonymity and shoot your mouth off. It takes guts to put yourself out there to say what you believe. Calling yourself anonymous does nothing. Because it contributes nothing.

    Your courtesy in your introduction to me was .... proof of your intellectual capabilities. It is very obvious that you do not have any depth of comprehension of what is and are lost in your own frustrated ignorance.

    Pity because you do have opportunity to bring about change. Oh, btw, when was the last time you sat down with the political elite to discuss things that matter in the world? When was the last time international media contacted you for your views on current events?

    Oh, never? Gosh, I wonder why that may be. Could it mean you need intelligence and insight to do these things?

  20. @Noor

    Oh really ?

    Aren't you the one that was praising ZCF as the son of Canada that makes all mothers proud ?

    Well, last time I checked, he was anonymous too and you have absolutely no problem with him being anonymous, so get off everybody's case with that 'anonymous people have no balls' bullshit.

    No, anonymous anti-Jew people have brains enough to be strategic & keep their jobs & their non-internet contacts & not burn every bridge, so that they can donate money to the rest of you fools.

    Veronica Clark got fired from her well-paying job for defending Hitler & the Third Reich in her books and on her blogs and as she revealed on Kyle Hunt's show a while back is now working two minimum wage jobs. I'll bet that's what you want to put the rest of us through ? Poverty & the knucklehead macho attitude of a typical Muslim as 'strategy' will sure give everyone a lot of energy in this big fight of yours that people have to come together to fight.

    Just remember, without energy you have nothing & without food you have no energy. So food is the 'energy business,' capiche ?

    And without a friggin job, you have no food to eat unless you have 3 kids & on welfare & that's where it ends.

  21. And besides, there is no such thing as 'anonymity' on the internet as far as the ADL & NSA are concerned. They have the names, addresses & e-mails of every single 'anonymous' person they want who actually has not taken the precaution never to post from their home computer or to block their IP address at all times.

  22. To Noor...

    I'm sorry but you are incorrect. You say that Mark's message is NOT anti-white.

    I'm baffled as to how you can say that. Perhaps you are not white.

    Just look at the picture Mark used to introduce his discussion:

    North American Indians with the Title, "Palestine...we know how you feel."

    Mark says Israel is a White man's country.

    Now he connects the idea of a "white man's country" to the United States of America.

    Israel = White

    Israel = Evil

    What the US did to the Indians = Evil

    White = Evil.

    As a person of White ancestry, I find Mark's comparisons hostile, threatening and divisive.

    How can you not see this??? are probably not white, which would make sense.

    Is your Avatar a picture of Eva Green?

  23. Lugh:

    I shouldn't have added that jews are khazars because you are correct they aren't but they still have plenty of semitic blood coursing through their veins which is why I think Mark Glenn's argument is absolutely ridiculous. He claims to be 'educated' (which he is by predominantly jewish educational institutions like everyone else) but claims they have 'very little' semitic blood.

  24. " Anonymous said...

    And besides, there is no such thing as 'anonymity' on the internet as far as the ADL & NSA are concerned. They have the names, addresses & e-mails of every single 'anonymous' person they want who actually has not taken the precaution never to post from their home computer or to block their IP address at all times.?

    I'm so scared, lol

  25. This anti-White propaganda has been going on at the Fugly Twooth for quite some time. I used to be a poster on that website and when I made a comment regarding Whites, I was blasted out by Marx Glenstein; the born again Christian/Muslim.
    Even his caller, Fat Patty, revealed her last name was Goldstein in a petition but insists she’s not jewish. lol
    This group seems to me to be an anti-American, anti-White group and I am highly suspicious they are a Marxist group.
    Noor al Haqiqa isn’t even a White woman so her opinion is invalid.
    My question is: How can Mark Glenn, who claims to have 9 children, be online 24/7? He’s obviously not teaching anymore so he’s getting his money from someone.

  26. Noor al Haqiqa said...
    It is a message of unity, not division, but you all are falling for that old jewish divide and conquer trick …
    Hey Noor Non White
    Maybe you should tell your Marxist buddies at the Fugly Twooth we’re not falling for their divide and conquer trick. We’re already used to you jews spreading “WHITE GUILT!”

  27. Just to set the record straight as to my ancestry. I am so white I am opaque according to my children. My family has been part of the founding of Canada since the mid 1500's and I trace my lineage back to the 1300's in Brittany France.

    The other half of me is Irish through and through.

    I might have a little native American blood since there were no White women in Canada when my ancestors landed... but that is many generations ago.

    My children, on the other hand, have about 11 bloods in their beautiful persons since their father comes from the South Pacific. My family is rather an international group since we include Trinidadians, Filipinos, Ukrainian, French, Italian, Ecuadorian,Sicilian,and lots from the US.

    But don't worry, over 2/3 of our progeny are beautiful blue eyed blondes... except for the Filipino branch of course.

    And yes, that image I have worn for years is Evan Green as Sybilla in the movie Kingdom of Heaven.

    And finally. Too much cruddy stuff here in this commentary section to deal with. Some of you are pretty lame and make my point just by opening your mouths.

    I agree with people I trust ~ spend your energy where it bears fruit. And most of the fruit in this particular barrel of commentaries is pretty bruised and damaged. Not worth the expenditure of time...

    Toodle-oo, this girl is outta here to where the landscape is not quite so marred with anger, misdirected hatred and confusion.

  28. I will say one thing, they are an uppity bunch and as arrogant as Fuck. Now they're insulting everyone at this site, Mami's Shit, and calling everyone stupid. Weird shit they have started. I hardly listen to them anyway so no impact on me personally. Mark Glenn will probably convert to Islam soon enough.

  29. I just found the line of the fool who said I am not white. ROFL.

    OMG what an idiot.

    Just to shush him up, I am going to post a photograph of myself on my blog for his convenience. That should do it.

  30. Yeah, "Noor" I'm sure that's your real name and picture. LULZ.

    Either way it does not matter. You come on here and call everyone else stupid, but do not address any of their points. If you want to sit around and listen to continuous loops of Mark Glenn and Aziziah bash whitey and the basis tenants of western civilization, then have at it.

    Bottom line is that massive 3rd world immigration is the trump card being played to destroy western civilization and nationalism. How can you take anyone seriously that supports illegals flooding into all western nations simultaneously, as Glenn and Aziziah do? Your "Muslim brothers and sisters" along with 3rd world immigrants of every stripe, are being used like pawns to destroy western nations; Creating countries that are full of people who do not like each other and have nothing in common. This is the precursor to a one world government. Who do you think is behind that? Your behavior here at this blog, only proves my point.

    You should read up on ZCF's opinions about Muslims before you praise him anymore. LOL

    Don't get me wrong, I support Muslims....In Muslim countries. I would be willing to bet that most Muslims would not like Muslim countries being flooded with non believing infidels, but you do not have the intellectual honesty to admit such things.

  31. @ Noor al Haqiqa
    You’re coming on this site calling everyone stupid but anyone who is White would be stupid for adhering to the Marxist and racist tenets of Rabbi Glenn and his Fugly Untruths. Don’t bother posting a photograph on your site because I don’t plan to visit.

    Even his caller, Fat Patty, revealed her last name was Goldstein in a petition but insists she’s not jewish. And you’re calling “us” stupid?

  32. Noor al Haqiqa said...
    Too much cruddy stuff here in this commentary section to deal with.
    I guess you want people to agree with your racist, anti-White friends at the Fugly Untruth otherwise you come here and call us names? Really, isn’t that like the jew crying “anti-Semitic?

  33. Can someone please tell me what a fucking Palestinian Communist is ?

  34. @ Anonymous @ December 9, 2012 9:10 PM
    Why don’t you go ask the Marxist group at the Fugly

  35. Can someone please tell me how Mark Glenn, who has nine children and claims to be a teacher, can be online 24/7 and support his anti-White bashing?

  36. The Palestine Communist Party, 1919–1948

  37. Mark Glenn is promoting Frankfurt School Cultural Marxist anti-white hatred. Doubters need start only at Wikipedia's page on "The Authoritarian Personality" to see that the purpose of that highly influential volume was to conduct psychological warfare against White Christian communities. Then read Chapter 5 of Kevin MacDonald's "Culture of Critique" on the Frankfurt School and Chapter 7 on Jewish influence in US immigration policy.


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