January 07, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.01.07

This is the first edition of The Realist Report with John Friend in 2013!  To kick off the new year, I'll be joined by Dr. Rebecca Carley.  We'll be reviewing my blog post End of year notes, her background in the medical profession, the medical mafia, and related matters.  Be sure to tune in for what will be an interesting and enlightening show!

John Friend's Blog
Truth Militia Radio



  1. LOL, my bad guys! I was reading Glenn's comment on Truth Militia's website and said The Ugly Truth when I meant Truth Militia during the show. :)

    Thanks for posting guys, always appreciated.

  2. Freudian slip LOL.
    Great show John!

  3. Rebecca Carly is legit! Tells it like it is. On her show awhile back a guy called in and try to make the case for "the good jew". Carly let him have it! I wish other hosts would be this honest and not so politically correct. Enough is enough!

    thanks John and Rebecca!

  4. Thanks John and Dr. Carley!! Excellent show as always! And, Dr. Carley, thanks for the tip on those two homeopathic meds!


  5. From Professor Crookshank's book "History and Pathology of Vaccination" (1889), Vol.1
    the (in)famous quotation from eighteenth century physician Dr. Wagstaffe:
    'And if 'tis possible that the ingrafted Pox can be so poysonous as to communicate certain death
    to all around by this method, they may ingraft as violent a Plague as has been known among us.
    How far the Legislature may think fit to interpose, in order to prevent such an artificial way of
    depopulating a Country, is not my Province to determine.'




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