January 20, 2013

Nights At The Roundtable 2013.01.19

Where is Renegade going? What do the listeners think about our recent shows? Rebel and Kyle box?

Renegade Broadcasting

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kyle,why dont you call CG and ask him about that interview with ventura?
    CG was guest hosting that show ,it was not on truth heartz.
    If you have problem with that show,call him and confront him on it ,instead of talking about behind his back!It would be more honest of you to call him and clear that up if you have problem with it!

  3. CG another paid assets, cheerleaders and Fan boys will never see past that.

    He should get Ventura on this Rubbish Show, for some more Oral Jobs

  4. Gay anon,fealings hurt causse he destroyed your jew gay lord myth!?
    Or is it trauma from sexusal abuse when you was a child?I think both!

  5. someone should call chuck jewliani and ask him how much jism he had to swallow before jesse venture was satiated

  6. Great article for the Christian CG haters.


  7. Too much hipsterism and wild man stuff from these guys. I think they're assets of anti-white powers. Sounds like a bunch of bar talk.

  8. So you guys are bashing Charlie cause he didn't bring up the Jewish question to Jesse Ventura? I bet Jesse would have ended the interview you dumb fucks!

    With that same logic does the Celtic Rebel ask his homosexual fuck buddy about the Jewish question while he is giving him a reach around?

    Does Pedo Kyle ask his NAMBLA Partner about the Jewish question while surfing the Internet for child porn sites

    With that same logic does mike sledge ask his Jewish wife who he had a jewling with about the Jewish question?

    You guys think that's Charlie gives a fuck what you think? I don't .

  9. Yentagayde is full of jism swallowers, you should ask them :) I hate jews but I have a jew baby, I'm gonna make a best of show and when he's old enough I'll give it to him for his Bat Mitzvah, so he knows what a filthy rat faced mongrel he is. I'll teach that little rat bastard how much I hate the dirty hook nosed hebes. Genius ! Pure and fucking Simple. Does it get any better than that ? Drunken failed comics and Homo Fecalphiliacs Unite !

  10. has anyone looked at the image they used for this show? They want to label everything gay and yet the image they use is extremely homo.

  11. Sledge totally said he and Charlie are friends and that he was just busting his chop's a bit. I'm cool with that personally and it makes sense now.

  12. Charlie said he was sitting in for a friend and did not want to get him in trouble with Jw talk.He did mention Israel being the problem and Ventura said he cou;d not deny that.

  13. Kyle makes an announcement to get a little more serious and they just did more of the same .It's as though when one starts up,they all regress back to juvenile behavior.It was once again Sledge leading the sheep and Kyle did nothing to stop it.

    Of course Sholly did not listen to Preston because Sholly,like Greg is not concerned with truth of a higher order.

    Sledge, to keep on and on with the Giuliani impersonations is a bit redundant.It was funny the first couple times but you are overplaying your hand.It is already getting old.

    I would suggest that Kyle bring these fuckers in one at a time and if they get stupid,mute their asses. You got a big problem over there Kyle if you are trying to present something other than nonsense.

    As far as bar talk,if these guys came into the bars where I grew up,they would find themselves escorted head first out the door.Fucken little girls !

  14. If they could just get a couple of midgets with Howard Stearn as the ring leader they could change the name of the show to "Sewage Tsunami"

    Man do I hope somebody can return some dignity to this show.

  15. I thought it was an interesting show. Regardless of where it goes, it is always interesting though I appreciate it when they talk the time to undertake more serious topics. I like most of the work of Celtic Rebel but it does seem like he enjoys the very humor he has attacked. I mean, why laugh over and over again at a Jewish song about anal play? A song that is meant to be funny by the Jews that made it. Sure play it and comment and move on but why revel in it like a dog in shit?
    Kyle wants to make a serious show but Rebel just wants to make jokes. They want to go in two directions. Why not make two different shows then?

  16. @ "I would suggest that Kyle bring these fuckers in one at a time and if they get stupid,mute their asses. You got a big problem over there Kyle if you are trying to present something other than nonsense."


    I agree, bring the fuckers in one-at-a-time like dogs in a circus and smack them with a rolled up newspaper in the head if they misbehave.



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