February 07, 2013

Spingola Special 2013.02.06

Rodney Martin and Jim Condit debate Jim's video, The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler Round 1

      Deanna' site    Spingola Specials


  1. How is Condit still getting cred?

    He tells you up front what his bias is: "traditional catholicism" and his whole scheme is based on the erroneous myth that Hitler was a rothschild.

    Despite the complete lack of evidence,let's give this clown the benefit of the doubt: Hitler was the product of a rothschild raping
    an Austrian maid. What evidence does he really present to claim that Hitler then dedicated his life to the service the 'zionists'?

  2. When listening to Condit talk about his now outdated DVD I find it funny that in nearly every interview he has done you can open Veronica Clark's book Warwolves of the Iron Cross: The Union Jackal and predict what he'll say next. Condit never changes his opinion even when faced with new evidence.

    That leads me to ask; what Jew(s) does he work for.

    Condit took a bag full of shit, threw it against the wall and what stuck he put in his DVD.

    page 223 of The Union Jackal;

    "There is no evidence that proves Hitler was Jewish or even a Mischling (part Jewish). Schicklgruber is no more a Jewish surname than Hitler is (many Jewish Hitlers were tracked down by Hamann, but not one was related to "the" Hitler). One need only consult Alfred Konder's family tree assessment of Hitler (available from Third Reich Books online) or the book Hitler's Vienna by Brigitte Hamann. Neither found anything suggesting that Hitler himself was Jewish."


  3. Jim Condit dominates these debates every time. Why? Because he's right, no doubt.

  4. Its really irritating that Condit discounts Konder by asking if he is Jewish and questions his motives. On the other hand he says that no Jews have said Hitler was Jewish. So, babbling Jim, the reason Jews are not saying Hitler was Jewish; because he isn't Jewish. As far as the guy who testified at Nuremberg that Hitler was Jewish, Rodney explained that it may have been pressure, torture because the transcripts indicate he showed signs of cracking. Perhaps he said it because he wanted to shock the 70 plus percent Jews who participated in the sham trial or perhaps he said it to throw a wrench in the Jewish claims about Hitler being a person who hates all other races. I think it was Frank or Franz he mentioned.

    He expects a prominent establishment Jew to say Hitler was Jewish but doesn't think that they would suffer the same fate as the Jewish man who interviewed him and supposedly he is not prominent.

    I swear Jim must have had an entire field filled with shit that he used to throw against the wall.

    His word of mouth story about some report is lame and sounds like Jewish and anti-German gossip. Gosh, why would this story still be around he asked. Because Jim, it discredits Hitler and Jews need Hitler to be a pure evil man because their holocaust hoax story is falling apart. That way people will say okay maybe he didn't kill six million but still he persecuted the cripple, the old, the gays, the Jews, the Gypsies, Laurel and Hardy, the Three Stooges, Mickey Mouse, and a pedophile Catholic Priest. Hell Jim maybe Hitler's ghost did 911.

    Here is some advice for Jim, expand your research and look at the credible work that has been done and revise your amateur DVD. I suspect that he won't change and he'll stand by his old outdated documentary full of Jewish fairy tales and that the audio was probably first done on an 8 track cartridge.

    I don't know how much more of Jim's voice I can handle. But I do know this. Jim keeps asking for documeted proof for what Rodney says but can't provide any to back up what he has produced.

    Its late, I need to finish the interview cause my eyes are losing focus which hurts my limited typing skills.

  5. Jim Condit dominates these debates every time. Why? Because he's right, I have no doubt.

  6. After Condit insults Martin by assuming he only looks at favorable information that fits his view, Martin objects, then Condit back peddles and compliments Martin. I don't believe Condit is sincere.

    The reason these debates will take 8 hours or more as Condit suggested is because Condit draws out his statements by telling side stories.

    Its Condit who obviously looks for favorable information to fit his views.

    Condit babbles a lot like Gordon Duff!

  7. You Hitler pimps never cease to astound me. No amount of evidence... and not an iota of commons sense... can convince you that Hitler was a tool of empire.

    Condit, once again, makes a good case that Hitler, if not a jew... COOPERATED with the jews.

    But it is apparent that no evidence or logic will convince you otherwise. You are hell bent on running this destructive course of Hitler worship.

    There are plenty of tools on the table to topple jewish power... pushing the Hitler idea, seems to me, to be a deliberate and destructive diversion.

    Yes, Hitler was not the monster painted by the jewish cults... but no... Hitler is not a hero.

  8. Condit is a shill, who sold out to the Polish jew "nationalist" government.
    What an idiot, almost predictable his narrative.
    He is one of the people who spew the next century jew propaganda and lies.

    Condit,I would rip your nonsense apart so that you'd have to file a complaint at the inquisition to shut me up.
    Fuck these shills working for the jew mafia and their lying arm.
    I call it hoaxfactory.

  9. Condit didn't give any creditable evidence at all ...

    Sources are a fired newspaper reporter, a disgruntled nsdap party official , and a bunch of Jewish sources.

    Rodney uses all official documents from the German government.

    Jim condit has to step up his game in his next interview or he shouldn't have any more airtime.

  10. To Wanda,please source your information.

  11. Condit talked for an hour about the unsubstantiated claim of his grandfather with no proof, then talked for an hour about a single line from Strasser about his arch enemy.
    I'll say this about Condit, he sure knows how to bullshit.. reminds me of a quote:
    "The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

    Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

    I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying."

    - Adolph Hitler

  12. The other guy had no proof either. How do you source NO INFORMATION? There is no proof to be had at this time. Common sense is my proof. I am supposed to believe that for the first time in thousands of years, someone got into office holistically without being vetted and propped up by the jews... outrageous.

    Personally, i found proof that The Brownson House for boys was not founded by the Sandusky's... i posted that... guess what? The jews disappeared it.

    Why is it so important anyhow? It is believable and provable that Hitler tried to give Germany back to the jews... that jews were doing the same thing there they are doing here, arguably, worse here. Why does there need to be a revived Hitler movement? Can anyone answer that?

    Wanda, I see you in other sites and all you do is bitch about Hitler and carry the Condit line. It's pathetic, stop it.

  14. You are fucking pathetic and wrong too. I post here and i post on Alt Social... period.

    Is it wrong to not jump on the Hitler bandwagon because everyone else wants to? Be a retard if you want to... i plan to be intelligent instead of a friggin follower.

    Anonymous coward. You don't even have balls enough to show who you are... wow... i am so impressed.

    Fuck you. All i am doing is asking for an answer to this: Why does Hitler matter so fecking much? If we got right and we got wrong, we don't need Hitler. If you are too ignorant to handle the question... shut the fuck up.

  15. switched off after first hour, sounded like two flies arguing over who owns a dogshit in the street.

    Hitler worked for the jews, and was hung out to dry like Gaddafi,Sadam,Noriago and many others.

  16. Weimar Republic, an illegal coup d'etat in 1919 by jews and masons lead to somthing the Germans called eg in 1925 the Judenrepublik. And then came the NSDAP and took Germany back to the Germans, tried to reunite the German peoples, after the immoral and still unacceptable Versailles dictate, which is nowadays the ESM slave treaty. And before that it was the Euro. We are at Versailles 3.0, Condit, expanded on all European peoples, under a new Soviet Union, called EUSSR.

    Then, Hitler was not a Rothschild, he deported Minna and Pauline Rothschild to the east, where they died,Johanna Rothschild, the younger sister moved to US in 1937.
    The NSDAP ceased all Rothschild assets, but there were infiltrators and traitors, eg von Papen, who worked with the Warburgs and tried to buy them in.
    Paul Warburg was at Versailles on German side, Max Warburg on US/UK side.
    Hence the very real backstab, not legend, but what happened.
    Jew Paul Warburg was intelligence chief under Kaiser Wilhelm II, and allowed Vladimir Ilyich Ulayanov, aka Lenin to pass by train German territory for the bloody bolshevik revolution.
    He also was a main culprit convincing the Germans that Lenin would sign peace.
    The war went on, and the Germans regretted it, after news of red terror came from the east.

    So Condit's nonsense remains nonsense from a 100 year perspective. Simply nonsense.

    Jews love to argue over meaningless details.

    Its still a jew world order, and the jews, british, americans and soviets have spent an incredible amount of time to dedicatedly fake documents in clumsy poor German, do mistranslations and even invent whole books, diaries, some table talks and speeches.

    "We made a monster of Hitler, a devil. that is why (therefore) we could not after the war say otherwise.

    We had personally mobilized the masses nevertheless against the devil. Thus we were forced after the war, to play along with this devil's scenario.

    We could not possibly have made our people clear(to them) that the war was only an economic preventative measure."

    --James Baker, ex US foreign minister on "2+4"

    Der Spiegel, 13/1992 "

  17. This is what happens when you give a Jew Shill like Condit airtime , he has all his partner Jew Shills come in and attempt to back up his Jewish Nonsense .
    Why give Jew Shills any of our airtime ? They have the entire media to give their Lies constantly , they don't need any help from us spreading Lies .
    We are supposed to be Smashing the Lies , not giving them more airtime !

  18. I promise the jew, who presents me a peace treaty between 47 nations, basically the war alliance UN, but mainly between US, UK, China, Russia and Germany, to kiss his ugly jew ass. That would technically end WWI and WWII.

  19. 30.06

    I am guessing that Deanna is simply trying to get them "on record" her way, personally.

    Like you, I have felt frustration on several occasions with some of her guest picks, but she has also surprised me with some of those as to what she did. Pleasantly surprised.

    Deanna is not perfect; none of us are. But, I believe she is the best. She is number one in my book. I have been listening to her from the beginning and the only real disappointment is the time she spent with Judy Wood. I believe she did three shows with her so Deanna (IMHO) was fooled. One show with Woods, a caller mentioned the $2.3 trillion reported missing from defense dept one day before nine11 and that the records was destroyed by the plane damages to space where they were kept. About as fast as anyone could possibly reply, Judy Wood quickly says "that's a distraction". Deanna should have immediately picked up on that but I do not think she did. I do know no plane hit the pentagon and one did not make that "impact hole" in PA. Did any planes hit the towers? Probably not, but I do not care. I only care that the perps get executed before they kill anymore people for power and control.

  20. DS had to make up for John Friend botching his debate with Condit the other week

  21. Hitler worship is the dumbest strategy you could possibly take on, and its exactly what the jew wants you to do. Obviously hitler was controlled like every other world leader of the past, duh, he rounded up the jews and sent them to palestine, exactly where they wanted to go, instead of taking notes from the other 100+ failed exiles of the past. And thats not even getting into the other mountains of inconsistensies. Hes just another false prophet for the goys like jewsus. The swastika is the first letter of the hebrew alphabet and symbolizes Yahweh, and its also represented by THE FOOL tarot card. You can ignore the facts but that just highlights your weakmindedness and need for a hero to worship, when you should be thinking for yourself and coming up with a freah strategy. Theres a reason jews draw swastikas on their own shit all the time, not only b/c it symbolizes their god but because it generates sympathy for them. Monkey see monkey do.

  22. @ 30.06

    Calling Condit a 'Jew Shill' is not an argument and you don't have to resort to it to win the case that Hitler was not a Jew tool just because he let the English go at Dunkirk, etc. In fact, I'm surprised that someone with the intelligence you showed recently on Spingola's show would resort to the losing tactic of name-calling.

    Hitler kicked the Rothschilds out of Germany and issued his own interest free currency and wrote about his intentions going back to 1920 with the 25 points. That's all that really matters in the end; not what Condit and his followers want to nitpick about this or that detail of his history.

  23. @Wanda

    You don't have be a 'Hitler Pimp' or even jump on the 'Hitler Bandwagon' in order to acknowledge historical truths. That's what we're doing here is trying to get at the truth.

    Sure, some people have agendas that override the truth, but if Hitler turns out to be a much more honorable man than most world leaders in the 20th or any other century, then is it our fault that the truth shows this to be the case ?

    The acknowledgement that he's been lied about endlessly and was much more honorable than most other world leaders does not automatically imply that you think he was a boy scout, or that, under tremendous pressure, he did not commit himself to certain questionable, immoral or criminal acts, but he did this far less than his adversaries and you should respect that. You should respect the fact that whatever Hitler did, good or bad, right or wrong, he did under more pressure than almost any world leader has ever been subjected to in history.

    Also, you don't have to agree with ALL of the 25 points of Hitler's political program:


    to acknowledge that MOST of them make a lot of sense and provide a good guidepost to shoot for between individual sovereignty and collective responsibility, even in a country with as Libertarian and individualistic a tradition as the United States. If all of them can't be implemented here by direct freely elected government dictatorship as they were in Germany, then they should be standards that more and more people live-up to of their own free will, instead of the no-standards of our current Jew-programmed anti-culture environment. Also, you must never forget that when Hitler implemented them, this resulted in a reflowering of Germany and an economic miracle:


    And if that happened in the USA, even with an elected dictatorship that straightened a few do-nothings and degenerates by smacking them out of their stupors or re-educating them by force, for their own good, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, in fact, like many unruly children with strict parents, they might come to appreciate and respect a strong, firm and fair hand, much more than a loose and permissive one. Always remember that Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers acknowledged that true freedom is not some do-whatever-you-want libertinism or hedonism but a HARD and exacting discipline. Tom is the one to have supposedly said (it's been misattributed to him):

    'The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

    Actually, the full original quote is not even from an American but a liberal Irish Catholic of the same period:

    "It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." ~ John Philpot Curran in a speech upon the Right of Election in 1790


    But it rings so true to the spirit of the founding fathers that it might as well be their ultimate mantra.

    "Freud did not understand the Germanic psyche any more than did his Germanic followers. Has the formidable phenomenon of National Socialism, on which the whole world gazes with astonishment, taught them better? Where was that unparalleled tension and energy while as yet no National Socialism existed? Deep in the Germanic psyche, in a pit that is anything but a garbage-bin of unrealizable infantile wishes and unresolved family resentments." ~ Carl Jung - The State of Psychotherapy Today ( 1934)


    “Fascism is forever descending on America--but it always seems to land in Europe.” -Tom Wolfe

  24. Hitler is amazing.

  25. Hitler is a false prophet. Good luck EVER getting whites in america to WORSHIP him like they do jewsus. It hasnt worked the past 50 years that the NSP has beeb in America, most of the leaders later being exposed as jews.

  26. Yahweh, I mean kike delaney wants you to worship hitler because it pigeon holes resistance to the jew. You make yourself look ridiculous while at the same time not thinking for yourself or coming up with a strategy that will actually work.

  27. @ 1:21'52: "...unless both of them said 'let's smear Hitler, right? That would be the only possible motive which would be completely out of character with Douglas Reed's... er, the rest of his books."

    "Well, he was British".

    You need a vacation, Deanna.

  28. @1776blues
    "pedophile Catholic Priest" Father Kolbe? Proof?

  29. When someone says "Hitler worship", you know that someone is a Jew. They love to say it when someone speaks a truth about the man. It is almost hilarious. Remember, say a truth about a Jew and they also have a name for ya! This crap is getting old.
    Say a truth about a particular part of WWII and you can go to jail in something like a dozen or more countries. Very very odd. Makes not sense. How could this be? Too much. Imagine a world without this BS.


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