December 03, 2012

The International Jew Study Hour

The White Network is pleased to announce the addition of The International Jew Study Hour to our program schedule. 

Hosted by Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott, it will consist of reading and commentary of Henry Ford’s great classic about how Jewish power developed in America.

It will broadcast every Thursday evening at 8 pm Eastern time (5 pm Pacific), beginning on Thursday, June 28.  See the program page for all episodes.

Episode 1 Download


  1. That shit conflicts with "The Movement Turd".

  2. The Jews are the major problem in the world and Henry Ford deserves a monument in his honor. This premier International Jew Study Hour was done so well. We humans so appreciate all your efforts on our behalf, honorable Carolyn and associates.

  3. It's a small book and a free download pdf. Who the hell needs a 10 episode program devoted to it when any non-lobotomized literate person can read the whole book in a few hours ?

    People don't read that's why. Books are like kryptonite not just to a nigga as Chris Rock explained in his famous routine but to the majority of the rest of the goys being fattened up for the slaughter on the Jewnited States plantation.

    Finck said in that John Friend interview that he gets a minimum of hits on any of the articles posted on his site compared to the maximum of hits that the audio archives get.

  4. The owners have decided that their slaves will have no need for reading so it is being bred out of them via "schooling" and media.

    This is why reading is becoming less popular. Most that get out of high school have no interest in really reading anything; they have instant info at their finger tips. They always know what is happening because they can tweet. They cannot see much value in reading as they are trained to live in the moment and the moment is made for them to be satisfied.

  5. About two generations of blacks and about two of whites are pretty much trashed. Gone. The slaughtering should pick up quite briskly real soon.

    The TV watchers will miss most of the show because it will not be televised. The next shot of Britney Spears pussy will be, so stay tuned to that TV set!

  6. Correction; "three generations of blacks".....(they start popping them out to start the checks rolling in at about 14 and become grandparents at 30)


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