February 22, 2013

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.02.22

Jewish role in the civil rights movement.

Show Notes

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  1. One of the best Giuliani shows ever. A must listen.

  2. I listened to this mans shows for quite some time and never saw the side of him ive seen the last few weeks. I will never listen to his shows again. White people are people too Mr giuliani.

  3. http://archive.org/details/LibraryOfPoliticalSecrets8-JewsWantToDominateTheNegroes1982

    -pass it around to the brothers.

  4. Also notice how giuliani tries to equate all white nationalists/ seperatists with CI and the jew book. Most of us agreed with him about the jew book. But after he gets mad about the debate with eli james he goes all out on any whites who dont want to live around negros. The man must not have much experience with them. He also has embraced the TUT diversity mantra. Blacks will never fight in the trenches against the jews not going to happen. They have too much to gain under judaic control. All the white women they could ever want and free stuff. I took him off my playlist of shows and will never listen again. Same with TUT.

  5. I rather listen to TUT then to buch of itelectual midgets like CI,skin heads or kkk hosts!

    He never atacked whites who dont want to live amongst other races.Dont plant words in his mouth that he didnt say!He clearly states that he has problem with CI,KKK,skin heads and similar groups like that!Call him up and ask him personaly about that!!

    These groups are nothing but idiots that cause problems for white race!Created by jews so they can point finger and say look how this whites are!Dont you understand this!

    Embracing the white culture means knowing your native language,art,music,folklore,being smart and educated,behaving with maners and pass all of that to your kids and grandkids.
    NOT being shaved,pierced and tatood while banging your bold head with some noise that can not be called music!
    Or coming together wearing silly heats while jerking off in front of a burning cros!
    And very much not, beliving that whites are the real jews!

    Its obvious that these groups do not bring anything good to white race and that they are planted by jews!
    Dont hate CG for your own stupidity,and for not seeing that!

    All this groups spend more time screaming about other races than the jews,they are there to divide and take heat of jewish question converting it to race hate!
    Blaming everyone that do not want to kill babys and other races a shill,trator when in fact they are the bigest trators to white race!

    Me as a white man from Europe see that you american white nasionalists are very confused with your whitenes!
    I never saw a smart educated white nationalist group from USA,its mostly this low life people that could even be manipulated to belive in talking donkeys!

    In Europe we (nationalists) endorce our countrys culture,tradition and history! But we also have problems amongst us eurpeans too, cause of the past!So we whites are also very deferent here too,but all white!

    So to me this so called white culture that this groups present is nothing but degeners filth that has nothing to do with white european culture,tradition or morals!Its a shame of white race,lowest of the lowest!
    Its not white,its jew hollywood filth!


  6. He lost ALOT of listeners with his anti white rhetoric. There are any of a number of more quality shows to listen to anyhow. Good riddance.

  7. It seems that some people were quite happy when Charlie was attacking Christianity; but as soon as he turns his attention to their particular sacred cows, it's a different story.

  8. C.I=CONVICTED INMATESFebruary 23, 2013 at 4:28 PM

    HAHAHA,anti white retoric!!LOL
    CI lunatics only hear what the donkey says!
    Lieing scum like you nobody needs,its better that you dont listen!Go to your wigger crew over at christoGAYnia!LOL

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfU_a6Q0Ilc&feature=player_embedded

    Watch what dr William Pierce says about skinheads and groups similar to them!
    A must see,starts about 4 minutes!

    Embracing the white culture means knowing your native language,art,music,folklore,being smart and educated,behaving with maners and pass all of that to your kids and grandkids.
    NOT being shaved,pierced and tatood while banging your bold head with some noise that can not be called music!
    Or coming together wearing silly heats while jerking off in front of a burning cros!
    And very much not, beliving that whites are the real jews!

  10. People have stop listening to him and this is a good thing. Everyone i know in my personal life stopped as well. Hard working white middle class people dont take too well to his star buck extreme leftist mentality. He has some stragglers but like DBS will not last forever.

  11. I'm not sure if some of these comments are hasbarat Juden or "well to do" supremacist imbeciles.

    Either way all I have seen from them are strawman arguments, Giuliani is against the Jew first & foremost, he is also against any Jew behavior such as supremacism.

    For the people going on all day race baiting and saying "Nigger" "Spic" etc. you feeble minded dupes can't even take any constructive critism for your cretinous behavior, even a man of intelligence will ally with old 'enemies' for the greater cause, you people though will be defeated unless this happens, the Jews have almost the entire populace in their hands, any intelligent person who can see clearly is an obvious benefit.

  12. ThusSpokeYahweh @@

    Its one and the same person commentig on all of CGs shows!
    You can see the patern on all of them and it would be clear to anyone!

    If you are not listening to his shows anymore, why do you have to tell us and repeat it like a idiot!
    Keep your personal shit to your self,nobody gives a fuck what you do in your silly life!
    Whats next,will you start sharing your private chats with the donkey??
    Great show as allways CG!
    Greetings from Europe!

  13. I dont care for Giuliani's know-it-all tone but this was an outstanding show. Give it a listen.

  14. I agree, one of Charlie's best shows. He is telling the truth about these jew created movements.

  15. Why were like 5 comments deleted off this post? I actually agreed with the guy who was arguing that you can bash jew-christianity and CI while at the same time not wanting to adopt blacks kids and embrace multiculturalism, as Guiliani suggests. What gives? Isn't this a "free speech" zone that the jews are supposed to be afraid of? Will this comment be deleted too?

  16. Anon wrote" at the same time not wanting to adopt blacks kids and embrace multiculturalism, as Guiliani suggests."

    He never suggested such a thing. Outright lies are being deleted.

  17. He implied it when he said he sobbed while watching the jew movie about the retarded black kid that got adopted by a white family and grew up to became a professional foolsball player. CG suggests that you're a lesser White man if you wouldnt do the same thing, in other words the bidding of the jew. And Fuck Yahweh, before some troll calls me CI because they seem to think you can't be against ChristJEWinsanity and for White survivalism at the same time.

  18. The only thing it implies is that Giuliani has a heart and compassion and before you make this about black and white shit, he also stated that there is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve our white heritage but he doesn't think that we have to bash other races and culture to do so. Plain and simple.


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