January 13, 2013

The Word From the Trenches 2012.12.14

Video streaming by Ustream

Amanda1: I’m not too familiar w/this From the Trenches Radio show (I think he used to be RBN and grizzom used to post his show), but I found the Dec 14th episode posted on Dr. K’s site. It’s on some sort of UStream video and I don’t know how to bring it over here, so people are just going to have to go to Dr. K’s site here.

 Anyway, it’s actually very interesting and worth a listen, especially from 39-45 minutes when a woman named “Kathy” calls in and claims to be from Sandy Hook (I have no way of proving it, so people are just going to have to judge for themselves)

 Amanda1: Okay, this is basically what she had to say:

She woke up early to lots of sirens, so she turned on her scanner (I guess this is that thing people use to listen to the police radio?) and was listening all morning. Kathy said thing seemed to move slowly, like maybe not much was going on, almost like maybe someone shot themselves in the foot. Then all of the sudden it’s announced by AP that 20 people are dead.

She said that she didn’t hear anything on the scanner to suggest that, that she thought someone would have sounded excited or something like that on the radio. She said “It makes no sense and I’m here.” She said she hadn’t seen any photos of anyone hurt (I guess she also had the television on?) Kathy said there were lots of “weirdos driving around town in dark cars.”

Also mentioned that there were supposedly three people who were taken to the hospital, but nobody saw anyone putting anyone on stretchers and into ambulances. She’s about 2 miles away from the school, says it’s like a circus around there, “bizarre, very bizarre.” Kathy also said they shut down the post office b/c of this and that when she was driving around town, she saw lots of dark colored vehicles w/lots of antenna (someone called in and suggested these were DHS vehicles?)

 She said there were lots of “intense looking, scary guys, not suit and tie kind of guys, more like military guys.” Then she said something like “there’s an operation going on here, I just don’t know how real it is.” Kathy also said something about wanting “to go into town and see that these people really existed.”

She also mentioned that there had been lots of weirdness around the Aurora/Batman shooting as well. Then she went back to talking about the scanner and how the whole thing seemed very strange b/c what she was hearing was very subdued. She said that early on it almost seemed comical b/c they were talking about looking for a maroon van with two guys, with one of them dressed in a nun outfit (!?!).

Kathy said it almost seemed like a joke for awhile and then things suddenly shifted w/AP announcing dozens dead and that “was just bizarre.”


  1. You all can go to Henry Shivley`s site at "From The Trenches World Report.com. You can watch "The Word From the Trenches" there. "From The Trenches World Report" is a good site to check out............P.S. TROLLS NOT WELCOME THERE Trolls can stay the F. away !!!

  2. Does anyone know the real reason why he is no longer on RBN, because his show is very good and interesting.


  3. You can get his version of events in his archives at his site


    but it was like his first show on Liberty Tree Radio - and that would around september - cant remember exactly

    he had his site hosted by godaddy who informed him that they had received a complaint that he was illegally using copyright msaterial and that unless he removed it they would shut him down

    but they denied him access to the site so he couldnt remove the material and he was getting more and more worked up

    somehow stadtmiller found out (and now i cant remember the details) but it may have been that john was concerned that rbn was going to get dragged into soemthing

    the 2 of them had words and henry left the station

    maybe someone else can provide a more precise version of what happened

  4. Sounds like what I remember Henry saying. Some bad acting character in there initiating the complaints and then preventing Henry from rectifying problem.

  5. This asshole who owned a preppers site complained/lied to go daddy about Henry copying his so called copyrighted article on Henry;s site and go daddy shut him and like 30 other sites down (They were all on the same host) Henry started a campaign to take this prepper guy down on air and had people harassing the guy (Including myself) and he complained to RBN, and $tadmiller wanted Henry to apologize on air, and instead Henry turned up the fire and was kicked off the network. on

  6. HOLY SHIT!!!

    I had no idea, and I actually LISTENED to those shows! Maybe I just had forgotten, but that is just crazy!


    NB: Yeppers...that sounds like Stadtmiller. He does have a responsibility to protect his network, so it is understandable.


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