February 26, 2013

The Controversy of Zion

Douglas Reed "The Controversy of Zion"

Commensing in 1951, as Britains foremost World War II correspondent, he spent more than three years writing "The Controversy of Zion" - all 300.000 words of it. He completed the epilogue in 1956. Although there is correspondence to show that the book was once discussed with his publisher, the manuscript was never submitted, but remained for 22 years gathering dust in his home in Durban, South Africa.

Would he have loved the internet! Now, half a century later, it exists, and must assist in the dissemination of his powerful truth. Several chapters show how much he would have loved this possibility. Just as much as the zionist censors of the internet hate this breach in their worldwide brainwashing and control of the media.

In Europe during the years immediately before and after World War II, the name of Douglas Reed was on everyone's lips. His books were being sold by the tens of thousands. He was known with intimate familiarity throughout the English-speaking world by a vast army of fans. And then he was banished. Was it this book?

Take a look at these chapters and judge for yourself.....    --- Download rar here ---

Dr. David Duke and Knud Eriksen talk about Douglas Reed


David Duke Interview with Knud Eriksen of Denmark


  1. Get a copy of 'The Controversy of Zion'. Douglas Reed lays out many of the problems facing the world today. He was a very well known author in his time and this book destroyed his career. I wonder why?


  2. Yes an essenitial if not THE must read! I have a german and an englich online version and i am reading it right now :

  3. Reed is disinfo, sorry

  4. Upon scanning the text, it seems a long exposition of false history and mixing in all this Henry Makow - like rhetoric.. it's not the Jews it's the zionists.. Jesus was not a jew.. Jewish religion is still good etc etc
    All the same tropes which force us not to more forward with this movement by poisoning the fell with this antifa nonsense and retarded immature pipedreaming of calling a jew a jew while calling a jew a god.
    Don't waste your time with this crap.


  5. @ Lugh - upon scanning the text? It's nearly 600 pages lol

    BTW you don't have to agree with every word in a book to learn something from it. Most of your criticisms seem to be about his religious beliefs. Who cares about another man's religion anyway?

    Reed paid for this book with his career as a writer, long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eyes. Comparing Reed with a half baked two bit charlatan like Makow is a bit unfair.


  6. I think Scorpio caught Lugh skimming a rather large read while under the spells of a bottle of jew juice.

    I only say this because drinking jew juice and reading can make one read a bit more, or less, into the actual content. And also, I think Lugh likes jew juice.

    Hey, just guess here for the fun of it.

    The value of Reed is his perspective on what was really going on, despite his personal feelings on religion. He was an honorable man by not taking the easy way out. If a man strives to share truths with others for no personal advantage, I care not what his personal religious beliefs are; mildly curious, yes.

  7. His career prior was writing about anti german pro war propaganda, and the statement that his career was ruined is a joke because the book was published shortly before his death.
    And it's not a matter of his religious beliefs because the book is almost entirely about religion trying to redeem it from the Jews.
    That said, yes, there are some good points but after scanning it there wasn't anything I already knew.
    There are much better texts out there that aren't poisoned by this stuff.
    Disinfo is mostly good info and just enough poison.. don't waste your time.

  8. And Reed's view are practically exactly the same as Makows.
    In fact, I am now convinced Makow plagiarized everything he knows from him.

  9. A great book for many reasons. If you haven't read it, ignore the critics. Excellent on 20th century US.

    The Ultimate World Order — As Pictured in "The Jewish Utopia"

  10. http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Reed

    (no, it's not wikipedia).

  11. Giving book reviews on books you haven't even read lol

  12. The book that got Reed blacklisted was "Far and Wide", a commentary on the degenerate nature of modern (jewish led) society. Another good read. There's no reason to bother reading it, just do a quick googoo search and scan. That'll tell you all you need to know lol

    Every book that I don't agree with 100% is poison and disinfo!!!!

  13. He got his start talking about how Hitler was evil, helping to build up the war fervor... then he spouts a bunch of half truths about the jews and we're support to trust him!! HA!
    And I said I scanned it.. aka.. checked out every chapter got the jist about what he was saying.. I'm not reading a book by it's cover.. but I'm doing a quick summary of it's content.. something I'm rather good at.

  14. It's not it's it's its.


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