January 26, 2013

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager Jan 26, 2013

Interview with Mike Delaney of Prothink

Mike Delaney of Prothink.org and Missing Links, the Movie  is Carolyn’s guest to discuss his websites and the recent claim by Gordon Duff that two of them [Ratfaced Jews and Jewish Problem] are funded by Abe Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League and “managed” by ADL workers and volunteers.   Since everyone knows this isn’t true, the Jewish Duff was caught with his pants down and his habit of bald-faced lying fully revealed.  Also other topics of discussion.


9/11 - Missing Links ( full movie )  


Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager 



  1. Is Carolyn CI? She seemed butthurt over Giuliani and Truth Militia bashing Heebus

  2. Also, I doubt Delaney is a "shill" or anything. He probably made more people awake to the Jew issue then anyone in the last 10 years. Also why would a "shill" make Missing Links?

  3. Carolyn was thinking of Keith Johnson @ ~44:00 -- Not even close (although that Keith could be a good guy if he left the race-mixing Ugly Truth cabal) -- check out my (constructive) criticism of AH in our latest NAV... should be out by Tuesday. ~ WWS

  4. The plane hitting the tower has like a million witnesses retard

  5. Fucking no planers are absolute retards.

  6. So everyone is a shill now!
    Infighting amongst people that reveal the jewish problem wont get us anywhere!
    I agree that there are many planted people in this movement,but to call Giuliani a shill and crazy is just nonsence!
    Do this people realy belive that JEWsus will come and save them!
    Carolyn likes to have this CI retards on her show and thats why she atacks Charles!Why Delaney does the same is unclear to me causse i can remamber that he in one of his videos said that he likes Charleses show!
    Crazyest of all was saying that CG is a zionist christian!LOL
    Somehow i never trusted Carolyn,and probably never will!

  7. Does this fucking ridiculous cartoon look like a plane to you?


    Does the cartoon it's half-immersed in look like a real building ? Where the are the windows ? LOL

    Does this drawn cartoon look like a 'plane shaped hole' :


    How about this:

    Colonel George Nelson (U.S. Airforce Retired), an air-crash investigation expert has observed that NOT ONE uniquely identifiable part has ever been produced by the government FROM ANY OF THE 4 ALLEGED 9-11 CRASH SITES:

    Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career. Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic:

    "In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...


    Let's see you produce a single plane part that's been actually matched to a plane before you start talking about 'I've looked at everything and it's all bullcrap.'

    3000 dead ? What 3000 dead ?

    "I did an exhaustive check of the list of victims provided on the CNN website. What I found is that out of 2,970 people listed, only 446 appear in the Social Security death index. Of those only 249 have a confirmed death certificate on file. Of those, not a single one has a valid “last address of record” on file."~ Ersun Warncke, Salem News - Independent confirmation of the 'Vicsims Report' - 9/11 Reflections Part 2: Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues


    And as we everyone knows from this latest Sandy Hook STAGED PSYOP victims are never faked right ? LOL

    9-11 VICSIMS REPORT by Simon Shack and hoipolloi


    That's 80 pages of exhaustively researched and proven VICISIMS for this retard Delaney

    Let's see him get on Clues Forums and even try to debunk it. He won't because HE'S NOT INTERESTED IN THE TRUTH, HE'S INTERESTED IN PUSHING HIS AGENDA AT ALL COSTS, so instead of ADMITTING HE WAS DUPED, like an honest person would, he tries to fool his naive followers who trust him 100% on the Jew issues (as they should, he's correct on those issues) by LYING. That's because he doesn't care HOW HE WINS, as long as he wins.

  8. More stuff for retard Delaney:


    What Planes ? by Collin Alexander


    Theory of Ghostplane - Collin Alexander


    Planted engine on Murray Street (way away from the buildings) that was conclusively proven to be from WRONG plane:


    "Of all major U.S. airline crashes within the U.S. investigated and published by the National Transportation Safety Board during the past 20 years, the 9/11 'black boxes' are virtually the only ones without listed serial numbers." - Dennis Cimino of Pilots for 9/11 Truth

    "Between the four airplanes which allegedly crashed on 911 there should be approximately 9 million parts. 3 million parts each for the 767 and 1.5 million parts for the 757. In addition to the parts there should be 60 miles of wiring for each 757 or 120 miles for both. There is 90 miles of wiring on each 767 which makes 180 miles for both 767's. Wiring is stamped every 12 inches or so with data which includes where it is going, where it is coming from and its maximum load capacity. The reason for this is that wiring is braided into bundles of up to one hundred wires and when you are tracing
    down a problem you have to know quickly which wire you are looking for and identify it."



    No Planes is bullcrap and you've looked at EVERYTHING, huh Delaney ?

    9 million parts and no one has even matched one !! But Mikey does not consider that odd.

    How did all these parts disappear into thin air ?

    And that's JUST THE BEGINNING, the tip of the friggin iceberg.

    Delaney's now a proven ass clown on 9-11 issue, REGARDLESS of how right he is on most of the Jew issues.

    And by the way Judy Wood is pure disinfo and has nothing to do with Simon Shack and September Clues but Delaney, being the little weasel he is, likes to mention her a lot to smear the proven media fakery / No-Plane-on-9-11 facts with her disgusting name.

    Shack on "Where Did the Towers Go?" by Judy Wood

    "I see that Judy Wood has published a new book. However, her research is based on fake pictures. The sole purpose of her existence is, imho, to provide 'a plausible explanation' for the very stupid-looking WTC 'pulverization' animations."


  9. As mentioned, no planers are fucking retards. Plus they have no life.

  10. wtf ?????????



    Its a retarded argument

    cause i am so right and important}

  11. I like Mike, but I must admit that he laughed when he claimed to be good at character assessment. Looks like he has forgotten about Jam Jr :)

  12. I love Mike but his character assessment is all over the place. On one side he found cats like ZCF and got them into the movement, but on the other side he clowns around with men of lower moral fibre such as Finck. ZCF needs to sit him down and give him the talk.

  13. Is carolyn a valuable source of information,FUCK NO!She realy thinks she is the most wright and smart host out there!Soo much she says has no proof at all!She just makes things up!

  14. Good luck convincing anyone with a brain about the 'no planes' nonsense! really good luck! LOL

    First, Carolyn is NOT CI! She just doesn't want to make bashing christianity her 'theme'.

    Is carolyn a valuable source of information? Is anyone really in your mind a crediable source? You should double check your 'notes'. lol

    I for one I'm glad that there are people out there talking about these issues. Why must you idiots out here just bitch about things other people do, while you sit on your ass and do NOTHING!! but utter pure nonsense! Ever heard about 'constructive criticism'? yeah, research that one.

    Overall, I liked that there was some constructive criticism and was very well taken by the guy that rans Totalfacism.com.

    Now, i also disagree with her about Charles Gulliani, BUT that's their personal feud they had about a year ago that that is getting in the way and nothing else.

  15. Nik@@
    If Carolyn and her guru William Finck are a valuable information,then there is something wrong with you!
    I am not against Hitler,national socialism or Germans in the WW2,but that batle is lost and her thinking that like that she will wake up the world is just silly!Infact its counter productive causse people are very brainwashed on that topic and will never accept that!
    She covers nothing else but Hitler and everyone else that does not do that all the time like she does, is just a shill or a stupid lier!
    As i said ,she and Finck are BS artists!

  16. The majority of Carolyn's work is excellent, though I do not agree with her personal beliefs.
    The WW2, Hitler et al factor is important. The modern world is built upon the lies of WW2 and they need to be obliterated. In the religion of Liberal quasi-marxism that is being pushed today Herr Hitler is "Satan".
    While I dont think we should shave our heads and tattoo swastikas on them.. we should be like the real NSDAP Germans.
    Brilliant, strong of will and body, and PAGAN!

  17. I cannot get enough of Carolyn Yeager. In the meantime, the Jew from Germany, Henry Kissinger, just told the world that there will be a nuclear war on Iran, and that will change the course of human events. All we are doing is playing catch-up with the evil the Jews are now still planning.

  18. @Anon I think CI Fink is a NUT! And Fink is not Carolyn's guru. He helped with her site when she first started, but now she's on her own. You know, everyone has their 'theme' and Carolyn's is first revitionism, then German/white issues. So that is why she talks about history so much. You should listen to the "international Jew' reading/study she does with someone else... fascinating stuff.

  19. John Friend is disinfo agent originally supported by Jeff Rense to attack OWS. notice how he was only one truth militia not to join last Tom Metzger broadcast.

  20. http://www.totalfascism.com/filthy-scumbag-jeff-rense-aligns-himself-with-criminal-jew-disinformation-agent-gordon-duff-against-the-white-race-and-the-entire-human-species/

  21. Ex-wigger ex-con Mike Delaney gets out of prison becomes a truther. Khan and Mike split up after making Missing Links, Mike takes all the credit then hooks up with JAM openly suckering people into starting a militia? Militia=Guns.

    Did Mikey get set up?blackmailed? compromised? whitey tightys and guns are a violation for ex-convicts.

    This is the Jews M.O.

    dirt cheap land?

  22. Just like the firemen said; "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom ....... all the way down!"

    All Known Footage of Second Plane Impact, Every Angle Covered

    WTC Plane Parts

    Rare pieces of wtc debris w "plane" parts.

  23. William Finck, Christian Pastor?

    Self styled Christian Identity pastor, Greek expert, Theologian and Biblical essayist William (AKA Bill) Finck has claimed that he was a supervisor at a state prison facility at the time of an attack which left a prison inmate dead. The Ledger points out that it was in fact a county jail.

    He has consistently told people he was 'doing paperwork' at the time and wasn't aware until later that guards under his direct supervision were involved in an altercation with a prisoner. He claimed his sentence should have only been 17 months, but on a technicality the judge was able to pass sentence outside the sentencing guidelines. In fact, he took a plea to reduce his sentence by pleading guilty, a gamble which subsequently backfired meaning he would then spend approximately 12 years behind bars for a 'Civil Rights' violation.

    He claims he was an innocent victim of circumstance but the evidence shows he was neither innocent nor victim. In fact his whole story regarding his imprisonment as well as the story surrounding the case is a tissue of lies, contrived to conceal his true nature and to fool his now dwindling number of unsuspecting followers.

    He was, and remains, an impenitent and unrepentant murderer, sociopath and a violent and pathological liar. He was not as he claims trying to cover for his colleagues, but was instead himself guilty of the senseless, bloody and brutal cold blooded murder of a prison inmate. As it was then reported in the media, he and his cohorts escaped a state murder indictment on a technicality and instead copped a plea for violation of the inmates civil right's. It has been widely suspected and opined that he is one of a large and growing number of well placed and well coordinated people working for the FBI as an insider from within the white nationalist and Christian Identity movement since his release.

    He now claims to make his living from IT, but it appears to be nothing more than sub-domain or 3rd level web hosting and web design using off the shelf templates. It is possible that his principle income is augmented by being on the FBI payroll as was former radio show host and fellow New Yorker Hal Turner. Finck similarly runs a hate filled podcast on the Teamspeak and Talkshoe networks, one of which he co-hosts with a peculiarly mixed race neo fascist named Brian Reo from Ohio.

    In addition to his numerous web sites under the Christogenea banner which includes a virulently hate filled forum and web log, he runs a site called Zogbots.org in which he slanders and defames anyone who disagrees with his biblical interpretations. His recent victims even seem to include fellow Christian Identity pastors such as Eli James from Chicago Illinois, who has now apparently joined the ranks of such absurd characters as Martin Lindstedt and an individual known as Russell Walker, all of whom have apparently fallen foul of the gospel according to William Finck at some point in time

    What now follows is a more accurate and reliable account of this animal and the part he, and his colleagues played in the murder of 27 year-old Arnaldo Ortega in 1989.


  24. "John Friend is disinfo agent originally supported by Jeff Rense to attack OWS."

    Whoa, how did you know?! lol

    Pretty interesting show, Yeager is a bit arrogant and rude, but I like that she is critical - of everyone. She has done lots of great work on WWII, the Holohoax, and Hitler, and I hope she continues to. Instead of talking shit about people, maybe she should focus on what she is passionate about?

    Delaney is a great guy, I have no doubt about it. He is just dead wrong about this "no planes" stuff, and won't admit he's wrong.

  25. Deanna Spingola, Mike Conner, John Friend, Mark Weber, Ingrid Zundel and Ernst Zundel are but a few of the targets of Yeager's venom. Her way of criticizing others is obnoxious and irresponsible, not to mention destructive.

  26. Since Finck is brought up, does someone have the show when he and RV Wolfpack had a very heated "debate" about wheter or not Hitler was a good and humble Christian? I can`t find it on Prothink`s talkshoe page...

  27. Btw, I don`t really see how people can seemingly support Gulliani just because he now talks about criminal jewry. I mean come on, this guy promotes herbs called "cancer-blaster" for fucks sake.

  28. "I am so proud of all the infighting we have caused! They look like asses!"


  29. And Carolyn has her nerve slandering anyone because he has only recently woke up, when admittedly, she herself was a fan of Bomb Iraq, applauding Bush's decision to do so.

  30. Prothink and his bitchboy ZCF's toxic hate sites do a great job discrediting honest research into Zionism and the layers of power above that.

    They seek to protect the upper layers of power through diversion, using bigotry.

    If the 'revolution' lead by these clowns comes to pass, guess who will be behind it?

  31. TorBaker said...
    Btw, I don`t really see how people can seemingly support Gulliani just because he now talks about criminal jewry. I mean come on, this guy promotes herbs called "cancer-blaster" for fucks sake.

    Will Williams meets William Finck

    Published on January 22, 2013 by Carolyn in The Heretics' Hour


  32. TorBaker said...
    Since Finck is brought up, does someone have the show when he and RV Wolfpack had a very heated "debate" about wheter or not Hitler was a good and humble Christian? I can`t find it on Prothink`s talkshoe page...

    Will Williams meets William Finck

    Published on January 22, 2013 by Carolyn in The Heretics' Hour


  33. Gordon Duff / Veterans Today is funded by the ADL (so is Yeager imo), and provides 100% disinformation. Forensic tests show that when you visit that site (VT) 5 different forms of spyware infiltrate your machine. I feel sorry for the mugu sheep who go there.

  34. Next to Charles Giuliani, ALL of these guys are bullshit.

    On the one had you have the Truth Militia network, now with Tom Metzger on board, the co-operator of which 'Rich' is an admitted ex-associate of the 'creativity' white supremacist movement led by nutjobs like Matt Hale. This 'Creativity' douche church considers racist serial / spree killers like this guy:


    'martyrs' of the cause.

    John Friend is now stuck on this network and he might as well be on VNN forum directly at this point since there's basically hardly a difference anymore and they will all be easily broad-brushed with the tag of 'white supremacist neo-nazis' from this point on and completely marginalized. Friend should switch to Renegade Network or Oracle before it's too late.

    Parallel to this on the other side you have Delaney and his Christian Identity / White Nationalist / Total Fascism clown show which also includes completely atheist white nationalists like Zion Crime Factory.

    Giuliani has had ALL of these people on his show at one time or another and given them a fair hearing but does not necessarily agree with any of them. He's not always the best researcher and sometimes even comes off as sloppy but he's basically out for the truth and not into pushing agendas.

    However, Giuliani, being an ex-heavy-sucker of Christianity, bashes religion day and night, so it should come as no surprise that the William-Finck-following slimy C.I. nut Delaney is projecting his own sliminess onto Giuliani.

  35. So, Giuliani is a genius because he`s not into saying that white people are the real jews? To me he still sounds like a huckster and an obnoxious one at that..

    @ Anon:

    I did listen to that show, but Im interessted in that RV debate specifically because I remember that in that show Finck bragged of killing a hispanic when he worked as a prison guard, only to blame his coworkers 10 minutes later.


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