February 14, 2013

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.02.14

Charles takes calls and rants a couple of times.

Show Notes

64k CF Download


  1. goto this website for REAL ZCF http://web.archive.org/web/20130113174118/http://zioncrimefactory.com/

  2. REAL ZCF doc downloads http://www.myupload.dk/showfile/1Ssdo2826.rar
    u have to go to above web page first
    & click on last word
    download now

  3. "If you are a true 100% European and Delaney says otherwise this would not be
    what I would expect from a truthful Aryan. "
    no no no, I have been warning you, none of these are Aryan. there is a difference between being all white and all aryan. the entry gate, before even being considered aryan is blonde hair & blue eyes.
    the closest I have seen here is kyle hunt...

  4. Hahaha.... Charlie's the man! Holy shit, I love this guy and I'm glad he continues to call out these CI nut bags and the rest of the religious fruit loops too!

  5. Charlie Jewlianin is all about loving purple pussy lips. Yeah baby - he be lubbin dat purple twat. Oh? You didn't know he humps niggers?

    I guess you learn something new everyday.

    Maybe this analogy will help to clarify the shit skin problem.

    Imagine a situation where a great big storm is forecast to hit your area. Some of the people will go ahead and make reasonable preparations to ensure that they get through the storm ok.

    Some other people simply don’t prepare for the storm. For what ever reason, they just didn’t display any foresight and chose not to expend any resources in preparation for the coming storm.

    So the storm hits. The typical storm damage occurs. The people who did not prepare are look around for who’s going to save them and provide for them. If the storm is bad enough - government services are overwhelmed.
    So what do the unprepared do? They panic. They form flash mobs and they start looting. Eventually, they come to try to take from those that had the foresight to prepare.

    This is what shit skins do.
    This is why shit skins are here in your White country. They are here to sponge off the excess that you create. They sure can’t do that back in the 3rd world shit skin hole they crawled out of.

    They want YOU to provide for them. And when this jewish system crashes - they are going to come looting.

    The jews know this.

    This is the real reason why the jews want to disarm you. They want you to be murdered by their shit skin bio weapons.

    We do not benefit from having shit skins or half breeds among us.
    They represent a net loss.

    Here’s another analogy that underscores the worthlessness of shit skins.

    Lets say there’s a big flood coming. Everybody knows it’s coming but only a small group actually builds a life boat.

    So this lifeboat is adequate for 20 people.

    The flood comes and those 20 people jump in - and wait a minute……20,000 shit skins show up and want to jump into your lifeboat.

    Well, your White country is that little lifeboat amidst a vast sea of shit skins.

    You have no moral obligation to come to the aid of those shit skins. NONE.
    You have to save yourself.

  6. The moral to this story is:

    If the person in question preaches ANYTHING that is not good for White people, White children and their future —- they should simply be “eliminated”.

    They are enemy agents.

    Any preaching of any sort of multi-race/multi-kult is enemy propaganda.


    That simplified things.

    If someone is not on board with this – even if they write a bunch of stuff about the holy hoax – they are still your enemy. Listen, the jews know the holy hoax is falling apart. They know. So, what’s their fall-back position?

    It’s race mixing – stupid!!!!!

    They hope to simply drown your people in a cesspool of shit skins.

  7. Chrarlie purple pussy lover jewkiani wants to drown you in a cesspool of shit skins.

    And if you don't like it, he'll try to use jewey guilt and appeal to your sense of "fairness".


    If you fall for it - you deserve the mud slide.

  8. jewliain has half-breed "keeds".

    What do you expect?

    He's a fucking loser.

  9. Aryan is a title, meaning noble, idiots.
    Nothing to do with skin color or race.
    German greetings to the confused.

  10. Put JewelryAnti's real photograph up for this show.... you know.... the old mamzer WOP in a mottled housecoat with a rotary dildo earpiece squeezing out shit up to his ear cheeks??? Slip a laxative in Churleys matzo and check the toilet an hour after dinner.

  11. Charlie has stuck his balls out there more than any other practically. Be reasonable. There aren't alot of people in there 40's or 50's who grew up in lily white America who really understand the problem teens and 20 year olds now face. They didn't/don't have alot of skin in the game especially now that they are settled. People raised in the South of that same age,though,are much more wise and knowledgeable. You understand really only what you experience. RBG

  12. Charlie does more to expose jewish lies, religious mind control, and historical crimes than any of the CI shills and hitler worshippers put together. Hence why they all try to discredit him for pointing out the fact that in no way shape or form can whites take on the jews by themselves.

  13. I hope that everybody listens to this broadcast, esp. John Friend. Thanks Charlie, and to anonymous for the REAL ZCF lead. Happy Valentine's Day, anti-semites.

  14. HAHAHAHAHA,this stupid idiot that says that Aryan people are only with blue eyes and blond hair is probably a JEW that trys to divide white people cause of collor of their eyes and hair!BUT I THINK HE IS JUST STUPID LONELY GAY!

    If you ever left your shit hole and went to Europe,you would see that most of Germans are not blond as many european nations either!!
    like someone said ,Aryan is a title,a noble YOU FILTHY INCEST JEW!

    You can see that on every show of CG HE WRITES THE SAME GARBAGE ABOUT CG under various ANONYMOUS names!
    Eazy to see,same comments all afther each other!



  15. What is concerning, is that Jewliani not only demonizes Jesus but also demonizes our founding fathers who set up a Nation & Constitution for ONLY White European land owners (gotta have skin in the game). This is EXACTLY what Marxist Jews seek to do, destroy our Nation & culture.

    1. You mean jewsus and the Freemason jew-tool founders that purposely set this country up to be the jew's cash cow gravy train?

  16. Why don't you CI crazy ass morons. Go pray to Yahweh and ask for a talking Donkey for valentine day..

    No one gives a fuck what a talking donkey believer thinks,

    PS why would a god that created the whole universe give a fuck if you pray to him or not?

    Answer cause retards like CI believe in the Jewish fairy tale,, only a Jew could make up a dumb story like that and your dumb enough to fall for it....t

  17. Turn CI and you too can become an insta-jew deployng filthy tactics on your 'friends'. This is otherwise known as being Delaney-kneed. Kneed right in the crotch.

  18. What is sad, is that Charles attempts to apply his Judeo-Christian brainwashing (he is still a Judeo-Christian) of what particular passages in the Bible mean to Christian Identity, which has a whole different interpretation of the Bible.

    Similar to how these brainwashed Judeo-Americans apply the US Constitution to all races of men. Yet, when the US Constitution or the Bible talk about all "men" or all "nations" they are only referring to ONE RACE of man, not all races of men on Earth.

    If you had Charles attempt to explain the passages in our US Constitution that refer to "people" or "persons" or "men" he would give you the Judeo-American version and say this most certainly applies to ALL RACES OF PEOPLE OR MEN, even though that was not the original intent; until the Jew took it over and CHANGED OUR LAWS (sound familiar?).

  19. This is the most sickening thread I have seen yet on this site, nothing but off-topic nonsense aimed at promoting division.

  20. Maybe you should go back to concen where everything is clean and simple Diceman. lol

  21. I think we now know who are troll is that HATES Charlie's guts. It is Rick, a CI who hangs out at Charlie's chatroom and he can't even defend his book! LMAO



    Douglas Malloch

    In every town, in every street,
    In nearly every house you meet
    A little imp who wriggles in
    With half a sneer and half a grin
    And climbs up on your rocking chair
    Or creeps upon you anywhere
    And when he gets you very dear
    He just whispers something in your ear
    Some rumour of another's shame
    And Little Hearsay is his name
    He never really claims to know
    He's only heard that it's so
    And then he whispers it to you
    So you will go and whisper too
    For if enough will pass along
    The rumour even though it's wrong
    If John tells Henry, and Henry Joe
    And Joe tells Mary, and Mary Flo,
    And Flo tells Mildred, and Mildred Ruth
    It very soon may pass for truth
    You understand, this little elf
    He doesn't say he knows himself
    He doesn't claim it's really true
    He only whispers it to you
    Because he knows you'll go and tell
    Some other whisperer as well
    And so before the setting sun
    He gets the devil's mischief done
    And there is less of joy and good
    Around your little neighbourhood
    Look out for Hearsay when he sneaks
    Inside the house and slander speaks
    Just ask for proof in every case
    Just ask the name and date and place
    And if he says he only heard
    Declare you don't believe a word
    And tell him you will not repeat
    The silly chatter of the street
    However gossips smile and smirk
    Refuse to do the devil's work

  23. Charlie lays down the truth yet again! Kudos!

  24. What about the hearsay that is actually true and save's someone some grief? Don't mess with so and so cause he's a shyster and screwed so and so out of some dough.
    Go ahead and make up some pithy little rhyme full of meaning and portent about that eh. Tit for tat. Quid pro quo.
    You say don't gossip as it creates division. I say gossip cause it ferrets out the weasels. That is why Dasein has evolved gossip in the first place. It was good evolutionary strategy at least Mother Nature thought so. RBG

  25. I present to you the class of 2013 of anons who keep the truth for themselves. LOL


  26. pleqas Charles join us wi praise and worship You too can be saved. After arguing with a rastafarian who explained to me when I asked how could the light from stars hundreds of thousands of light years away have reached the earth if the universe waqs just created 6 thousand years ago he answered that they are all less than 6 thousand light years away. Now I know that the astronomers have been lying to us and are just part of a satanic plot.
    Come worship with me now that I have seen the light Delany, John Friennd, Andre are all here.

  27. Virgil: Aeneid IV. 156-278

    173 Extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes,
    Immediately Rumor goes through the great cities of Libya,

    174 Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum:
    Rumor, an evil than which no other [is] more swift:

    175 mobilitate viget virisque adquirit eundo,
    she thrives on movement and acquires strength by going,

    176 parva metu primo, mox sese attollit in auras
    small at first out of fear, soon she raises herself into the airs

    177 ingrediturque solo et caput inter nubila condit.
    and steps on the earth and hides her head among the clouds.

    Focus 3 :D

  28. @zapoper: simpler solution is to not read the comments.
    But sometimes curiosity gets the better of me.

    Felt it might help any newcomers to break the illusion that some kind of a discussion was taking place.

    1. This is my first visit and I don't think I will be coming back

  29. Passionate rant at 47 min !

    Hard to fake that.


  31. Anon @ 11:24

    Give your best shaloms to rabbi james for us, will yah donkey boy.

  32. J3133 screams:

    “But if someone’s going to tell me I need to stop using the word n***** or c*** when it is indeed an accurate reflection of the individual at which it is directed, what they’re telling me is to be nice? To turn the other cheek. To embrace the slave morality. To LIE. To avoid telling the truth because the truth isn’t politically correct. All this has ever led to is pandering to the mainstream, the mainstream that is owned and operated by J***, the mainstream that will never actually support us as long as they cling to their false religion: liberalism, modernism, feminism, weakness.”


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