January 17, 2013

Mark Dankof’s America Jan 16, 2013

Mark Dankof is joined by Stephen Goodson of the South African Reserve Bank. In the news summary, Mark references Patrick Cockburn’s piece on the Sunni-Shiite divide; Rand Paul’s tragicomedy in Israel; Garakai Chengu’s essay on Colonel Gaddafi and Libya; the linkage of abortion and Jewish power in America by Jayne Gardener and David Wemhoff; and the tragedy of the Sandy Hook “truther” travesty. Mark briefly touches on his January 14th appearance on the David Duke show.



The Barnes Review 



  1. Resentment of his betters is the cause of Jew hostility towards the Aryan. Nothing else explains Jew behavior.

  2. The argument that there is no such thing as overpopulation is laughable. Additionally, it should come as no surprise that this little bit of irrationality was forwarded by Marx.

    Regardless of that, it is rather amazing that we would spend more than three seconds worrying about the fate of life-forms that are either incapable of experiencing pain or of being aware of existence when our country is going right down the toilet. Tens of millions of us, through no fault of our own, cannot manage to take care of ourselves without taking on tremendous debt or working ourselves to the point where our family lives are destroyed, and there is no sign, whatsoever, that our country will ever model its economy and culture on anything that remotely resembles that of National Socialist Germany (a nation that was truly "pro-life") but let's keep wringing our hands over the question of abortion and birth control in the rape and murder capital of the civilized world.

  3. Buckminster Fuller already proved in the 1940's and 1950's that you could house and feed the entire planet without too much trouble if you were given the freedom to do it.

    "A Dymaxion House was designed to be about 1,100 square feet or about the size of a small Cape Cod-style bungalow. It was supposed to cost about $6,500 in 1946, approximately the cost of a high-end automobile. With just two bedrooms, it was most convenient for a single family of no more than four people. The house has been restored with furnishings from the period."


    Even in the usury-shackled USA you had 200 million people here in the 1960's, the country was 90% white and you still had the highest standard of living in the world at that time, despite being slaves of usury & the Jews since 1913. People everywhere, even in Europe, dreamed of living in the U.S. and having the conveniences of the average American suburbanite. lol

    In 1760, when Franklin traveled to England, he was amazed at the poverty of the English, people running around in torn rags because they had nothing like that in the New World / pre-USA. After the banksters got a foothold in the USA a few decades later, that same kind of poverty came to the U.S. whenever they would pump and then trash the economy.

    As far as these religious nuts and their 'abortion' hang-ups. It was fully legal in National Socialist Germany because they weren't idiots. They weren't about to force rape-victims and teenagers to burden themselves with kids they never wanted. They only banned abortion AT CERTAIN TIMES (never completely) when it threatened the white race from growing in numbers, it was a purely pragmatic measure, they had no problem with the practice of abortion itself on moral grounds of it being 'murder,' in fact, they wanted genetic inferiors, non-whites and mixed breeds to have more abortions and encouraged abortion for them.

    That whole ridiculous abortion issue can be resolved very simply by just having a cut-off point at 3 months and increasing fines and heavier penalties or jail terms for any fetus-slaughters after 3 months but never murder until the fetus is out of the womb and legally becomes a person separate from the mother.

    This country will never model itself after National Socialist Germany short of a complete shit-hit-the-fan economic disaster forcing them to; the best you can do is convince people that being ANTI-URURY is supremely to their interest and point to the Jews who run the usury scam and all its supporting myriad of usury-funded world scams and name them as Jews and say Hitler and Mussolini were against this same world-plague also, and then sell them on the true full-assed-hairy-buttcheeks American traditions as opposed to the false ones espoused by half-asses like Ron Paul and Alex Jones.

  4. Great show.

    " but never murder until the fetus is out of the womb and legally becomes a person separate from the mother." -- the Talmudic position, no?

    iirc abortion = higher incidence of breast cancer.

  5. http://overpopulationisamyth.com/

  6. Pro-choice is not a Jewish thing. All you foetus worshipers should mind your own business and stop hating the pregnant woman.

  7. Talmudic casuistry.


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