January 17, 2013

Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2013.01.17

Rich & Keith of Truth Militia are Mike's guests tonight.
" We will just let it rip and cover whatever the hell we feel like talking about!! "

Renrgade Broadcasting

32k Download


  1. Why the hell was Sledge making fun of Giuliani?

  2. Good question.Sledge had another off night.Sounded like he was drunk.The clip was funny but why do it ? Maybe because Charlie won't be part of their little club.

    I think the alcohol is getting to all those guys on Renegade.

    You can't keep that shit up at 35,40,50 years old and CONSISTENTLY continue to tap into creativity.

    The booze alone will burn you out.Combine that with this dark information that most do not want to hear and this is what you get.

  3. WTF!!??So Giuliani is a shill now?!
    Its a pitty that Sledge is teaming up with CR and his boyfriend Ed Sharoni!
    And why is rebel now talking about Charles while they are on a same network,causse as i can remamber he didnt talk against tuskin,freeman and geo just becausse they were on the same network!?
    Is Charles the one that has to be exposed???Or Spingola maybe!?
    ALL OF THEM STEAL CHARLSES CONTENTs and now they say he is a shill!
    Charles does not talk about them,he doesnt listen to their cheap shows,he even does not know WHO THIS FUCKING PEOPLE ARE!
    Sad,very sad!
    Charles has the best show out there and they just cant take it!
    Is this the payback causse Charles destroyed CRs boyfriend EDMUND SHARONI!??
    And yes,who the fuck is that GREG the FAG guy!!??

  4. Why make fun of Giuliani and take an obvious crackpot like Goldbug serious?

    I was hoping Lugh would join and confront this Goldbug person and put him in his place.Unfortunately the ''renegades'' who did had the chance didn't and the ass kissing between ''the Celtic Rebel'' and Goldbug makes me doubt ''the Rebel'' even more than I already did.

    No wonder Lugh left.

  5. OMG, how could anyone ever make fun of the great Charles Giuliani!?

  6. @@TheGoy

    Its not makeing fun, its calling Charles a shill!There is a big deference!

  7. If he's calling Charlie a shill he's off my listening list. He's fading anyway...

  8. Sledge wasn't dissing Giuliani, just making fun of him. Giuliani can take a joke even if you fools can't. Even if Sledge's intention was a straight up Diss, he is a raging alcoholic who will have no brain-cells left soon enough so none of you Giuliani fan-boys have much to worry about.

    Greg from NJ loves 'Opera' which, except for Wagner, is the gayest music on the planet and he constantly plays Pavarotti or whatever the fuck it is on his show. He doesn't just play one track, he had one show where he played nothing but opera. lol

    But Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath and Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Allman Brothers and Rush are 'butt-boys' according to Greg & Celtic Rectal. LOL

    Homos are some of the biggest opera fans.

    I've been to hundreds of garage sales in Hollywood over the years to buy cheap stuff I can re-sell over the internet at profit and almost always if there is a lot of opera in the record or music collections they're selling, the owners of the house are fudgepackers.

    And what's the most famous rock-opera song of all time ?

    "Bohemian Rhapsody" by the king of the flamers Freddie Mercury and his band of rump-wranglers in Queen.

    I rest my case.

  9. I don't think it was right to bash Giuliani but then again you have to consider the source. The Renegade Network has gone off the tracks; way off!

  10. charlie giualini sucks jesse ventura's cock for two hours



  11. Why the hell was Sledge making fun of Giuliani? ???

    Cause Giuliani is a Internut, he has many retarded and deluded cheerleaders at this website who with eat up his BS and never tire as he is their GOD or they have none but themselves as GOD , LOL

  12. Rage Giuliani fan-boys and Cheerleaders, your God has been insulted, can you feel your panties all twisted and rubbing raw your tender buttox, oh the pain, Giuliani has been blasphemed , they will Die for THIS

    In the name of Giuliani !!!!! we will destroy them !!!! go cheerleaders and Fan boys..

  13. Bunch of chritian gay boys have problem that CG destroyes their mambo jumbo shit!

    Anonymous FAGS,go to your priest and suck their kosher cocks in the name of the GAY LORD!!!

  14. Most of the renegade shows I have heard so far have been sub-par, and that includes the ones with Sledge and CR. Mostly a girly giggling snooze fest.

    Hopefully Charlie just ignores these backstabbers and just keeps on moving along.

  15. The Sandy Hook Movie (2012) - Movie Synopsis & Plot

    With the election recently completed, the jewish Shadow Government decides to advance their agenda. With the Debt-For-Nothing-To-the-jews-Crisis looming, the jewish Shadow Government decides to pull a 12/14.

    The jewish spin doctor Steven Speilberg had been consulted by representatives of the jewish Shadow Government to create a domestic terrorism attack. Perhaps evil White Supremacist obtained a dirty bomb... Or terrorists are attacking Americans...Or a school shooting…

    Speilberg a filthy jew in his own right, immediately came up with a whole storyline, which was a little too extensive for what the filthy jew Sunstien wanted. But after a little brainstorming, they came up with a simple but startling plot... a mentally ill White kid snaps, kills his mother and attacks and kills a whold bunch of innocent White children in a quiet suburban New England town. This way they can side-step the “racial” angle and mount a frontal media assault on the 2nd Amendment.

    With the help of real actors, actresses, and state-of-the-art special effects, Speilberg and Sunstein must carry the story forward and make sure it finishes off without any doubt of the reality of it. But what if Speilberg wants credit for the masterpiece? And what if White America gets suspicious?


    Pretty good show, all except for keef the mental midget.


  16. Keith Truth Militia RadioJanuary 19, 2013 at 10:18 AM

    When did Sledge make fun of Guiliani? I was a guest on the show and dont remember that???

  17. Keith: at the very end, just after you left the show.

    Sorry man but if these guys are going to hit below the belt so will I and others. Charlie has busted his ass over the years with his research and shows and they want to minimize his efforts? Fuck that.

  18. Giuliani has been blasphemed , they will Die for THIS

  19. Last anon, such a butt plug, lol.

  20. Charles the LyingJew has done nothing other than stir up hatred of Jews and defame Jesus daily for years now. His rabid cult of brain-dead followers are too stupid to recognize that is the mission statement of the ADL and other Jewish organizations.

    The only difference between the koolaid the Alex Jones Cult drinks and the koolaid the JewLyingI cult drinks is its a cheaper variety with more urine in it.

  21. Charles the LyingJew has done nothing other than stir up hatred of Jews and defame Jesus daily for years now. His rabid cult of brain-dead followers are too stupid to recognize that is the mission statement of the ADL and other Jewish organizations.

    The only difference between the koolaid the Alex Jones Cult drinks and the koolaid the JewLyingI cult drinks is its a cheaper variety with more urine in it.

  22. Ahh, it all makes sense now. A jew loving christian zionist is pissed off because Giuliani has shaken your faith. Heck he asks people to call in and defend their jew god and they never do. I guess your going to hell.

  23. Keith Truth Militia RadioJanuary 19, 2013 at 7:58 PM

    Rockclimber...I didnt hear that or even know about it. I think Charlie does a great job and have learned a lot from him. Its one of the few shows i never miss.

    I have to take it as a joke/ "ribbing" because I dont know what the friendship between Mike and Charlie is like....and I believe Sledge thinks Charlie does a great job.

  24. Maybe that's all it is Keith. I may have jumped the gun, time shall tell. Take care and keep up the great work over there at TM!


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