February 19, 2013

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.02.18

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - New DNA Research...Israelis, World Jewry Are Not 'Jews'

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Over US - Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Report

56k CF
Rense' site


  1. Wow. No comments on Texe's presentation on recent Jewnetic research last night?

  2. Texe and Jeff at their best!!! They are working so hard to change the minds of Zionist Xians.

  3. I suppose if it helps get Christian Zios off the Jew d****, then it's good.

    There's a problem though. In traditional Catholic teaching, Jews are cursed either way, don't matter if they ashke or whatever.

    Texxe is trying to convince Protestants that most of the Jews aren't the 'good' jews because the Protestants said there were good jews. It's a cluster f*k either way... why? Because the 'evil' ashkenazi jews look white, and most prots like them.

    It just won't work.

  4. And tributes to Michael Collins and Jeff Rense for trying so hard to get us off the radiation spewers and the nuclear industry destroyers.

  5. Have Texe & Jim Marrs ever been on the same goddamn show ? This was Rense's chance !! He had them on back to back. Should've mixed up that 'Rise of the 4th Reich' with them Jesus Freaks & biblical prophecy & thrown some Sasquatch and UFo's in for some good laughs. lol

    By the way, if you check Alexa, most of the traffic to this website comes from people who want to download Rense's show without paying their 7 bucks a month.

  6. The truth is that "The Hair's" show-quality is just going into the fucking gutter. He needs to get more interesting guests, and especially exciting guests WITH NEW AND CRITICALLY-IMPORTANT INFORMATION instead of the same details said over and over and over again, but in different ways.

    IN FACT, he really should have Deanna on his show to let his audience know about her and her work, so why don't you folks recommend this?


  7. jr@rense.com
    here are the pro tips

  8. Lindsey acts like an imperialistic lord and is always trying to start fights. What a jerk!!


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