December 02, 2012

Renegade Unchained 2012.12.01

Roundtable discussion for hosts who are unchaining themselves from the slavery of Jewish domination, political correctness, and cultural Marxism.

Kyle Hunt, Celtic Rebel, Sholly, greg and Siegfried.


Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download


  1. the caller at 30 minutes is so cool, he ought to be called a cool-er

  2. This guy "Celtic Rebel" is a waste of time. He diffuses the conversations with sex and women and girls and anal probing, etc. Perhaps he's a disorientation agent for JewGov?

    Same with Sledge. 90 percent truth, 10 percent disorientation. I heard him trashing "Neo-nazis" and Klan, and Tom Metzger. No matter the methods of these people, they're out in the streets demonstrating the power of resistance. Tom Metzger is the guiding light for anyone who is serious about winning.

    What are these network commandos doing behind their keyboards?

  3. After 10 minutes in, I was outta there. The Rectal guy was getting all giddy and full of his filth quite early. Somehow I knew I wouldn't get to far when I saw his name in the description but I keep hoping the dude will stop being so full of his grotesque narcissist self and gave it a try.

    I am beginning to have major suspicions about the little rectal leprechaun. If my guess is correct, he will still be infatuated with rectal canals and cocks when he starts collecting his social security checks. He cannot get out of his sewer even the conversation has no need for it.

    If one wants to talk about gay and ass code in media, then the Rectal guy is your guy. If the conversation is about anything else, stay away from this guy.

    Rebel sees ".cum" when the conversation required ".com". He did his silly little giggle when trying to say dot com but inject that dot cum instead. He even tried it again later. There is something very immature about this sick fucker.

  4. I agree RingWorm. That is a shame because he has touched upon some valuable information about the movies,the music,the television with how homosexual it all is.

  5. The first caller was easy to make fun of, but I think he is making a valid point about the importance of family. Having a child, keeping a family together, is the fabric of a good society and is what makes a real man. If you don't have your own children, you don't understand an important aspect of life. Yes, any idiot can copulate and produce children; but a real man raises children, and sacrifices himself for his child/family.
    The hosts on the show are great, and provide good commentary on important issues, mixed with laughter and good humor. Though, if you think about it, promiscuity (constantly going after new sex partners) is a homosexual trait. Real men have children and take care of family. Otherwise, how will society improve if there are not men who carry out this primal duty?

  6. What all the hardcore WN dipshits want is for Hyle Koont and Lugh the water-fairy and the rest of these younger Jooweisse types to drop Celtic Wedgie like a hot steaming dingleberry and go join Stormfrontal lobotomy. lol

    I wonder why ?

    Stormfront is at 21,000 on Alexa

    ALL of Oracle broadcasting is at 360,000

    So you guys have a hell of a lot more effect than a bunch of guys on a network that can't even kick Daryl Bradford Smith's ass at 249,000, right ?

    So what are you all worried about ?

    The corruption of the minds of youth by one friggin guy on a network that's an offshoot of another network that can't even beat Prothink's ass at 237,000, never mind Duke's ass at 163,000 and VNN's ass at 99,000?

    All this agitation about one friggin guy mouthing off on network in a galaxy far, far away seems really werid to say the least ! lol

    You must have something against lizards too. lol

    David Icke forums at 6154 in the world allows free discussion of most topics, including the holohoax and Hitler as long as you don't start spewing racial epithets and keep the lizard turd in the punchbowl.

    The main reason people are afraid of Rumplestein Rectal is because underneath they know and they can sense that underneath the sphincter horizon, the man is a catalyst for all the rest of the Jewweize guys on Oracle. When he's around the rest of these guys they usually keep the excesses that run wild on his own show in check and the result is a humorous and multi-faceted, open discussion that you can't get anywhere else in the troof movement and what you can't get anywhere else is what really makes the effect that counts even if it's only to a small minority of special forces.


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