January 10, 2013

Mark Dankof’s America Jan 9, 2013

Mark Dankof discusses the advancement of the American domestic police state, the Israeli War Party’s plans for war with Iran in 2013, and the current scene in ANC-run South Africa, with Dr. Adrian Krieg of www.a2zpublications.com.

Paul Craig Roberts Article 





  1. Just so you know Mark's guest Dr. Adrian Krieg is a Freemason. This was revealed on John Stadtmiller's broadcast September 2009. Maybe someone needs to tell Mark this tidbit of information?


    On September 21 2009, John Stadtmiller interviewed Adrian Krieg who wrote the book 'Our Vision from America'. The interview was fairly informative and had some pretty good
    information. The interview went well until caller 'Larry from Texas' asked if Krieg was a member of the Freemasons, Time Stamp >(57:25).

    John was unaware that his guest was Freemason. Larry asks how could Adrian could take part in
    that and goes on to chastise the Masons. At this point John asks what degree he is and Adrian says 32nd degree.

    From there the interview starts to take a turn, Adrian accuses some of RBN's hosts are insiders and 'taking part and double dipping' and says that he (Adrian) doesn't think it is right. Adrian goes on to mention that he been a Mason for 28 years and been in lodges all over the country.

    Adrian goes on to defend the Masons and mentions the Protocols of Zion and says Jews represent less than 2 1/2 % of Masonic membership. Adrian also says that the Masons never have political discussions. John asks if Adrian has been tapped for the 33 degree in which

    Adrian says that he is a York Rite Mason. Adrian goes on to explain the differences between a York Rite and Scottish Rite Mason.

    John asks Adrian about Albert Pike's Book, 'Morals and Dogma'. John mentions that in the 33rd degree Rite, the Mason learns that the Light bearer is Lucifer. 'Larry From Texas' is
    still on the phone and adds more about the Masons about following the Sun and Fellow Travelers. Adrian does not believe that there is a Political Sphere involved in the Masons.

    As John goes to break he tells 'Larry From Texas' to stay on the line and John adds that he doesn't think a whole lot of books will be sold. After the break Larry mentions about the Masons being a Secret Society in which Adrian says the Masons are not a Secret Society.

    Larry counters what Adrian said and mentions all the Secret Societies are connected and mentions Skull and Bones and The Fraternal Order Of Police.

    It gets more interesting, 'Mona from California' calls in and defends the Masons and says the 33rd Degree is a 'Honorary Degree' offered to heads of state. Adrian mentions that George Washington was a Mason in which John countered that Washington decried Masonry and made a proclamation against it.

    As it gets deeper, you could tell John is getting pissed. John mentions that he wishes that he had Texe Marrs here in which Adrian calls Texe a "screwball"...this is where John reaches his limit and says the interview is over.

  2. Show Summary --

    Mark and Krieg talk about South Africa and guess what???

    Not one fucking word about the plight of white farmers or white people in South Africa in general.

    How do you talk about the political history of SA; apartheid; post apartheid; and not one damn mention of how the whites of SA are being genocided!!!

    Krieg says on more than one occasion that the Blacks can't govern themselves.

    Max French calls in and tries to deflect Krieg's statement by saying that it was the "Bankers" fault.

    TUT is anti-White. Can it get more obvious?

    And I'm the agent because I am saying that the "Gentile Defense League" is bogus.


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